Potential buyers will need to shell out between $2 million and $16 million for one of the 55 residences, comprised of apartments, duplex lofts, or duplex townhouses.
As can be surmised, the 20-story building is located at 5 Franklin Place, between Broadway and Sixth in Tribeca.
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The design's horizontal emphasis is articulated by Ben van Berkel's signature ribbons, in this case twisting bands that occasionally rise and fall as they wrap the building.
The architect uses the following as illustrations of inspiration for this design:
The renderings make it appear that the justification is unnecessary; it's just a darn sexy design.
The attempt at integrating the interior design with the exterior is apparent, but the inside isn't nearly as successful.
This last piece of eye candy shows how the external expression likewise isn't as striking on the inside. The more equalized hierarchy of the horizontals and the verticals is inelegant, fence-like even, something not abated by the twisting island.
These images point to perhaps too much energy spent on the building's exterior and not enough on its resolution inside. Regardless, I'm sure the 55 units will have no problem being snatched up by those who can afford them.
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