Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bank of England Fears Financial Meltdown

The BBC is reporting Banks warned over lending fears.
The Bank of England has warned that banks' fears of a financial meltdown may become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Banks previously over-willing to lend are now too reluctant, even with credit-worthy borrowers, it suggests.
My Comment: The psychology of deflation sets in. Banks are unwilling or unable to lend.
This increased fear of risk has itself undermined confidence in financial institutions and made them reluctant to lend to each other, the Bank adds.
My Comment: This is what happens when banks have a bloated balance sheet and deteriorating assets.
Its financial stability report suggests the credit exposure not declared by UK banks may be near to �100bn. The quarterly report says that there is a "significant increase" in the risk that a major bank collapse or reluctance to lend will disrupt the financial system.

In its quarterly Financial Stability Report, the Bank of England warns that there are potentially large exposures that have still not been declared by financial institutions.
My Comment: That suggests that banks may have insufficient capital to lend whether someone is a good credit risk or not.
However, the Bank points out that the freezing up of markets has meant that these estimated losses may be inflated because of the difficulty of pricing the complex securities which are now very difficult to value.

It says that "credit losses from the turmoil are unlikely ever to rise to levels implied by current market prices unless there is a significant deterioration in fundamentals."

And it estimates that total sub-prime losses could be reduced from $400bn to $200bn once market conditions return to normal.
My Comment: Market conditions may not return to "normal" for decades, if "normal" means anything like we have seen for the past 5 years. Otherwise, normal is likely to be years. Whatever "normal" means, talk of reduced loan losses is fantasy.
The Bank of England judges that there is a risk that "the currently elevated risk premia in some markets will persist".

"This could lead to a self-fulfilling adverse cycle in which persistent market illiquidity and falling asset prices further undermine confidence in banks and results in a sharper tightening of credit conditions."
My Comment: The risk is the BOE and the Fed manages to encourage more foolish lending. The more banks lend now, the bigger the defaults will be later. In a world awash in overcapacity, I fail to see the need for massive amounts of lending.
Lending drying up

The Bank's quarterly survey of credit conditions shows that lenders are tightening up credit sharply not just on home loans, but also on household lending and commercial loans to companies.

And the sources of future loans in wholesale money markets have also contracted sharply.

The market for "asset-backed securities" such as sub-prime and other mortgages has collapsed - with the value of such assets issued going from $700bn a quarter in the middle of 2007 to just $100bn in the first quarter of 2008.
My Comment: Tightening credit is the smart thing to do. Banks that tighten the most will lose the least.
The Bank of England argues that to rebuild financial confidence, it will continue to allow UK banks to swap illiquid assets with safe UK government securities.
My Comment: Swaps accomplish nothing. What is swapped today has to be swapped back later. Except in some make believe pretend world, virtually nothing is accomplished by swapping.

Get Ready To Cry For Argentina Again

Bloomberg is reporting Argentine Bonds Plunge on Mounting Default Concerns.
Argentine bonds show growing speculation that the country will default for the second time this decade as inflation and anti-government protests swell.

The nation's $10.8 billion of floating-rate dollar bonds due in 2012 yielded 7.20 percentage points more than Treasuries of similar maturity at 5:43 p.m. in New York. That implies an almost 20 percent chance of Argentina halting payments in the next two years, according to Credit Suisse Group. No other emerging-market government securities have as high a probability of default.

"Argentina has serious problems," said Igor Arsenin, an emerging-markets strategist at Credit Suisse in New York. "There's a lack of investor confidence. They are concerned lenders won't be willing to extend credit if this continues."
Wheels Fly Off Eurozone Economy

The Telegraph is reporting wheels fly off eurozone economy.
Spain's business federation warned that Spanish unemployment will rise by 500,000 by the summer unless the government takes "valiant measures" to offset the housing and construction crash. "For every dwelling not built, two workers will lose their jobs," said the group's president, Gerardo Diaz Ferran.
My Comment: That qualifies for the clown statement of the day. Is Spain supposed to do keep building houses no one needs just to keep people employed? Then again, perhaps there is a place for talent like that on Bush's team of economic advisers.
The country's credit group ASNEF said the volume of personal loans had dropped 30pc in the first quarter, the worst performance since the country's financial crisis in the early 1990s.

David Owen, an economist at Dresdner Kleinwort, said Europe would soon be engulfed by the twin effects of a "collapse in export volumes" and a slow motion credit squeeze. "The wheels are coming off the eurozone economy," he said.

BNP Paribas warned clients yesterday that the "decoupling story" was no longer credible. "We see Europe in the early stage of a credit crunch, and if we are right credit supply will shut down," it said. Key governors of the European Central Bank began to back away from their hawkish stance of recent weeks, clearly disturbed by the market perception that they are mulling a rate rise to choke off price rises.

France is succumbing to the slowdown. Insee business climate index fell harder than expected in April to 106, from 108 in March.

Eric Chaney, Europe strategist at Morgan Stanley, said the April survey by French corporate treasurers was "alarming", pointing to distress in the financial system. "Let's call a spade a spade, some sort of credit crunch is unfolding in the funding of French companies," he said.
Avalanche Of Redundancies In the UK

The Telegraph is reporting UK job cuts feared in economic slowdown.
Britain could be heading for an "avalanche of redundancies" in the coming months as economic reality finally catches up with the jobs market, a leading expert has warned.

John Philpott, of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, said that the labour market was now close to its peak, and that the rise in unemployment could be more sudden and sharp than in previous economic downturns.

At 5.2pc, the unemployment rate is currently the lowest in many years. The warning comes amid growing fears that, having enjoyed some of its best months on record, the jobs market is set for an imminent deterioration.

He said: "I don't believe the labour market can defy gravity. It would be a miracle if there weren't some softening. We probably have peaked and unemployment will go up a little bit. "The conditions are building for an avalanche - the question is whether there will be a trigger point. I suspect the housing market will hold the key. If you get a bigger shock than people are anticipating that will have a knock-on effect, which could cause jobs to tumble."
The global economy is clearly slowing. Increased bank lending makes little economic sense in this environment, and even less when one considers the precarious capital positions at most banks.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Unstoppable Credit Contraction

Steve Saville wrote an interesting article entitled Credit Contraction, Economic Bust, and Deflation. Inquiring minds will want to take a look.

Saville: Members of the deflation camp assert that the large-scale contraction of credit happening within the banking system means that deflation is upon us, even if the money supply is expanding. At the same time, another camp is pointing to the breathtakingly rapid growth in M3 money supply as evidence that hyperinflation is a near-term threat. In our opinion, both camps are wrong*.

The argument of the first camp can, we think, be summarised as follows: Inflation is an expansion in the total supply of money AND credit, whereas deflation is the opposite (a contraction in the total supply of money AND credit). At the present time the money supply may well be expanding, but this monetary expansion is being more than offset by credit contraction.

