I see so many projects out there I am completely inspired by, so I am going to start sharing them with you as well. Without further adue... ado? Adeu? Whatever, here we go...
You HAVE to go check out Censational Girl. She found me a couple weeks ago and her blog is one of my favorites right now. Another sister of mine separated at birth I say...there are so many of you out there. Huh. Anyway...look at the tree she painted in her daughter's room:

Have any of you seen those ceramic lettered balls out there? We carry them at the decor firm I work for and want them SO BAD! I just can't imagine spending so much money on them. Holly over at Homebody Holly shows how to make your own lettered spheres:

Do you ever see stuff on the side of the street and drive by it 15 times, trying to decide if you're going to look like a lunatic, jumping out of your car and stuffing it in? (I found a beauty a couple weeks ago, but called my sister to go pick it up cause I was "busy" -- I was just making her do my dirty work.) Well, Karla at It's the Little Things That Make a House a Home did the same and turned a headboard into this:

We all know the easiest update for a dresser is new hardware. But take a look at the extra little step the girls at Little Nannygoat took to bling up a dresser:

Finally, Melissa at 320 Sycamore redid her bathroom. You just will not believe the transformation:
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