Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How To Stop A Run On The Banks

The global banking system has frozen up. There is no trust between banks and there is no trust by depositors of banks. This has caused a run on the banks, and has led to the failure of Washington Mutual and Wachovia. Internationally, several large banks have failed.

Bloomberg is reporting Libor Rises Most on Record After U.S. Congress Rejects Bailout.
The cost of borrowing in dollars overnight rose the most on record after the U.S. Congress rejected a $700 billion bank-rescue plan, putting an unprecedented squeeze on the global financial system.

The London interbank offered rate, or Libor, that banks charge each other for such loans climbed 431 basis points to an all-time high of 6.88 percent today, the British Bankers' Association said. The euro interbank offered rate, or Euribor, for one-month loans jumped to a record 5.05 percent, the European Banking Federation said. The Libor-OIS spread, a gauge of the scarcity of cash, also increased to an all-time high.

"This is unheard of, the money markets should be the engine driving the financial system but they have broken down," said Kornelius Purps, a fixed-income strategist in Munich for UniCredit Markets and Investment Banking, a unit of Italy's largest lender. "Any institution that hasn't completed its 2008 funding needs by now is going to be in very serious trouble. More banks are going to need to be bailed out."

The seizure in the credit markets is tipping lenders toward insolvency, forcing U.S. and European governments to rescue five banks in the past two days, including Dexia SA, the world's biggest provider of loans to local governments, and Wachovia Corp. Money-market rates climbed even after the Federal Reserve yesterday more than doubled the size of its dollar-swap line with foreign central banks to $620 billion. In Europe, banks borrowed dollars from the ECB at almost six times the Fed's benchmark interest rate today.
Why the Paulson Plan Fails

The Paulson plan fails because it does not stop mistrust between banks or mistrust by depositors. All it does is throw $700 billion in taxpayer money down a black hole.

The Paulson plan is also unconstitutional. There is no constitutional authority for the US Government or the Federal Reserve to use public (taxpayer) money for what is definitely a private purpose (bailing out Wall Street).

Finally, the Paulson plan takes time to implement fairly, and there are many holes in the oversight process.

Irish Government Moves To Safeguard Banking System

FXStreet is reporting Irish Government Moves To Safeguard Banking System.
The Irish government Tuesday announced a surprise decision to safeguard the Irish banking system for two years, guaranteeing all deposits, covered bonds, senior debt and dated subordinated debt of the four main banks.

"It has done so following advice from the governor of the central bank and the financial regulator about the impact of the recent international market turmoil on the Irish banking system," the government said in a statement.

The government said it aims "to safeguard the Irish financial system and to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy caused by the recent turmoil in the international financial markets."

Finance Minister Brian Lenihan said Tuesday that the guarantee will mean a commercial charge for Irish banks, but this would be decided by the Central Bank of Ireland; he gave no more details on the charge.

He said that the decision to guarantee the banking system for two years was primarily aimed at addressing liquidity concerns, protecting taxpayers funds and crucially ensuring banking funds don't dry up.

Investors welcomed the news. By 0755 GMT, Allied Irish Banks PLC (AIB) was up 14% at EUR5.70, Anglo Irish Bank PLC (ANGL.DB) was up 22% at EUR2.81, Bank of Ireland PLC (IRE) was up 6.7% at EUR3.49, and Irish Life & Permanent PLC (IPM.DB) was up 22% at EUR4.35.

The guarantee runs from midnight on Sept. 29, 2008, and expires at midnight on Sept. 28, 2010, and follows the decision last week by the government to guarantee deposits in Irish banks up to EUR100,000.

The government said it aims "to remove any uncertainty" and "maintain financial stability for the benefit of depositors and businesses and is in the best interests of the Irish economy."

Davy Research analyst Scott Rankin said: "The Irish government has taken out its bazooka."
This is urgent we must get this to EVERY senator before the Senate takes a vote.

Fax Title: How To Stop A Run On The Banks
Dear senator

Today the Irish government announced a surprise decision to safeguard the Irish banking system for two years, guaranteeing all deposits, covered bonds, senior debt and dated subordinated debt of the four main banks.

The Result

Investors welcomed the news. By 0755 GMT, Allied Irish Banks PLC (AIB) rose 14%, Anglo Irish Bank PLC (ANGL.DB) rose 22%, Bank of Ireland PLC (IRE) rose6.7% , and Irish Life & Permanent PLC (IPM.DB) rose 22%.

Why Ireland's Plan Works

What Ireland is fighting is the same thing that the Fed is trying to fight here (outflows from banks and money market funds into short term government debt.)

The problem is NOT mom and pop pulling bank deposits, it is corporate treasurers and state treasurers whose jobs are on the line pulling deposits from weak banks and putting them into stronger ones.

The fastest way for the US and other governments to solve this is to raise deposit insurance ceilings. This is a far better option than ballooning the Fed's balance sheet more.

Furthermore, I would highlight that fully guaranteed deposits would put the US government even more at the top of the capital structure of banks. Existing senior debt is all of a sudden now fully subordinated to a potentially unlimited amount of insured deposit debt.

Why the Paulson Plan Fails

The Paulson plan fails because it does not stop mistrust between banks or mistrust by depositors. All it does is throw $700 billion in taxpayer money down a black hole.

The Paulson plan is also unconstitutional. There is no constitutional authority for the US Government or the Federal Reserve to use public (taxpayer) money for what is definitely a private purpose (bailing out Wall Street).

Finally, the Paulson plan takes time to implement fairly, and there are many holes in the oversight process.