Mish: So far so good. That is nearly my exact argument. The only thing I want to add is that credit needs to be marked to market, as opposed to some inflated book value.

Saville: The flaw in the above argument can best be explained via a hypothetical example. Consider the case of Johnny, who wants to borrow $1M to buy a house. If Johnny borrows the money from his friend Freddy then the transaction results in a $1M increase in the amount of credit within the economy, but no inflation has occurred. All that has happened is that $1M of purchasing power has been temporarily transferred from Freddy to Johnny. By the same token, when Johnny pays Freddy back there is a contraction of credit, but no deflation. There is also no deflation even if Johnny defaults on his loan obligation to Freddy. In this case Freddy will have made a bad investment, but the money he lent to Johnny will still be somewhere in the economy. The point is that credit expansion is not inherently inflationary and credit contraction is not inherently deflationary.

Mish: The flaw in Saville's analysis is that I agree with him! The reason is that he is ignoring the word "net". When Johnny loaned his friend $1M, money supply (savings) decreased by $1M but credit expanded by $1M. In Saville's example there was no "net" expansion of money (savings) or credit. As I see it, we are in "violent agreement".

Saville: But what if Johnny, instead of borrowing the million dollars from Freddy, takes out a loan at his local bank and the bank makes the loan by creating new money 'out of thin air'? In this case inflation has certainly occurred. Nobody has had to temporarily forego purchasing power in order for Johnny to gain purchasing power, but the total existing supply of money has been devalued to some extent.

Mish: Bingo! That is inflation. No argument in this corner.

Saville: The critical difference is that when Johnny borrows from a bank the transaction leads to an increase in the supply of MONEY. Inflation is the increase in the supply of money that SOMETIMES results from credit expansion; it is not credit expansion per se.

Mish: In my opinion, the critical difference is that Saville misses the word "net", conveniently looking at credit all the time, while ignoring money supply the rest of the time.

Skipping ahead....

Saville: This leads to the question: is the money supply currently expanding? The answer is yes, but not anywhere near as rapidly as many people think. The chart at reveals that M3 has grown by a mind-boggling 19.5% over the past 12 months, but as was the case during the early 1990s it appears that this broad measure of money supply is currently giving a 'major league' FALSE signal.

Mish: I 100% agree with the notion that M3 is giving a false signal. That is the very premise behind my post MZM, M3 Show Flight to Safety.

Saville: Our preferred measures of money supply are TMS (True Money Supply) and what we call TMS+ (TMS plus Retail MMFs). TMS and TMS+ currently have year-over-year (YOY) growth rates of around 3% and 6%, respectively. In other words, our assessment is that the current US inflation (money-supply growth) rate is 3-6%. Inflation is still occurring, but at a much slower rate than it was during the early years of this decade.

Mish: I do not agree with adding MMFs to TMS as Saville does. I agree with the formulation of TMS and gave my reasons in Money Supply and Recessions.

Furthermore, and it is hard to say who is right or wrong given massive backward revisions in some Fed reporting and delays in other Fed reporting, but the latest M'/TMS numbers that I come up with (more accurately Bart at Now and Futures on my formulation) are as follows.

click on chart for sharper image

The above chart is as of April 18, 2008 as reported in MZM, M3 Show Flight to Safety.

Presumably it is the same as TMS. If it's not, one or more data series discrepancies may be at play, and given numerous backdated changes by the Fed as well as delays in reporting sweeps, I am not going to assume which series is correct. Close analysis will show near perfect correlation over time.

Finally, and this is key: Saville failed to mark credit to market! It is the marking to market process by which I state that deflation is here and now.

Please see Deflation In A Fiat Regime? and Now Presenting: Deflation! No one has rebutted the arguments presented in those links.

Saville: On a side note, the wrongness of M3's current signal is validated by the happenings in the financial world. Inflation-fueled booms generally continue until there is a deliberated or forced slowdown in the inflation rate, that is, the booms continue until the central bank takes steps to rein-in the inflation or until inflation slows under the weight of market forces.

Mish: I agree. Those looking at MZM are barking up the same incorrect tree.

Saville: It is also worth noting that although inflation is a major driving force behind the commodity bull market, commodity prices are generally still very low in REAL terms. Therefore, while we are anticipating a commodity shakeout over the next few months we think the long-term upward trend in the commodity world has a considerable way to go.

Mish: I fail to see how this fits into the debate. Commodity prices may indeed be very low in real (CPI adjusted) terms. Exactly what does that have to do with credit contraction/expansion other than perhaps propose the next bubble may very well be in commodities? If that is indeed the point, then I agree.

Saville: In conclusion, it is clear that inflation is still occurring in the US (and pretty much everywhere else, for that matter), albeit at a reduced rate. Furthermore, if it hasn't already done so it is likely that the inflation rate will bottom-out over the coming few months and then embark on its next major upward trend. It is possible that consumers are 'tapped out' and that the commercial banks are about to reduce the rate at which they lend, but the government will never be 'tapped out' and the central bank will always be able to monetise debt.

Mish: In conclusion, I do not see evidence supporting Saville's conclusion!

I feel he's failed to mark credit to market, to state why credit will not contract greater than central banks' attempt to inflate, to account for global wage arbitrage, walk-aways, boomer retirement and a shift away from consumption, $500 trillion of derivatives that can never be paid back and a secular shift from consumption to saving.

I see no explanation of how consumers and businesses are going to pay back debts in a world of declining real wages, wealth concentration at the extreme high end of the spectrum, global wage arbitrage, declining home prices, rising unemployment, overcapacity at every corner, and insane overbuilding of both commercial and residential real estate.

On the other hand, my thesis is simple: The Fed can address liquidity issues not solvency issues, and we are facing a solvency issue. And because of the enormous amount of debt in relation to the pool of real savings, there is no way that debt can be paid back. Debt that cannot be paid back will be defaulted on.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Proposed Fascist Powers For The Fed

The Financial Times is reporting Treasury eyes stronger powers for Fed.
The Federal Reserve could use proposed new regulatory powers to try to stop credit and asset market excesses from reaching the point where they threaten economic stability, the US Treasury said on Tuesday.

David Nason, assistant secretary for financial institutions, said the Fed could even use its proposed �macro-prudential� authority to order banks, hedge funds and other entities to curtail strategies that put financial stability at risk.

By �leaning against the wind� in this way, the US central bank could �attempt to prevent broad economic dislocations caused by potential excesses�, he said.

The proposed new powers � outlined in a Treasury blueprint published last month � require legislation and may never be authorised. But policymakers see the plan as offering a template for future regulation.

The blueprint envisages giving the Fed roving authority to collect, analyse and publish market data from a wide range of institutions, from banks to hedge funds.

�The market stability regulator must have access to detailed information about all types of financial institutions,� said Mr Nason.

Hedge funds are uneasy about this proposal. However, many European central bankers are eager to acquire the kind of macro-prudential powers the Treasury would like to give to the Fed.
Free Market In Jeopardy

Mr Practical is concerned about a Free Market In Jeopardy.
Do not underestimate the dark power of this legislation and do not listen to the innocuous presentation by government officials.

