Wednesday, April 30, 2008

EOS-1D Mark III Firmware Update Version 1.2.3

This firmware update (Version 1.2.3) incorporates the following improvements.

  • Includes the following new features that were frequently requested by customers to the new firmware.

a. Direct selection of AF points by the Multi-controller is added to C.Fn III-9.
b. Alternate access to Exposure compensation is added to C.Fn IV-3.
c. With the camera�s External Speedlite control menu, Flash function settings can be used to set the Wireless setting and Zoom.

  • Improves the stability of AF accuracy in AI servo AF when shooting extremely low-contrast subjects.

The Version 1.2.3 firmware being released this time is for cameras with firmware up to Version 1.1.3. If the camera's firmware is already Version 1.2.3, it is not necessary to update the firmware.

source : canon


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