Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I love my Dremel

Howdy! Remember when I told you I got a fun new tool, and that tool was the Dremel Multi-Max?



Well, I told you I�d share the ways I�ve found to use it, and I found some GOOD ones. :)

The tool came with three attachments � two cutting blades and a sander. It was super easy to put them on � just loosen the nut, fit the attachment in and tighten:


I started with this one:


And I knew just what I wanted to attack with it:


We have a few windows in the house that are really showing their age � or at least the caulk around them is. You can see from above that some are not in the best shape. Not so great for the heating bill, I tell you.

I have a goal this winter to recaulk all of our windows, and I have heard to do it right, you need to remove the old stuff first. I was thisclose to ignoring that advice and going right over everything with new caulk � until the Multi-Max. :)

This thing was so stinkin� cool, ACK!! I just turned it on, slid the attachment in, and let it get under the caulk:


I turned up the power a bit, and it just slid right under that stuff like butta.

It only took seconds to get a huge piece off:

  IMG_2420  IMG_2415 

And then I did the same along the bottom:


I put tape down on the window sill at first, thinking I might need it to protect the wood:


But this thing is stealth. No damage whatsoever. LOVE love love � can you believe I�m excited to tackle all the windows now? Who in their right mind enjoys removing caulk? Me, that�s who.

Next, I attached this baby to the Dremel:


Buwahahaha! Can you feel the power?? :)

It�s been years since I put up the beadboard in our laundry room, and I still haven�t finished it! Only half the room is done -- but I�m determined to finish it up soon. Actually, I have a little redo planned for that room (if I have my way is going to be a HUGE redo, but we will see). At the very least, I need to get the beadboard done.

The hardest part of the whole installation of beadboard (for me) is removing baseboards. I dream of chunky, thick baseboards in our house, and it would have happened a long time ago, but the builders of our home were serious when they installed them.

They are pain in the PATOOT to remove. I�m talking sweating, pulling, cursing, prying, destroying drywall, crying a little, pain.

So I had an idea � I used the Dremel to cut into the baseboards:


Like butta.

Then I took it along the top, where the drywall and board meet. I haven�t even pulled out the pry bar yet, but I can already budge them, just with my fingers.

Oh HAPPY DAY! The Dremel will save me much sweating. :) I figure if I keep cutting the baseboards every six inches or so, and then along the top as I go -- it�s going to help tremendously.

Finally, I pulled out the sander attachment:


I have a Craigslist dresser I�ve yet to show you, because I want to paint it. The seller painted the piece, but it wasn�t sanded at all between coats, so it�s really rough to the touch:


Since I�m repainting it, I needed to sand it down a bit. (I would have anyway � it�s that rough.)

So I used the Dremel to work on the little, skinny parts:


Do you KNOW how many times I could have used this in the past? Ugh. I love that you can really get around the curvy parts too:

IMG_2467 IMG_2471

The shape is perfect � it literally just slid around the detail of the drawers, like�wait for itBUTTA.

My little sanding block can�t compete. :)

My very favorite part is that you turn it on, then you can adjust the power while it�s on:


I found myself adjusting as I went constantly � it�s so easy to do while you�re using the tool.

So there. you. go. Need a gift idea for the handy guy in your life? The hard to buy for Dad? Grandpa? Or maybe for YOU? (I won�t tell.) This little tool packs a punch � I�m not lyin� when I say I�m super impressed with it.

Can�t wait to knock some more caulk off the windows! After the holidays, of course. :) No more DIY around here till after January 1st. (I�m writing that down so I will stick to it.)

I�ll be back this week with one more easy Christmas idea, then I�m outtie till after Christmas. :)

Hope your buying, wrapping, cooking, baking and entertaining is all going GREAT! 


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