The proposal essentially would grant vast authority to the Federal Reserve and the government to virtually control markets. It will give them the ability to gather private market information and unilaterally decide if positions taken with that private money for private investment is somehow negative for the financial system. It could then force the unwinding of those positions. Initially the powers will be used to supposedly prevent over leverage in the system (that the Fed created itself). But it doesn't exclude the situation where a hedge fund that is long puts can be forced to unwind those puts at the government's discretion.

The Federal Reserve and the treasury are very clever in blaming free markets for the mess we're in to garner more power. Ironically it's government intervention in markets that has caused the problem in the first place. Through their policies creating negative real interest rates for years, speculative forces in the economy have been able to create vast amounts of debt.

If we continue to bend to government, we will eventually get what we deserve, fascism. Not the Hitler kind of fascism, but simply the government existing and growing for the sake of the government and not the people. This will result in even more massive mis-allocation of capital and stagnation. It will result in slower technological development and a much lower standard of living for our children.

A Disgusted Mr. P
Fed Uncertainty Principle Strikes Again

Fed Uncertainty Principle Corollary Number Two: The government/quasi-government body most responsible for creating this mess (the Fed), will attempt a big power grab, purportedly to fix whatever problems it creates. The bigger the mess it creates, the more power it will attempt to grab. Over time this leads to dangerously concentrated power into the hands of those who have already proven they do not know what they are doing.

The Fed has blown bubble after bubble with their economic policy. Instead of removing the Fed, we are seeing new fascist proposals.

The only market stability regulator that is needed is called gold. It's no wonder credit exploded after Nixon closed the gold window. A gold standard in conjunction with the elimination of the Fed, elimination of fractional reserve lending, and balanced budgets out of Congress is what it takes to cure the problem, not increased fascist powers by those who created the mess.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Samsung i100 and i80 Digital Camera VLUU i Series

Samsung i100 and i80 Digital Camera VLUU i Series

Samsung Techwin�s launch two new digital cameras Samsung i100 and Samsung i80 which is the i Series Samsung VLUU lineup.


Equipped with a sensor 10.2 megapixel and 3x optical zoom, VLUU i100 comes in your choice of silver, dark gray, brown and red. The adoption of a sensor 8.2M with 3x optical zoom and a target of 3-inch wide-screen LCD, VLUU i80 comes in two different colors, including black and silver.

Targeting a new consumer credit, known as �Digital Nomad�, the i80 and VLUU i100 supports multi-function, loading station enables data transmission and charge the battery with USB cable, without an adapter. Other characteristics of two models of digital camcorders, MP3, PMP, the text viewer, voice recorder and more.

The recommended price is 378,000 Korea Won for the Samsung i100 model and 298,000 Korea Won for Samsung i80.

(Via Daily Computer Electronic Cell Phone Digital Camera Review.)

Sealife DC800 Underwater Camera

Sealife DC800 Underwater Camera

Sealife DC800 Underwater Camera

Sealife today introduced the DC800 Underwater Digital Camera. The 8MP camera comes equipped with a 2.7-inch LCD display, wide-angle lens, SD/SDHC card support, and 4x optical zoom. What makes this camera cool is that it sports five underwater modes. Priced at $549, the DC800 is able to work perfectly at 200 feet underwater.

(Via The Digital Camera Blog.)

Samsung i100 and i80 Digital Camera VLUU i Series

Samsung i100 and i80 Digital Camera VLUU i Series

Samsung Techwin�s launch two new digital cameras Samsung i100 and Samsung i80 which is the i Series Samsung VLUU lineup.


Equipped with a sensor 10.2 megapixel and 3x optical zoom, VLUU i100 comes in your choice of silver, dark gray, brown and red. The adoption of a sensor 8.2M with 3x optical zoom and a target of 3-inch wide-screen LCD, VLUU i80 comes in two different colors, including black and silver.

Targeting a new consumer credit, known as �Digital Nomad�, the i80 and VLUU i100 supports multi-function, loading station enables data transmission and charge the battery with USB cable, without an adapter. Other characteristics of two models of digital camcorders, MP3, PMP, the text viewer, voice recorder and more.

The recommended price is 378,000 Korea Won for the Samsung i100 model and 298,000 Korea Won for Samsung i80.

(Via Daily Computer Electronic Cell Phone Digital Camera Review.)

Sealife DC800 Underwater Camera

Sealife DC800 Underwater Camera

Sealife DC800 Underwater Camera

Sealife today introduced the DC800 Underwater Digital Camera. The 8MP camera comes equipped with a 2.7-inch LCD display, wide-angle lens, SD/SDHC card support, and 4x optical zoom. What makes this camera cool is that it sports five underwater modes. Priced at $549, the DC800 is able to work perfectly at 200 feet underwater.

(Via The Digital Camera Blog.)

How to draw Manga Ninja character design, sketch, illustration for manga, comics, anime step by step and video tutorial.

Learn to Draw and Sketch Manga ninja male character design for comics, manga, anime, and illustration sketch.
Learn from Step by step and video tutorial. Drawing and sketching step by step: male character design for manga, video game, and comics basic. The process shows from basic sketching to finish drawing quick concept for comics cartoon illustration, manga, anime. The video demonstrates and narrates how to quickly create an efficient concept design from concept idea into visual. How to put rough idea onto the paper sketch and create fantasy or sci-fi character concept art online lesson for comics cartoon illustration, manga, and anime.

Here are step by step still images (process)

Here is a final Sketch: NINJA

Watch the video tutorial: How to draw Manga Ninja

Drawing Software & Tools I used and recommended:
-Genius MousePen 6x8
-Wacom Intuos3 6X8 Pen Tablet
-Bamboo (Small) Pen Tablet (new from Wacom!)
Economy for everyone.
-Gimp (Free Download)
-Adobe Photoshop CS2 (Professional software)
*You can just use pencil, paper, markers on this one...just practice rendering.

Character Design Tutorial Download
Character Design Tutorial Download

New tutorials:
-How to draw Street Fighter RYU anime
-How to draw Manga Ninja Girl
-How to sketch thumbnail concept environment
-How to draw comics woman, punk theft.
-Learn to draw eye, female sideview
-How to draw a Wizard woman comics style
-How to draw Panda
-How to draw eye female
-How to draw a Demon Creature
-Learn to draw woman face sideview or profile.
-Learn to draw Manga Women in Mecha Combat Armor.
-Learn to draw Dragon #015
-How to draw Manga Female Body Figure
-How to draw Manga character design

Photoshop & Wacom Tutorials:
-How to make a Photoshop custom brush #1
-How to make a Photoshop custom brush #2

Thanks for all overwhelming e-mails guys!!! Due to the high volume of e-mails and questions, I apologized that I cannot usually reply to you within a day or two. I will try my best to answer them all personally and get all the questions answer either by Videos or Post.
Also check out the full length video tutorial download: how to design character concept Dark Valkyrie.

