Friday, May 14, 2010

Defense Contractor Employee Chimes in on Boeing and the Need for C-17s

In response to Inside the Self-Destructive Minds of a Group of Idiots, an article about Boeing C-17s and failed union negotiations, I received an email from "TT" a defense contractor employee who has some thoughts to share.

"TT" Writes

You are so right on the Boeing strike. What makes it even more stupid is that the same union pulled the same stunt in Washington a couple years ago. We now have a brand new 787 plant under construction here in non union Charleston, SC because of it.

These guys just don�t have a clue. I was at Boeing in Seattle when the last strike took place, and I can tell you that a lot of the rank and file knew better, but they had to follow the union�s marching orders.

As for Gate�s comment about airlift, I�d like to see him come the Charleston Air Force base and say it, while the US government leased Russian AN-124s taxi past loaded with equipment headed for the middle east.

The truth is that we don�t have enough airlift capacity or tanker capacity, or fighter capacity� to be the world�s big brother.

The better solution is to quit being the self appointed nanny to the world.

And yes, I work for a defense contractor.

Best regards,

Thanks "TT".

Yes, it is perfectly clear the US absolutely needs to "quit being the self appointed nanny to the world" even as the union apologists cry about the loss of jobs. The US simply cannot afford to be the world's policeman.

I would cut military spending in half, and call that "a start". I am sick and tired of blowing up the world because it supposedly creates jobs. Moreover, those jobs are an illusion in the first place, as the rest of the economy suffers mightily.

To pay for military spending, taxes have to go up or the dollar has to sink.

That's a piss poor tradeoff for everyone not in on the scam, especially the poor soldiers who needlessly get their heads blown off so defense contractor CEOs can make hundreds of millions of dollars, some of which are used to buy votes of war-mongers in Congress wanting still more guns and ammo, every day of the year.

Enough is enough.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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