Friday, November 12, 2010

INTERROGATION 02 - Event-Cities 4

Tonight at the Storefront for Art and Architecture:


From the Storefront's web page:
Storefront is pleased to invite you to our second edition of the INTERROGATION SERIES presenting the book Event-Cities 4 on Friday November 12, 7pm, through an inquisitive dialogue between Bernard Tschumi and Peter Cook.

About the book:

Event-Cities 4 (MIT Press, 2010) is the latest in the Event-Cities series from Bernard Tschumi, documenting recent built and theoretical projects in the context of his evolving views on architecture, urbanism, and design. In this collection, Tschumi introduces the "Concept-Form": a concept generating a form, or a form generating a concept, so that one reinforces the other. The concept may be programmatic, technological, or social. The form may be singular or multiple, regular or irregular. Concept-forms act as organizing devices or common denominators for the multiple dimensions of programs and their evolution over time, and drive the projects featured in this book.

Highlights of the more than twenty recent projects in the book include a media zone in Abu Dhabi, a museum and visitors' center in Al�sia, France, a pedestrian bridge in La-Roche-sur-Yon, France, and a master plan for a sprawling new city in the Dominican Republic.


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