** If you have any basic questions or specific please looked up Q/A section. Most of the time your questions has already been answered in Q/A.
If you need any help or support goto: our community will be able to help you.

Great Day, Peace!!!

Subal ND30 underwater housing for Nikon D300 dSLR review

When the Nikon D300 was released last summer (�07) I along with many other underwater photographers recognised that its introduction coupled with the relatively low retail price would substantially influence uwp world over. In my role as uwp educator I decided to �jump on the bandwagon� and upgrade from my trusty, reliable and much loved D200.

You need to know that I have favoured Nikon since my days with a Nikon F2 and Oceanic housings of the 80�s. I have owned and used Subal housings since the introduction of the Nikon F801 in the early 1990�s. In my teaching role I regularly instruct in Ikelite, Sea & Sea, Nexus and Hugyfot DSLR housings. Whilst I�ll endeavour to be impartial as I can, the influence that Nikon and Subal have had on my own photographic career cannot be ignored. I am unable to compare the D300 against our Canon cousins but I do have sufficient experience using the D200 to compare against the Nikon D300.

Martin Edge

more : wetpixel

Subal ND30 underwater housing for Nikon D300 dSLR review

When the Nikon D300 was released last summer (�07) I along with many other underwater photographers recognised that its introduction coupled with the relatively low retail price would substantially influence uwp world over. In my role as uwp educator I decided to �jump on the bandwagon� and upgrade from my trusty, reliable and much loved D200.

You need to know that I have favoured Nikon since my days with a Nikon F2 and Oceanic housings of the 80�s. I have owned and used Subal housings since the introduction of the Nikon F801 in the early 1990�s. In my teaching role I regularly instruct in Ikelite, Sea & Sea, Nexus and Hugyfot DSLR housings. Whilst I�ll endeavour to be impartial as I can, the influence that Nikon and Subal have had on my own photographic career cannot be ignored. I am unable to compare the D300 against our Canon cousins but I do have sufficient experience using the D200 to compare against the Nikon D300.

Martin Edge

more : wetpixel

Sealux CD300 Housing for the Nikon D300 Review

Whilst my previous two Sealux housings were functional and durable (see for reviews) the CD300 shows an improvement in aesthetics and ergonomics with the introduction of some subtle changes including: curved handles and conically tapered flat ports for close-up and macro work.

A feature on Sealux housings which I think is a good design attribute is the raised inner lip on the housing body which stops water falling back into the housing when the housing back is removed after a dive. This also serves as a guide to placement of the lid on the housing body for sealed closure.

Attention to detail is evident in the design of the CD300. Mineral glass rather than polycarbonate is used for the window over the D300 monitor display and this does justice to the resolution and clarity of the D300�s display. This is an important feature and one which rated highly in my deciding whether to purchase. The monitor window is visible with the 150 degree viewfinder rotated to any of its selectable positions. As with other Sealux DSLR housings, tested depth rating is given as 90 metres.

The CD300 allows for an additional ball mount to be installed in the threaded socket provided on the centre top of the housing to mount a focus light or other accessory. This effectively gives four possible mounting points on the housing for strobes and accessories; one on each arm, a third one on the left hand side and the ball mount at centre top. Two different size ball fittings are available. The additional ball mount can be unscrewed to allow the housing to fit in my cabin bag without the ball protruding.

Colin Gans

more : digideep

Sealux CD300 Housing for the Nikon D300 Review

Whilst my previous two Sealux housings were functional and durable (see for reviews) the CD300 shows an improvement in aesthetics and ergonomics with the introduction of some subtle changes including: curved handles and conically tapered flat ports for close-up and macro work.

A feature on Sealux housings which I think is a good design attribute is the raised inner lip on the housing body which stops water falling back into the housing when the housing back is removed after a dive. This also serves as a guide to placement of the lid on the housing body for sealed closure.

Attention to detail is evident in the design of the CD300. Mineral glass rather than polycarbonate is used for the window over the D300 monitor display and this does justice to the resolution and clarity of the D300�s display. This is an important feature and one which rated highly in my deciding whether to purchase. The monitor window is visible with the 150 degree viewfinder rotated to any of its selectable positions. As with other Sealux DSLR housings, tested depth rating is given as 90 metres.

The CD300 allows for an additional ball mount to be installed in the threaded socket provided on the centre top of the housing to mount a focus light or other accessory. This effectively gives four possible mounting points on the housing for strobes and accessories; one on each arm, a third one on the left hand side and the ball mount at centre top. Two different size ball fittings are available. The additional ball mount can be unscrewed to allow the housing to fit in my cabin bag without the ball protruding.

Colin Gans

more : digideep

Sony Alpha 350 Review

What's in a name? With DSLRs, not much. Case in point: Sony's new Alpha 350 ($800, street, body only; $900 with 18-70mm f/3.5-5.6 Sony DT lens). Based on quick math, you might guess it's half the camera the Alpha 700 ($1,300, body only) is. But the A350 actually boasts a higher-megapixel (14.2) sensor than the A700, plus several conveniences such as a tilting LCD and a live-view mode with fast autofocusing.

Then again, Sony didn't design the A350 to compete against advanced DSLRs such as the A700. It's geared toward photographers coming from digital compacts, who may be drawn to its live view, high megapixel count, compact size, and friendly price. The A350's closest competitors in terms of megapixels, the 14.6MP Pentax K20D and Samsung GX-20, both cost $500 more. The Canon EOS Rebel XSi, priced similarly to the A350, offers 12.2MP. And the less-expensive Nikon D60 and Pentax K200D pack 10.2MP.

Experienced DSLR shooters know that megapixels don't tell the whole story, and the A350 confirms this. In Pop Photo Lab tests, the A350's APS-sized 14.2MP sensor delivered less detail (average 2150 lines of resolution at ISO 100-800) than the 12.2MP Sony A700 (2280 lines). Resolution was significantly below the 2350 lines of the Pentax K20D at ISO 100, and nearly the same as the Pentax at ISO 6400 with noise reduction on. (Indeed, the Sony captured detail on par with the 10.1MP Canon EOS 40D.)

Michael J. McNamara

more : popphoto

Sony Alpha 350 Review

What's in a name? With DSLRs, not much. Case in point: Sony's new Alpha 350 ($800, street, body only; $900 with 18-70mm f/3.5-5.6 Sony DT lens). Based on quick math, you might guess it's half the camera the Alpha 700 ($1,300, body only) is. But the A350 actually boasts a higher-megapixel (14.2) sensor than the A700, plus several conveniences such as a tilting LCD and a live-view mode with fast autofocusing.

