This is an update from the last post of the character HuangRong (??) concept design tribute to Condor Hero (????? -pinyin: sh� diao ying xi�ng zhu�n) a Wuxia novel of Jin Rong or Louis Cha (???). See previous post Digital painting tutorial character. In the painting process I define the values (light and shadow) more and adding more color according to the existing values of the images. The I continue to add on more design onto the character as I see fit. The costume may not be a typical Song Dynasty as the character suppose to be in the historical timeline. It's more of a fun costume design just for the conceptual design or purely visual art purpose. I will keep on refining the concept to the final, it will probably take more hours of thinking and planning rather than executing the painting. Lighting is one of the most difficult problem to solve in painting and we all hope to at least get them to look fine, but if I could master it in this life time would be nice. :)
Here is a refine concept sketch I have so far (still work in progress)

Here are more step by step process of how I get there from the last post
Here is what I have so far for Huang Rong character concept.
Here is the final illustration of the process: Huang Rong character concept art.
FEATURE TUTORIALS: *Over 60 minutes to 2 hours of video.
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial I: Female Manga Fusion I
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial II: Female Manga Fusion II
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