Now this weeks header challenge theme has been set by by my good friend imac. He has decided he wants us to have a go at creating a collage.
Having checked, a collage is described as being, derived from the French word for "gluing". It originally referred to the physical process of gluing a number of pictures, photos or drawings onto a flat piece of paper, in order to create an artistic composition.
Well I�m sure I can do that with the help of Photoshop. As for the glue well the computer has a cut and paste option for placing your photos so there is the glue.
My first thought was a group of images, in this case flowers�
Then I thought why not be a bit more adventurous�
by turning one photo into numerous Polaroid's and then sticking them back together again.
I tried a few different ones�
some with backgrounds and some without.
I eventually decided on a photo with all my daughters in. I then laid them out and stuck them onto a virtual desk, I hope you like it.
If you want to know how I did it, leave me a request, via my comments section and I will endeavour to write a detailed explanation on it in a future blog.
Don�t forget to check out the other members of the headbangers, imac, Tom-fishing guy, Lanny and Gailsman to see what collages they have come up with for this weeks challenge.
Technorati Tags: Header,Challenge,November,Collage,theme,pictures,Photoshop,images,photo,Polaroid,photos,backgrounds,collages
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