Then again, Sony didn't design the A350 to compete against advanced DSLRs such as the A700. It's geared toward photographers coming from digital compacts, who may be drawn to its live view, high megapixel count, compact size, and friendly price. The A350's closest competitors in terms of megapixels, the 14.6MP Pentax K20D and Samsung GX-20, both cost $500 more. The Canon EOS Rebel XSi, priced similarly to the A350, offers 12.2MP. And the less-expensive Nikon D60 and Pentax K200D pack 10.2MP.

Experienced DSLR shooters know that megapixels don't tell the whole story, and the A350 confirms this. In Pop Photo Lab tests, the A350's APS-sized 14.2MP sensor delivered less detail (average 2150 lines of resolution at ISO 100-800) than the 12.2MP Sony A700 (2280 lines). Resolution was significantly below the 2350 lines of the Pentax K20D at ISO 100, and nearly the same as the Pentax at ISO 6400 with noise reduction on. (Indeed, the Sony captured detail on par with the 10.1MP Canon EOS 40D.)

Michael J. McNamara

more : popphoto

Pentax K200D Review

In the last three years, there have been a slew of advances in the realm of digital SLRs, and Pentax's K200D includes a lot of them. We've seen the megapixels grow to the point that entry-level models now sport 10MP sensors. Advanced color controls let you shift the white balance to add a little warmth or compensate for especially strange lighting. In some entry-level dSLRS, including this one, you can even find wireless flash control. That doesn't mean that advanced amateurs and pros don't have reasons to step up to fancier models. It does mean, though, that SLR newbies have access to cameras that can keep pace with their growing photographic prowess.

The K200D sports a compact body design with an understated and comfortable grip. It has a slight arc inward at the top and protrudes far enough forward to give you something solid to hold onto. Four AA batteries find their home inside the grip and, if you use lithium batteries, they'll last longer than rechargeables or alkalines. According to Pentax, lithiums will give you 550 shots, assuming that the flash was fired for half of them. NiMH rechargeables will give you 400 shots under the same conditions, while alkalines only serve up 80. The environmentalist hippie in me says that you should use the rechargeables. Pentax also says that the K200D's body includes 60 rubber seals, making it water and dust resistant, though not waterproof, so don't try using it underwater without a proper underwater housing. You can feel a little better about taking it skiing with you, though.

Philip Ryan

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Pentax K200D Review

In the last three years, there have been a slew of advances in the realm of digital SLRs, and Pentax's K200D includes a lot of them. We've seen the megapixels grow to the point that entry-level models now sport 10MP sensors. Advanced color controls let you shift the white balance to add a little warmth or compensate for especially strange lighting. In some entry-level dSLRS, including this one, you can even find wireless flash control. That doesn't mean that advanced amateurs and pros don't have reasons to step up to fancier models. It does mean, though, that SLR newbies have access to cameras that can keep pace with their growing photographic prowess.

The K200D sports a compact body design with an understated and comfortable grip. It has a slight arc inward at the top and protrudes far enough forward to give you something solid to hold onto. Four AA batteries find their home inside the grip and, if you use lithium batteries, they'll last longer than rechargeables or alkalines. According to Pentax, lithiums will give you 550 shots, assuming that the flash was fired for half of them. NiMH rechargeables will give you 400 shots under the same conditions, while alkalines only serve up 80. The environmentalist hippie in me says that you should use the rechargeables. Pentax also says that the K200D's body includes 60 rubber seals, making it water and dust resistant, though not waterproof, so don't try using it underwater without a proper underwater housing. You can feel a little better about taking it skiing with you, though.

Philip Ryan

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Canon EOS 450D / Rebel XSi hands-on preview

Four and a half years have passed since the first affordable digital SLR from Canon; the EOS 300D (Digital Rebel). In that time we have witnessed two further iterations (the EOS 350D and EOS 400D) leading up to todays fourth generation EOS 450D, with twice the megapixel count of the original (twelve versus six) in a smaller body with a far wider range of functionality and features and a $200 lower list price. Since those heady days in 2004 when the EOS 300D was the only kid on the block we've seen Nikon, Pentax and Olympus all attempt to hit the same sweet spot of size, features and price at the 'lower end' of the DSLR market, with varying degrees of success. Without a doubt the EOS 450D will have to do more today to prove itself against the popular Nikon D40 / D40X / D60 and to a lesser degree the Pentax K200D and Olympus E-420.

On the third page of this review you'll find a detailed breakdown of all of the changes and updates compared to the EOS 400D but the headlines are; a larger 3.0" LCD monitor, Live View with both passive and contrast detect AF, Spot metering, improved auto-focus, 3.5 fps continuous shooting a larger viewfinder and a switch SD/SDHC for storage (all previous cameras in this range were Compact Flash). Other features appear to be inherited from the EOS 40D; 14-bit image pipeline, Highlight Tone priority, optional High ISO noise reduction, 'My Menu' and display of the ISO sensitivity on the viewfinder status line.

more : dpreview

Canon EOS 450D / Rebel XSi hands-on preview

Four and a half years have passed since the first affordable digital SLR from Canon; the EOS 300D (Digital Rebel). In that time we have witnessed two further iterations (the EOS 350D and EOS 400D) leading up to todays fourth generation EOS 450D, with twice the megapixel count of the original (twelve versus six) in a smaller body with a far wider range of functionality and features and a $200 lower list price. Since those heady days in 2004 when the EOS 300D was the only kid on the block we've seen Nikon, Pentax and Olympus all attempt to hit the same sweet spot of size, features and price at the 'lower end' of the DSLR market, with varying degrees of success. Without a doubt the EOS 450D will have to do more today to prove itself against the popular Nikon D40 / D40X / D60 and to a lesser degree the Pentax K200D and Olympus E-420.

On the third page of this review you'll find a detailed breakdown of all of the changes and updates compared to the EOS 400D but the headlines are; a larger 3.0" LCD monitor, Live View with both passive and contrast detect AF, Spot metering, improved auto-focus, 3.5 fps continuous shooting a larger viewfinder and a switch SD/SDHC for storage (all previous cameras in this range were Compact Flash). Other features appear to be inherited from the EOS 40D; 14-bit image pipeline, Highlight Tone priority, optional High ISO noise reduction, 'My Menu' and display of the ISO sensitivity on the viewfinder status line.

more : dpreview

EOS-1D Mark III Firmware Update Version 1.2.3

This firmware update (Version 1.2.3) incorporates the following improvements.

  • Includes the following new features that were frequently requested by customers to the new firmware.

a. Direct selection of AF points by the Multi-controller is added to C.Fn III-9.
b. Alternate access to Exposure compensation is added to C.Fn IV-3.
c. With the camera�s External Speedlite control menu, Flash function settings can be used to set the Wireless setting and Zoom.

  • Improves the stability of AF accuracy in AI servo AF when shooting extremely low-contrast subjects.

The Version 1.2.3 firmware being released this time is for cameras with firmware up to Version 1.1.3. If the camera's firmware is already Version 1.2.3, it is not necessary to update the firmware.

source : canon

EOS-1D Mark III Firmware Update Version 1.2.3

This firmware update (Version 1.2.3) incorporates the following improvements.

