Thursday, December 18, 2008

Pfeffer HUH and I need HOW many cookies??

WARNING: You will want cookies after reading this. Don't say I didn't warn you.
So my other new BFF, Lori, posted at the Favorite Things party about their love of pfeffernuesse cookies. HUH? What the? I had never heard of these things, but I was intrigued to say the least. They have spices in them, as well as peppermint, but they are cookies? I say it again...HUH? I guess you love them or hate them. Well, Lovely Lori sent me some...look how sweet:
I stood there popping them in my mouth, trying to figure out if I liked them. After about 20 seconds I looked down and realized how many I had eaten:

And I decided I loved them. (Thanks Lori!!)

So my girlfriend has thrown a cookie exchange for a couple years now, and everyone votes on their favorite packaging at the end of the night. Last year, a few of us brought cookies, but one girlfriend and I said "What HUH, HOW many cookies am I supposed to bake?" And said forget that. But then we got there and realized how fun it was, how creative everybody was and decided this year, it was ON BABY!

So I was supposed to make like 30 dozen cookies this year. OK, not 30 dozen, but 12 dozen. Or something like that. I said, "What HUH?" And freaked out. But then remembered I had seen these in blogland a while back:

Easy, cheap, quick. Right up my alley. You gather the following:

Wait, I need some PfefferHuhs while I "bake":

The recipe I saw used regular kisses, but I had something else in mind. Of course I had to use my kisses of minty love instead. Just place the kiss on top of the pretzel, heat oven to 200 degrees and put them in for about three minutes, or just till they get soft. Then put M&Ms on while hot.

It was after making about eight dozen that I realized something very important:

These are not cookies. They are candy.

Whatever, really. You going to argue with me?? So I had to go a little crazy with this "recipe" and used some peanut butter cups with red hots too. These were AWESOME:
So onto the cookie contest. Check out our competition:

After standing there staring at these for about 2.4 seconds, Sister turns to us, gives us the Stink Eye and says, "Whoa, you two are SO not winning."

UH, DUH. And we thought ours were kind of cute, at least throwing-them-together-two-minutes-before-we-leave-cute:

Gah. I KNOW I KNOW, they were pitiful. Just pitiful. They were NOT the worst there though. Just sayin'...

But we have decided, we are going to start planning in February, and next year

For reals.

Have fun at your parties this weekend and I'll be back with some easy, cheap, last minute decorating ideas!


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