Sunday, November 16, 2008

Shout outs!

Yo! Yo! It's time for some long awaited shout outs to my sistas...OK, I'll stop being all street. It doesn't work for me, I know. (Warning...this is a looooong post.)

First of all...I have to thank Aimee over at HomeSpun Threads AGAIN. She did for me in days what I've been trying to do for weeks. You can see my spiffy new header above, which I luuuuuv!! Also, she made me a few buttons. Use them if you wish. I felt kind of weird about it at first but then decided, buttons are fun. I like fun. Display them if you so desire... (I would be honored if you did.)

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Seriously, go check Aimee out, she's been working magic for others lately too. I heart her!

I also heart my new friend Leslie over at Glitter and Bliss. She makes some of the most beautiful magnets, frames, necklaces and more. I am getting a bit obsessed with her necklaces -- already ordered two of them! I took a picture of myself with one on the other day for my profile. That picture may change soon though, as my sister thinks I look like I have a wonky eye when the picture is small. And when it's large, it looks like I have something coming out of my nostril. There wasn't something coming out of my nostril. I can't win. But anyway, just look at the necklace - GORG!!! (It has music notes and says "It's a Wonderful Life." Awww...)

I signed up for an ornament exchange over at PamperingBeki and my SWEET, SWEET exchanger (word? OK.) sent me the most beautiful handmade ornament I've ever seen.

I mean, look at this! I'm not worthy! Love it. I actually want to find a teeny tiny little easel to put it under one of my cloches. PLEASE go check her out here, she is an amazing seamstress and makes the coolest costumes, among other things...(THANKS AGAIN!)

I have received so many wonderful awards lately from some lovely bloggers. I appreciate every single one of them, I really do. Here they are enmasse:

Melissa at The Land of Foo gave me these:

Carrie at Carrie's Little World gave me this one:

Tardevil at Confession's of a 40-something Mama Queen gave me this one:

Erin at Shades of Color this one:

"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and make friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly written text into the body of the award. "

BKicklighter at The Blue Hutch passed on this one as well:

Leslie over at Glitter and Bliss gave these:

So to wrap these all into one, I'll just list four random things about myself:

1. One of our cats is on Prozac. Yes. I said Prozac. She is our "pee cat" -- we adopted her and let me tell you, her fluffy butt has almost been kicked to the curb many a time because of the pee action. We finally gave in about a year ago and the Prozac works like a charm. AMAZING STUFF for people and kitties! Now you know.

2. I'm a talk radio junky. I can listen to it all day long...Dave Ramsey is a fave, even Doctor Laura (but I don't get her show anymore locally.) My all time favorite is Glenn Beck. He makes me laugh so hard I snort.

3. Your entries for the letter reminded me of this -- I tried out for The Wheel of Fortune when I was in college. I was SO not peppy enough. Which was fine with me because you have to pay your way out there to be on the show. What the ?? And they want OB-noxious people who will scream the letter like they're a cheerleader and their pom poms depended on it. (I hope I don't offend any former cheerleaders...)

4. My hubby is much older than me. Let's just say more than 15 years, less than 20. And you would never know it -- he's a hottie. ;)

OK, I'm passing on the Kreativ award to these ladies because they have some fun blogs with some FUN ideas. PLEASE check them out, you will not be disappointed:

1. Kristen at Kristen's Creations. Her Christmas decorations are seriously divine.

2. CoCo at Ordinary Miracles. She's just a girl after my own heart.

3. Melissa at Little Nanny Goat. Check out the arm warmers! What a great gift idea!

4. Aimee at HomeSpun Threads. Because I heart her.

5. Little Birdie Secrets. I found this site through SITS and you must go there. They show how to make the cauutest stuff! I'm dying to try the fishy bags.

6. Shannon at Infarrantly Creative. Because she is a Hoosier and we both have serious painting issues.
7. Betsy at Snips, Snails and Mommy Tails. Because she likes to cover lampshades. :)

Keep entering The Big Honkin Letter Giveaway everyone! (Yes, I gave it a name. And if I had more time, you know I would have had a button made for it.) I'll cut off the entries at noon tomorrow -- that's Eastern time. :) I'll pick the winner(s) -- (yes, I did say winner(s) -- I'm still feeling googly) - tomorrow evening.

And if you asked me to come by your site, and I didn't, please remind me!! Or you want to invite me over for the first time, please do so!! I love finding new creative, funny blogs.

Finally, I have to congratulate my sweet husband's marching band for an amazing, magical season. This is group of 200 wonderful, funny, talented, humble, sweet kids. And the parents are pretty amazing too. I am SO PROUD of all of you. Especially my husband, who works his butt off all year long. Honey, your music inspires me. You inspire me, you make my world go round. I love you so much.


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