  • Includes the following new features that were frequently requested by customers to the new firmware.

a. Direct selection of AF points by the Multi-controller is added to C.Fn III-9.
b. Alternate access to Exposure compensation is added to C.Fn IV-3.
c. With the camera�s External Speedlite control menu, Flash function settings can be used to set the Wireless setting and Zoom.

  • Improves the stability of AF accuracy in AI servo AF when shooting extremely low-contrast subjects.

The Version 1.2.3 firmware being released this time is for cameras with firmware up to Version 1.1.3. If the camera's firmware is already Version 1.2.3, it is not necessary to update the firmware.

source : canon

EOS-1Ds Mark III Firmware Update Version 1.1.2

This firmware update (Version 1.1.2) incorporates the following improvements.

  • Includes the following new features that were frequently requested by customers to the new firmware.

a. Direct selection of AF points by the Multi-controller is added to C.Fn III-9.
b. Alternate access to Exposure compensation is added to C.Fn IV-3.

  • Improves the stability of AF accuracy in AI servo AF when shooting extremely low-contrast subjects.

The Version 1.1.2 firmware being released this time is for cameras with firmware up to Version 1.0.6. If the camera's firmware is already Version 1.1.2, it is not necessary to update the firmware.

source : canon

EOS-1Ds Mark III Firmware Update Version 1.1.2

This firmware update (Version 1.1.2) incorporates the following improvements.

  • Includes the following new features that were frequently requested by customers to the new firmware.

a. Direct selection of AF points by the Multi-controller is added to C.Fn III-9.
b. Alternate access to Exposure compensation is added to C.Fn IV-3.

  • Improves the stability of AF accuracy in AI servo AF when shooting extremely low-contrast subjects.

The Version 1.1.2 firmware being released this time is for cameras with firmware up to Version 1.0.6. If the camera's firmware is already Version 1.1.2, it is not necessary to update the firmware.

source : canon

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Nikon D60 10.2MP Digital SLR Camera with 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G AF-S DX VR Nikkor Zoom Lens

18-55mm AFS DX Nikkor / Fast Start-up / Active Dust Reduction / 2.5" LCD / Up to 3 Frames per second / SD and SDHC Memory Slot Up to 36 characters of alphanumeric text input available / Date imprint - Date, Date and Time, Date Counter, or None (selectable) Eye-level penta-Dach mirror single-lens reflex viewfinder File system - DCF (Design Rule for Camera File System) 2.0, DPOF (Digital Print

Sony Cybershot DSCH50 9.1MP Digital Camera with 15x Optical Zoom with Super Steady Shot

The Sony DSC-H50 is a full-featured point-and-shoot with outstanding high-power zoom capability and fast shutter speed. It includes Smile Shutter technology which capture smiles the moment they happen, as well as Face Detection technology to optimize flash, focus, exposure and white balance for up to eight faces. Capture detailed images with 9.1 megapixel resolution, and get in close to the

Kodak EasyShare Z1012 10.1MP Digital Camera with 12x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom

PRODUCT FEATURES:12x zoomOptical image stabilizationAmazing quality prints with 10.1 MPBest-in-class click-to-capture speedHD picture captureHD video featuresHigh ISO modeSmart capturePanorama stitch modeHistogram featureOn-camera editing featuresFace detection technologyMultimedia slideshowText and sound taggingKodak Perfect Touch technologyInternal memory plusMultiple scene modes5 color

Canon WP-DC19 Underwater housing for Canon SD950IS Digital Cameras

The WP-DC19 Underwater Case for Canon SD950IS Digital Cameras protects your camera from sea water, sand or whatever else you can throw at it. This All-Weather Case offers a new shooting possibility to help you realize the full potential of digital photography. You can also use it to take pictures where it is snowing, raining, dusty or excessively humid.>View more or buy this product ...

Casio Exilim EX-Z75 7.2MP Digital Camera with 3x Anti Shake Optical Zoom (Pink)

The Exilim Zoom EX-Z75 Digital cameras features a Wide LCD Display for improved image viewing and ease of use while delivering an effective 7.2 Megapixels. The EX-Z75 features the slim looks, quick shooting style including Anti Shake DSP for reducing photo blur due to shaky hands or moving subjects. Its 2.5-inch wide LCD display, makes it enjoyable for users to capture breathtaking wide aspect

Olympus Evolt E420 10MP Digital SLR Camera with 25mm f/2.8 Pancake Zuiko Lens

Olympus Evolt E-420 DSLR is small enough to fit into a purse or a jacket pocket and light enough to shoot with comfortably all day. Measuring 5.1 inches by 3.6 inches by 2.1 inches (excluding protrusions), it is the world's smallest digital SLR. And at a featherweight 13.4 ounces. The innovative and unique Olympus Autofocus Live View function allows you to frame and focus your photos using the

UN Studio in NYC

Today UN Studio unveiled its design for Five Franklin Place, the latest celebrity-architect-designed Manhattan condo.


Potential buyers will need to shell out between $2 million and $16 million for one of the 55 residences, comprised of apartments, duplex lofts, or duplex townhouses.


As can be surmised, the 20-story building is located at 5 Franklin Place, between Broadway and Sixth in Tribeca.

View Larger Map

The design's horizontal emphasis is articulated by Ben van Berkel's signature ribbons, in this case twisting bands that occasionally rise and fall as they wrap the building.


The architect uses the following as illustrations of inspiration for this design:


The renderings make it appear that the justification is unnecessary; it's just a darn sexy design.


The attempt at integrating the interior design with the exterior is apparent, but the inside isn't nearly as successful.


This last piece of eye candy shows how the external expression likewise isn't as striking on the inside. The more equalized hierarchy of the horizontals and the verticals is inelegant, fence-like even, something not abated by the twisting island.


These images point to perhaps too much energy spent on the building's exterior and not enough on its resolution inside. Regardless, I'm sure the 55 units will have no problem being snatched up by those who can afford them.

Nonstop Entertainment Analyzing Citigroup

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Citigroup is back raising capital. I went to call this post Ponzi Financing at Citigroup, but alas that title was already taken. I am running out of titles for Citigroup. Seriously, I am going to write this post, then figure out the title. So when you see the title, realize it was formulated at the end.

CNN Money is reporting Citigroup To Sell $3 Billion In Stock To Boost Capital.
Citigroup Inc. (C) is going back to the markets for more funds, less than two weeks after reporting nearly $14 billion in write- downs and a week after selling $6 billion in preferred stock.

Unlike the sale of preferred stock, Citigroup's sale of common stock will further dilute its shareholders. Ratings agencies, however, give more credit to common equity and don't like to see too much preferred in banks' capital structures.

