Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Our warm and cozy family room


Since the beginning of August, I�ve been cravin� some warm colors around here. Have I mentioned fall is my favorite time of year? A few times? Well, here I go one. more. time. :)

The warm colors of fall make my heart go pitter pat. They�re just so�well, warm. Ah DUH. I�m a wordsmith you know. ;)

I�ve never been one to really change out my decor for the seasons � I mean, I decorate for fall and the holidays and all that good stuff, but I�ve never changed out drapes, pillows, bedding�all the bigger items.

But like I said, it�s August and I�m trying with all my might to hold off on putting the pumpkins out. You�d be proud of me � I�m determined to hold off till September. (September 1st, but whatev.)

So I figured I could cozy up the joint with a few changes � but I wanted to make sure they�d work into the winter, spring and summer as well by making just a few changes when the time comes.

I was on a mission -- make our family room warm and cozy and fallish without necessarily being fallish. Just a schosh of warm. A leeetle bit of cozy. Just a smooch. Like you�re kissin� your sister. (Name that movie!)

My first goal was to find a new rug. I got a new one back in January, but it was very spring/summery:

It was also way to small for this room. I layered a larger rug underneath it, but as time went on, it still wasn�t feeling big enough. And then Pee Cat struck again (CURSES!!! She owes me big time cash!!) and we needed to replace the big rug anyway.

Free cat to a good home!! Nah�I kid.

Kind of.

So off to HomeGoods I went again�and this time I found a GORG rug that was 7.3 by 9.3 feet. Score!! It couldn�t have been a more perfect size.

I hesitated on it for a bit though, because it had a color in it I almost never decorate with:

BLUE!!  :)

I waffled back and forth between it and another and finally asked the one person who always knows best � my three-year-old. He pointed to the one with blue and said �That one!�

And that one is was:

And ooooohhhh, I can�t even tell you how much I love it. Gleeeee! I love the blue touches!

I made few simple changes to the mantel as well. I had a smaller candlestick I picked up at Goodwill months ago, so I added it to the two to make a trio. (Decorate in threes � it works! Don�t know why, but it does!)

I sprayed the small candlestick in Heirloom White, the middle one stayed brown, and I found the PERFECT green called Oregano at Home Depot for the largest one:

I luuuurve that color!

I took the green grassy looking decorative balls out of my cloche, and replaced them with more rattan and twine covered ones instead:

Cause styrofoam wrapped with jute SCREAMS fall to me. Is it just me?

And it was done. I love it � the colors, the simplicity, the texture. YUMMY!:


I exchanged the end table at the corner of the sofas with one of my favorite pieces eva:

It was a Goodwill find from waaaay back. And it was hideous green. My Dad stripped the whole thing down and refinished it as a gift to me. Check out all the detail:

Can you even imagine how much work that was? I LOVE this table and I wanted to have it where it was really appreciated. (Love you Dad!)

I finally get to use all my purdy blue books now! Cause I have BLUE in the room � yeehaw!:


I found a large tray for 40 percent off at Michael's to hold all the necessities:

You know. Like magazines, tissue, a yummy candle and a jute wrapped jar. Cause you never  know when you may need a jute wrapped jar.


I know the tray is massive on top of that table, but I really don�t care. Love it. (It looks like it doesn�t fit from the angle above, but it does.)

The new accessories in the room are from around the house. They�re simple but full of texture:

There were a few splurges in the space as well�but they weren�t really splurges for me � they were all bought on credit.

Chillax peeps � not credit credit�store credit. And gift cards. Awww yeah. Is there anything better? NO, no there is NOT.  :)

When I found out the rattan storage boxes from our bedroom were recalled, I took them back to Target and got a store credit in return. So I was able to buy the FAB baskets I had been eyeing for months�for fareeeee:

Oh the dear lovin� Lord, I adore these things. They are sturdy and pretty and HUGE.

And oh yeah -- the chalkboard labels? I�m dying.

I got a round one and a square one, trying to overcome my symmetrical issues. :)

Then, it was time for the pillows. Oh, the glorious pillows. Sigh.

I had gift cards/credit for Pottery Barn, so was able to get a few of their pillow covers free o� charge. I got some in cream, some in rust. They were $25 each, and I love their texture and the fact that they are washable.

Then, one day I saw a pillow in the most recent catalog, and there was this odd light shining down from the heavens on it and I knew�it must. be. mine. It was $40, and I only had $15 left on my credit, but I went ahead and paid the difference, and oh la la, it was SO WORTH IT:

Isn�t beautiful? It�s got all the colors from the rug � blues, reds, golds, greens. I just want to squish it, it�s so pretty.

Because I didn�t want to shell out the cash for inserts, I used other pillows and inserts from around the house to fill them:


:) They worked perfectly. For the longer pillow, a regular bed pillow filled it nicely:

Just the pillows alone warmed up this room SO much!

And now, we have a lovely, warm, cozy, almost-fall-but-not-quite family room:

family room

The bigger rug makes this room feel twice the size, I swear. It was $199, which wasn�t bad at all for how large it is. Especially considering the 8 by 11 was $400, for just a few feet more.

Because the room felt bigger, the $10 beadboard coffee table was feeling all wimpy. I moved the black Goodwill table from our living room into this space, and at first was worried it was too big. But after about five minutes, I was in LOVE:

The Bub can really spread out his games, anyone on the sofa can prop of their feet, and did you know doing laundry is waaaay easier when you have a lovely spot to fold clothes right in front of the TV?:

Well, it is! :)

All of these changes, along with the addition of the Craigslist dresser a couple months ago, have made this room feel so grown up and finished:

It is truly my favorite room in the house right now:


I love how my Ballard art has all of the colors of the room in it as well:See that little black smudge towards the top on that art? That�s why it was a fraction of the cost at the Ballard Designs outlet. :) It doesn�t bother me one bit for that price!

I love that most of the changes in here are easy to work with for all seasons � I can spray paint the candlesticks whenever I want, the rug will always work and a few pillows can be changed out to lighten up the space in the spring.

If you could see me right now, you�d see the dreamy smile on my face. Love:


I�m in full fall nesting mode and loving it! I love these changes so much, I�m making a few to the living room too. I�ll show you that soon.

Have you started warming up your spaces? Are you pulling out the pumpkins yet? If you say you are, I�m SO doing it!!

**I keep forgetting to announce the Wuslu giveaway winner � I will do that in my next post for SURE.


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