Now, it's time for the goofy face show off his on action pack non-sense Manga online: Kapow Express
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See Some Kapow Art: Character Design study Mei pin up in process, Kapow Express
Creator's NOTE:
Now, what should happen next? Feel free to give me some idea or feedback. I did implement some of our readers' idea, Dahaca, mix them up with some twist for the next plot line. It sounds crazy good, like super retardo good. :) Just will make sense, but twist...
Anyway, I really do hope them Zombies and Vampires are coming up soon because Chris is awaiting patiently. The yummy story line is coming along quit well. But I still think it would be fun to have you guys pitching the idea.
Accumulation of ideas pool I can pick the one that best fits, including mine. :)
Wouldn't that be UBER?
Drawing Software & Tools I used and recommended:
-Genius MousePen 6x8
-Wacom Intuos3 6X8 Pen Tablet
-Bamboo (Small) Pen Tablet
-Gimp (Free Download)
-Adobe Photoshop CS2 (Professional software)
*You can just use pencil, paper, markers on this one...just practice rendering.
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