"We are issuing common equity at this time as we continue to optimize our capital structure," Gary Crittenden, Citigroup's chief financial officer, said in a release.
Mish Translation: We have filled up our preferred bucket and this is where it gets nasty for us and anyone silly enough to buy our stock at these prices.
Citigroup has already raised more than $36 billion in fresh capital by selling stakes to long-term investors like sovereign wealth funds and by issuing preferred stock. The bank has done so to plug the hole opened by more than $35 billion in write-downs to reflect losses on complicated securities backed by mortgages, high-risk loans like those made to fund LBOs and other damage related to the credit crisis.

Citigroup could sell more than the $3 billion in common stock if markets have the appetite.

"We're pleased with the strong interest we have already received regarding this issuance," Crittenden said in a release.
My Comment: Of course Crittenden is pleased. He is raising capital at cheap prices. As long as there is a pool of greater fools, he ought to try and raise $20 billion. Sad to say, I doubt $20 billion will be anywhere close to enough.
"Given market fundamentals, it's a very opportunistic time to issue," Matt Eagan, vice president and portfolio manager at Loomis, Sayles & Co. in Boston, said Tuesday.
My Comment: Fundamentals? The fundamentals are horrid. What's not horrid is sentiment and most think the bottom is in. I don't. Nonetheless, Eagan has this correct: "It's a very opportunistic time to issue". Indeed it is, because the bottom is in crowd just can't get enough of this garbage right now. Perhaps that is what Eagan meant.

Titles Taken
And kicking it off back on July 10,2007 was Quotes of the Day / Top Call
Chuck Prince - Citigroup Ceo

No End Soon to Buyout Boom: �When the music stops, in terms of liquidity, things will be complicated. But as long as the music is playing, you�ve got to get up and dance. We�re still dancing".

Mish reply.

If ever there was market arrogance, the statements by Chuck Prince says it all. ...
It's tough calling a top but I am going to try. I suggest the current trend is exhausted.
Citigroup Weekly Chart

click on chart for sharper image

To be fair my "top call" was for the S&P not Citigroup. The S&P made a marginal new high by 20-30 SPX points (about 2%+- for which I received many taunts) in October. There may be one more blast higher, but this rally looks about over.

A Word Of Thanks To Citigroup

I do want to thank Citigroup and Chuck Prince's arrogance for calling the exact top in Citigroup and damn near doing it for the entire index as well. In addition, I want to thank Citigroup for providing plenty of entertainment since June of 2007, continuing even after Prince danced out the door. And with that idea in place, I formulated the title of this post. Typically I start with some sort of title in mind.

Citigroup (C), Ambac (ABK), and Countrywide Financial (CFC) have been standouts in providing entertainment. However, Ambac will soon be worthless, and Countrywide will be taken over by Bank of America (BAC). So Citigroup will have to carry the entertainment torch single handedly. All indications are that Citigroup will be up to the task.

One thing is nearly certain. The bottom in Citigroup is unlikely to occur as long as it foolishly clings to a dividend it cannot afford.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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How to draw Street Fighter character, Ryu. Man character sketch illustration for manga anime and comics step by step and video tutorial.

Draw and Sketch Street Fighter character demo, Ryu manga, anime, and illustration sketch.

Learn from Step by step and video tutorial. Drawing and sketching step by step: female character design for manga, video game, and comics basic. The process shows from basic sketching to finish drawing quick concept for comics cartoon illustration, manga, anime. The video demonstrates and narrates how to quickly create an efficient sketch for character drawing into visual. How to put rough idea onto the paper sketch and create fantasy or sci-fi character concept art online lesson for comics cartoon illustration, manga, and anime.

This is pretty much a basic tutorial on how to draw male torso or upper body.
This tutorial is using Gimp (FREE software)

Here is step-by-step tutorial:

Here is a final sketch:

Watch the video: How to draw Street Fighter Ryu

Drawing Software & Tools I used and recommended:
-Genius MousePen 6x8
-Wacom Intuos3 6X8 Pen Tablet
-Bamboo (Small) Pen Tablet (new from Wacom!)
Economy for everyone.
-Gimp (Free Download)
-Adobe Photoshop CS2 (Professional software)
*You can just use pencil, paper, markers on this one...just practice rendering.

Character Design Tutorial Download
Character Design Tutorial Download

New tutorials:
-How to draw Manga Ninja Girl
-How to sketch thumbnail concept environment
-How to draw comics woman, punk theft.
-Learn to draw eye, female sideview
-How to draw a Wizard woman comics style
-How to draw Panda
-How to draw eye female
-How to draw a Demon Creature
-Learn to draw woman face sideview or profile.
-Learn to draw Manga Women in Mecha Combat Armor.
-Learn to draw Dragon #015
-Drawing Female jazz singer
-How to draw Manga Female Body Figure
-How to draw Manga character design

Photoshop & Wacom Tutorials:
-How to make a Photoshop custom brush #1
-How to make a Photoshop custom brush #2

Thanks for all overwhelming e-mails guys!!! Due to the high volume of e-mails and questions, I apologized that I cannot usually reply to you within a day or two. I will try my best to answer them all personally and get all the questions answer either by Videos or Post.
Also check out the full length video tutorial download: how to design character concept Dark Valkyrie.

** If you have any basic questions or specific please looked up Q/A section. Most of the time your questions has already been answered in Q/A.
If you need any help or support goto: our community will be able to help you.

Great Day, Peace!!!

Case-Shiller Shows Steep Declines In Home Prices

The February S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices are now out. The index shows declines in the prices of existing single family homes across the United States worsened in the second month of the new year, with 17 of the 20 now reporting MSAs posting record low annual declines, 10 of which are in double-digits.

The following chart was produced by "TC" who has been monitoring C.A.R. data, DQNews data, and Case-Shiller Data. Although individual cities topped at varying times, the top-10 and top-20 cities peaked in a June-July 2006 timeframe.

Let's take a look.

click on chart for sharper image

"TC" writes: I've included data available from the CME Futures market so your viewers can see when people are betting the downturn will end and how much lower it will go. The CME Futures market only trades the top 10 cities.

One interesting "transition" since I last checked the Futures quotes (I do so monthly upon the release of the Case-Shiller data) is that West Coast markets are now predicted to decline further than previously forecast, yet bottom sooner. That seems rather odd to me and it may be because the Real Estate Futures Market is so thinly traded that its forecasting ability is limited.

Inquiring minds will also want to take a look at commentary from Calculated Risk on Case-Shiller: Year-over-year Price Changes.

click on chart for larger view

Calculated Risk discussed the discrepency between Case-Shiller and the OFHEO (Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight) in House Prices: Comparing OFHEO vs. Case-Shiller and House Price Indices.

Following is a sip from the first link above.
This suggests that one of main differences between OFHEO and Case-Shiller was that Case-Shiller included many non-agency homes financed with subprime loans. These homes saw more appreciation during the boom, and are now seeing larger price declines.

Whatever the reasons, the Case-Shiller index seems to more accurately reflect the current price declines in the housing market, as opposed to the OFHEO index. And this has significant implications for the economy.

