Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Goodwill is my BFF

Keep joining the Christmas Tree Party here! If I haven't visited you yet, I will!

So I visit Goodwill (at various locations) more times a week than my best friend's houses. You know how they say you know a good friend when you can open their fridge and get what you want out without asking? Well, if Goodwill had a fridge, I'd be opening it to grab a Pepsi.

We are TIGHT.

I had to show you what I've found there this season! The first item isn't actually from Goodwill though, it's from my basement. It was F.R.E.E. and it is hands down my favorite new Christmas decoration:


I got the vinyl lettering free for hosting an Uppercase Living party, and the mirror was one I've had for years. I don't have a place to hang it in this house, so I spray painted it gold and stuck the vinyl design on the mirror. Can you even believe how GORG it is?? Seriously.

OK, onto my best friend's stuff...

$1.99 sled I had to barely touch up. I stuck greenery and pics of stuff I already had. (YES, that is the toilet.):

I was looking for little Christmas plates to replace my normal ones by the kitchen window but everything was too expensive. I found these frames for $1.99 each:

In the blurry pic they look cute, but they were in sad shape. The snowflakes were pink and the paint was a mess. So I took off the easel on the back, spray painted them white and stuck some scrapbook paper in. One holds our picture from last year's card and the other three will be filled with each year after that...

See Biggest Loser on the TV? :)
This next one is my favorite find yet, probably just because it is greenery. :) I wanted to dress up the fireplace in our bedroom, but didn't want to buy more garland. (I wanted it thick!) The local Goodwill had a half off day a couple weeks ago and I found 40 feet of greenery for $5. FIVE DOLLARS PEOPLE!! Woohoo!! AND -- the lights were .49!! Gah, I can't even believe it myself! The lights are $10 at Target right now, and I think the greenery is $20.

To finish this spot off, I spent $3 on letters and used paint and ribbon I already had to spell out "JOY" on the artwork I made. The whole project was $8.50 (I even had greenery leftover to use elsewhere!) and it's so simple and pretty -- I love it!

Have you found any goodies at the thrift store this year?
My "to do" list is dwindling and I'm SO happy. By this weekend I will be able to just totally relax, for real. :) Hope you and yours are hanging in there!


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