I particularly like this comment from "Fazman" who writes
Good job Justin!Here is another good comment from "Tin Hat" who writes
This "Good Job" comment comes from a public employee, who is represented by the SEIU. Now, before anyone hops on my case, I only make about $30K/yr, and I haven't been a public employee very long. I just wanted to give my disclaimer before saying that I agree with Justin's comments, along with a lot of Mish's comments.
I would also like to point out that a majority of public employee's just simply have no clue what is going on. I find more employees are actually mad at the unions simply for the dues that they must pay.
Well done Justin.Inquiring minds may be interested in seeing all of the Reader Comments to the post.
Justin won't have any problems. Not after one public statement. It takes courage to stand up, state your name, and rant in a public forum. The first time is scary. Then it gets easier.
An Inspiration
It was not Fazman's or Tin Hat's comments that inspired this post, but rather a reader who lives in upstate New York, inspired by Justin to speak out.
By Email, Neil from NY writes ....
Please forward this to Justin in Albany who stood up for all of us.This is how it all starts. One person inspires another to act. Please consider the following Email from a reader in Phoenix.
Dear Justin,
I applaud your courage. You have inspired me as an upstate NY guy (Binghamton area) to do the same here. It�s ridiculous the mentality public unions have.
Unfortunately we see the same here. The unions fought the merger of two municipalities for fear of losing police and fire jobs. It was a no-brainer from an economic view but they scared everyone into believing they were safer with two corrupt entities than merging and saving tons of money.
Please know we stand with you in other parts of the state. Keep talking and don�t let them bully you. God bless you. God bless America.
Vestal, New York
Won't Be Bullied In Phoenix
Alan who lives in Phoenix was inspired too. Alan Writes ...
Dear Mish,Suggestions For Phoenix
I was wondering if you could help get the word out to city of Phoenix residents on how they can contact their city management regarding the upcoming fiscal 2010-11 budget. The Phoenix City Council, Mayor�s Office, and City Manager are reviewing community input through next week, and will approve a budget plan on Tuesday, March 2nd.
Please let your Phoenix readers know that they can give input via the following routes:
Web: Contact Phoenix City Hall
Email: Email Phoenix City Hall
Phone: 602-262-4800
Alan's email was lengthy but here are a few points worth citing ...
1. Reduce salaries. Do not lay off staff. Do not raise taxes.Speak Out!
The average cost of a city of Phoenix employee is $100,000 per year. That is almost double the private sector. For 14,000 employees that�s $1.4B per year! Why are we praising unions for grudgingly accepting a 3% pay reduction?
2. Privatize union positions that can be.
The city of Phoenix pays outrageously high union wages and benefits when there are many private companies that can offer the same services at the same quality. Double the private sector average cost is outrageous.
3. Replace the current City Manager and his staff.
The city of Phoenix budget has grown ~60% over the last 6 years under the tenure of the recently departed city manager and his then-deputy/now city manager. How can that be? Is this fiscal responsibility?
If you live in Phoenix then let the city council know how you feel.
I suggest all three means Alan mentioned: Phone, Email, and respond over the Web. Don't be afraid to give them your name, address, and phone number. Justin did that in Albany New York, you can be brave in Phoenix, can't you?
Hell's bells, regardless of where you live, it is your patriotic duty to speak out.
If you are not pissed off at rising taxes for fewer services then you are a politician, a union freeloader, or in a management position that benefits from higher union salaries.
The numbers are right there. All you have to do is call.
Get your friends and neighbors to call too. Tell them you are fed up with higher taxes and public union freeloaders stealing your money. Tell them you are tired of political pandering to unions and you will not support any candidate endorsed by unions. Tell the politicians to expect to be flooded by responses from union thugs and to take that into consideration.
Just do it.
If anyone is aware of other cities actively soliciting voter feedback, shoot me an email. I will try and spread the word.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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