The Fed uses the OFHEO index to calculate the changes in household real estate assets. If the OFHEO index understated appreciation during the boom that means households have MORE real estate assets, and more equity, than the current Flow of Funds report suggests.

That sounds like good news, but ... that also means that during the housing boom, the wealth effect was larger, and the impact on GDP greater, than current estimates. This also means - if OFHEO understated appreciation - that the negative wealth effect, and the drag on GDP, will be probably be greater than expected during the housing bust.
Leave it to the government and the Fed to cause the housing bubble, to totally screw up measurement of the housing bubble, and to screw up the measurement of the housing bust as well. It's a perfect track record of incompetence.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Samsung NV 24HD Premium HD Camera

Samsung NV 24HD Premium HD Camera


The wait is over! Samsung Incorporation finally confirmed the release of its well-appreciated digital camera, the 'Samsung NV 24HD' Premium HD Camera. Way before its launch, the camera gained high popularity at the Consumers Electronic Show 2008, in Las Vegas and CeBIT in Hanover, Germany. Boasting a 10MP 24mm wide-angle 3.6x optical zoom Schneider lens, the camera integrates Samsung Techwin's advanced HD technology to deliver superior, High-Resolution, FULL HD images.

The NV24HD utilizes H.264 video standard to capture 1280x720 high quality motion pictures at 30 frames per second. The Anynet technology facilitates remote operation of the camera through Samsung DTV remote control for added convenience. The camera offers clearer, high quality output using the Dream Engine, a rapid image correction feature from Samsung. Other features include 6.4cm (2.5 inch) AM OLED (Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode) display, Dual Image Stabilization: Optical image stabilization (OIS) and Samsung's digital image stabilization (DIS), ACB (Auto Contrast Balance), face detection feature and self portrait function, Smile & Blink Detection and Red Eye Fix feature.


Samsung NV 24HD Premium HD Camera

Samsung NV 24HD Premium HD Camera


The wait is over! Samsung Incorporation finally confirmed the release of its well-appreciated digital camera, the 'Samsung NV 24HD' Premium HD Camera. Way before its launch, the camera gained high popularity at the Consumers Electronic Show 2008, in Las Vegas and CeBIT in Hanover, Germany. Boasting a 10MP 24mm wide-angle 3.6x optical zoom Schneider lens, the camera integrates Samsung Techwin's advanced HD technology to deliver superior, High-Resolution, FULL HD images.

The NV24HD utilizes H.264 video standard to capture 1280x720 high quality motion pictures at 30 frames per second. The Anynet technology facilitates remote operation of the camera through Samsung DTV remote control for added convenience. The camera offers clearer, high quality output using the Dream Engine, a rapid image correction feature from Samsung. Other features include 6.4cm (2.5 inch) AM OLED (Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode) display, Dual Image Stabilization: Optical image stabilization (OIS) and Samsung's digital image stabilization (DIS), ACB (Auto Contrast Balance), face detection feature and self portrait function, Smile & Blink Detection and Red Eye Fix feature.


Samsung GX-20 DLSR Camera

Samsung GX-20 DLSR Camera


Samsung presented its new 14.6 Mega-pixel DLSR Camera, the �GX-20� with upgraded functions and features. The intermediate level camera mounts an APS-C size CMOS image sensor collectively developed by Pentax and Samsung. The image sensor delivers high definition and excellent quality shots by improving the amount of light received per unit area. The new DLSR camera is crafted in a dust and waterproof design, ensuring higher mobility with durability.

The GX-20 generates blur-free, crystal clear images utilizing the OIS (Optical Image Stabilization) with shaking image sensor method. The camera�s advanced dual dust reduction system removes any dust found using two high technologies simultaneously, and prevents unnecessary spots or marks on the picture. Other features include high sensitivity up to ISO 3200, HDR (High Dynamic Range) function, X sync to connect flash drives, one-touch RAW & JPEG conversion button, large 6.86cm (2.7 inch) LCD screen.


Samsung GX-20 DLSR Camera

Samsung GX-20 DLSR Camera


Samsung presented its new 14.6 Mega-pixel DLSR Camera, the �GX-20� with upgraded functions and features. The intermediate level camera mounts an APS-C size CMOS image sensor collectively developed by Pentax and Samsung. The image sensor delivers high definition and excellent quality shots by improving the amount of light received per unit area. The new DLSR camera is crafted in a dust and waterproof design, ensuring higher mobility with durability.

The GX-20 generates blur-free, crystal clear images utilizing the OIS (Optical Image Stabilization) with shaking image sensor method. The camera�s advanced dual dust reduction system removes any dust found using two high technologies simultaneously, and prevents unnecessary spots or marks on the picture. Other features include high sensitivity up to ISO 3200, HDR (High Dynamic Range) function, X sync to connect flash drives, one-touch RAW & JPEG conversion button, large 6.86cm (2.7 inch) LCD screen.


BenQ C750 Digital Camera

BenQ C750 Digital Camera


BenQ has unveiled two new models in its C series Camera lineup. These award-winning 7-megapixel BenQ C750 and 8-megapixel BenQ C850 cameras come packed with advanced features offering you a superb photography experience. Designed with an inspiration from the strong and solid characteristics of ore, the C750 digital camera is capable of bringing in the natural emotions and real-life pictures on a single frame.

Sporting 2.5� LCD display, the C750 digital cameras from BenQ incorporates features like Super Shake Free System, smile Catch Mode and Face Detection. Fitted with 3 x optical zoom, this new camera also features an elegant front to back leather handle. Enjoy recording videos in MJPEG 4 formats with BenQ C750 digital camera.

The C750 is a digital camera that gives you the guarantee of a high ISO support. It has also been awarded for its high functionality and exceptional quality by none other than the Essen Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen, the international authority on product, communication and concept design.

BenQ C750 digital camera is expected to hit the market in some selected countries of Asia Pacific and Europe in April 2008.


BenQ C750 Digital Camera

BenQ C750 Digital Camera


BenQ has unveiled two new models in its C series Camera lineup. These award-winning 7-megapixel BenQ C750 and 8-megapixel BenQ C850 cameras come packed with advanced features offering you a superb photography experience. Designed with an inspiration from the strong and solid characteristics of ore, the C750 digital camera is capable of bringing in the natural emotions and real-life pictures on a single frame.

Sporting 2.5� LCD display, the C750 digital cameras from BenQ incorporates features like Super Shake Free System, smile Catch Mode and Face Detection. Fitted with 3 x optical zoom, this new camera also features an elegant front to back leather handle. Enjoy recording videos in MJPEG 4 formats with BenQ C750 digital camera.

The C750 is a digital camera that gives you the guarantee of a high ISO support. It has also been awarded for its high functionality and exceptional quality by none other than the Essen Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen, the international authority on product, communication and concept design.

BenQ C750 digital camera is expected to hit the market in some selected countries of Asia Pacific and Europe in April 2008.


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