Thursday, January 7, 2010

What�s your problem area?



Perfect decluttering weather out there today! We haven�t even left the house!

So what�s your problem area? NO�not on your body. In your house. Even the most annoying organized people have a spot that they can�t keep up with. Rooms or areas where things collect, piles are created, things get out of hand. Slowly but surely the irritation starts, then the hyperventilating. The hives pop up. Then there�s the itching�

I digress.

I know I go on and on about decluttering and organizing, but seriously people, I�m human. I have issues too. (Many.) For the most part our closets I showed you here stay that way all year. The basement, notsomuch. During the holidays I try so hard to keep it organized as I make trip after trip down there, but about five bins in after the holidays, I throw up my hands and just pile. And pile:

025Told you.

That�s problem area number one for me. A third of this stuff is holiday decor. A third is general decor and the last part is baby Bub stuff. I plan on going through every inch of this space and getting rid of at least half of it within the next few weeks. This spot will be hubby�s �office� and I have some great ideas in mind to make it more cozy and warm � as cozy and warm as cement walls and floors can get.  ;)

My second area is not even in the house -- it�s the car. A looooong time ago I used to be able to keep my car relatively clean and organized. Then I worked for marketing and PR for ten years and that meant tons �o clutter in my car for events pretty much constantly. When I started the decorating gig a few years ago, I thought I may get a break from that, but I was INSANE. It was worse than ever.

Now that I�m not working with clients �live,� you�d think it was better. Nope -- the older my kiddo gets, the worse my car gets. It�s atrocious. Really, I�m not even going to show you pictures cause it. is. not. pretty.

Problem area number three � our master closet. I hang my head in shame on this one because our closet is ridiculously huge. Like, you will hate me when you see pictures. It�s the size of a bedroom for goodness sakes. But I can�t keep it organized to save my life. Here�s just a peek:


This is hubby�s side and I blame it all on him! OK, not really. I wish. I blame it on the fact that I cannot stand doing laundry. Hate it with a burning, searing passion. Mounds of clothes do not make for an organized closet. I have to say, this picture looks pretty darn good compared to how it usually looks. It�s BAD.

My last problem room? The laundry/mud room:

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Lanterns from the deck and Christmas decor? Check.

Jigsaw from Christmas waiting to be opened and used? (Thanks Dad!!) Check.

Rope lights? (?!?!) Check.

Margarita from the Fiesta that was supposed to go out to the fridge two weeks ago? Check.

Note on the chalkboard Stink Eye Sister left when she finally moved out ummm�two months ago? Check.

This area is my catch all for everything. Stuff that�s going to Goodwill sits here till I have a carload � which could be weeks. (Hence the toys.) When I�m too lazy to take the trash out another ten feet to the garage, I throw it here. (Hence the Wii boxes.) Gifts I need to give, or things I need to drop off to friends sit here as well � and sometimes I find them later�much later.  :)

It�s just sad. And annoying. This is what we see first thing every time we come in our house. Thankfully, this is one spot it only takes about ten minutes to pick up:

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It�s still not perfect, but it�s much better. And I left the note on the chalkboard cause I�m lazy it�s cute.  ;)

So what�s your problem area? Tell me I�m not alone! The car? Closets? Do you hate laundry as much as me? Ick. I�ll share the transformation of the basement �office� and our closet soon!

Stay tuned this weekend for a great giveaway! Woohoo! If you are dealing with all of this snow, be safe!!


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