Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lincolnshire Sunrise.

Just over a week ago I showed you a picture via my mobile phone of a Sunrise over Lincolnshire.

Now I don't think the small format or the quality of the picture did Sunrises over Lincolnshire justice so here's another attempt.

This is the image I was welcomed by as I got up at just after 4:00am on Wednesday morning.

Realizing that the sun hadn't quite risen over the horizon, with camera and tripod in hand I set to capture the experience.

I've changed some of the pictures to a panoramic format to try and add a bit more drama to the photograph. I hope you like them.

Here you can see as the sun first rises above the horizon.

It was amazing just how quickly the sun  rose above the horizon.  With this in mind, I had to be quick with the setting and taking of each photograph so that I didn't miss any of the drama unfolding.

The earlier shots needed a 2 second exposure set, because of the poor light making a tripod essential.

 The sun shining off the clouds on the horizon make this quite a dramatic shot.

Once the sun was firmly above the horizon the sky brightened very quickly from its orange glow to that of this early morning haze.

I hope you find these photos of a sunrise over Lincolnshire an improvement from my last post of a sunrise posted via my mobile phone.


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