I am so excited to share this weekend�s giveaway with you! Beki from The Rusted Chain is one of my oldest and best bloggy friends. We talk like we�ve known each other for years. We have nicknames for each other (BADGER!) that no one understands but us � and am quite certain we annoy many people whenever we use them. :)
And yet we've still never even met.
That is the beauty of blogging. :)
Beki has some simply stunning hand stamped jewelry and I�m so excited to share my friend�s beautiful work with you this weekend!
October is the perfect month for this Survivor necklace:
What a lovely way to honor a breast cancer survivor!
You all know I�m already thinking about Christmas � and this ornament took my breath away:
Isn�t it lovely? I love that you can get whatever short message you want stamped on it � you know what I want to put on ours?
�We�re debt free! 2010�
Ohhh�we are so close � it will be down to the wire but I�m so hoping we can do it still this year. :)
You can�t go wrong with this sweet little bird:
How perfect would that be for a new graduate? Love it!
This one is perfect for us crafty bloggers:
Wonder if she can make one that says �Eat Sleep Decorate� for me. Or maybe �Eat Sleep Sleep� Hmmm...may not be a huge seller. ;)
I�ve had her Blessed necklace for quite a while now. It�s one of my very favorite pieces � I wear it ALL the time!:
It�s such a simple and true statement. I actually wore mine today, and just realized I had in on backwards all. day. long. And it was still pretty. :)
This one is just absolutely precious:
I love you more � how many times have you said that? How sweet!
I love this one so very much:
I�m a rainy day FREAK. It is my very favorite kind of day. I know this necklace is really supposed to mean make a happy day out of a rainy one�but I�m a weirdo and rainy days do make me happy. ;)
Hold on to your seats Glee fans:
I mean�come on. What a PERFECT gift for the Gleek in your life!!
Speaking of gifts � this beautiful jewelry is all right around $25 � most of it is less! You can�t beat that for a lovely, personalized gift.
The Rusted Chain also sells items for men, earrings and bracelets.
Beki is graciously giving away a $25 gift certificate to TWO lucky TDC readers! You will have your pick of her shop!
There are two ways to enter -- leave a comment here for your first entry. For your second entry, visit The Rusted Chain site here and take a look around. Find a piece you love and come back here and let me know what it is.
This giveaway will be open until Monday at noon. Remember, be sure to leave an email if you comment anonymously!
Have a fantastic weekend!! :)
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