Stop The Run On Banks

Temporarily guarantee all deposits at US Banks. Implement rules to ensure weak banks do not misuse this privilege by adopting risky lending practices. Orderly shut down all undercapitalized banks.

Senator, please scrap the Paulson proposal in entirety and try something that might work, that is constitutional, and does not put taxpayer money at risk.

Your Name
Your Phone Number
Your Email Address
Note: I am in principle opposed to FDIC insurance.
It IS A Moral Hazard.
However, I Fear the Paulson Proposal Far More
We CAN readdress FDIC later down the road.
There will be time later to take care of this.
We Must Provide Congress A Better Alternative NOW.
This is it.

Keep phoning and faxing until you Fill Every Congressional Voice Mail Box In The Country.

If you do not have internet faxing get it.

I went with MetroFax. 1000 pages at a very cheap price.
If you are reading this most likely you can afford $12.
Sign up today and fax to your heart's content.

Contact The House

Congressional Phone And Fax Numbers

Click Here For
Congressional Phone And Fax Numbers

Please fax AND phone your congressional representative, Nancy Pelosi, and Barney Frank.

House Phone Numbers

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D)(202) 225-4965
Rep. Barney Frank (D)(202) 225-5931

Please Call Every Senator with this simple message "I Applaud The Courageous Vote In The House to Block The Paulson Proposal. I expect you to do the same. It is time to look at other alternatives."

Senate Phone Numbers
Akaka, Daniel K.- (D - HI) Class I (202) 224-6361
Alexander, Lamar- (R - TN) Class II (202) 224-4944
Allard, Wayne- (R - CO) Class II (202) 224-5941
Barrasso, John- (R - WY)Class I (202) 224-6441
Baucus, Max- (D - MT) Class II (202) 224-2651
Bayh, Evan- (D - IN) Class III (202) 224-5623
Bennett, Robert F.- (R - UT) Class III (202) 224-5444
Biden, Joseph R., Jr.- (D - DE) Class II (202) 224-5042
Bingaman, Jeff- (D - NM) Class I (202) 224-5521
Bond, Christopher S.- (R - MO) Class III (202) 224-5721
Boxer, Barbara- (D - CA) Class III (202) 224-3553
Brown, Sherrod- (D - OH) Class I (202) 224-2315
Brownback, Sam- (R - KS) Class III (202) 224-6521
Bunning, Jim- (R - KY) Class III (202) 224-4343
Burr, Richard- (R - NC) Class III (202) 224-3154
Byrd, Robert C.- (D - WV) Class I (202) 224-3954
Cantwell, Maria- (D - WA) Class I (202) 224-3441
Cardin, Benjamin L.- (D - MD) Class I (202) 224-4524
Carper, Thomas R.- (D - DE) Class I (202) 224-2441
Casey, Robert P., Jr.- (D - PA) Class I (202) 224-6324
Chambliss, Saxby- (R - GA) Class II (202) 224-3521
Clinton, Hillary Rodham- (D - NY) Class I (202) 224-4451
Coburn, Tom- (R - OK) Class III (202) 224-5754
Cochran, Thad- (R - MS) Class II (202) 224-5054
Coleman, Norm- (R - MN) Class II (202) 224-5641
Collins, Susan M.- (R - ME) Class II (202) 224-2523
Conrad, Kent- (D - ND) Class I (202) 224-2043
Corker, Bob- (R - TN) Class I (202) 224-3344
Cornyn, John- (R - TX) Class II (202) 224-2934
Craig, Larry E.- (R - ID) Class II (202) 224-2752
Crapo, Mike- (R - ID) Class III (202) 224-6142
DeMint, Jim- (R - SC) Class III (202) 224-6121
Dodd, Christopher J.- (D - CT) Class III (202) 224-2823
Dole, Elizabeth- (R - NC) Class II (202) 224-6342
Domenici, Pete V.- (R - NM) Class II (202) 224-6621
Dorgan, Byron L.- (D - ND) Class III (202) 224-2551
Durbin, Richard- (D - IL) Class II (202) 224-2152
Ensign, John- (R - NV) Class I (202) 224-6244
Enzi, Michael B.- (R - WY) Class II (202) 224-3424
Feingold, Russell D.- (D - WI) Class III (202) 224-5323
Feinstein, Dianne- (D - CA) Class I (202) 224-3841
Graham, Lindsey- (R - SC) Class II(202) 224-5972
Grassley, Chuck- (R - IA) Class III (202) 224-3744
Gregg, Judd- (R - NH) Class III (202) 224-3324
Hagel, Chuck- (R - NE) Class II (202) 224-4224
Harkin, Tom- (D - IA) Class II (202) 224-3254
Hatch, Orrin G.- (R - UT)Class I (202) 224-5251
Hutchison, Kay Bailey- (R - TX) Class I (202) 224-5922
Inhofe, James M.- (R - OK) Class II(202) 224-4721
Inouye, Daniel K.- (D - HI) Class III (202) 224-3934
Isakson, Johnny- (R - GA)Class III (202) 224-3643
Johnson, Tim- (D - SD) Class II(202) 224-5842
Kennedy, Edward M.- (D - MA) Class I(202) 224-4543
Kerry, John F.- (D - MA) Class II(202) 224-2742
Klobuchar, Amy- (D - MN) Class I (202) 224-3244
Kohl, Herb- (D - WI) Class I (202) 224-5653
Kyl, Jon- (R - AZ) Class I (202) 224-4521
Landrieu, Mary L.- (D - LA) Class II (202) 224-5824
Lautenberg, Frank R.- (D - NJ) Class II (202) 224-3224
Leahy, Patrick J.- (D - VT) Class III (202) 224-4242
Levin, Carl- (D - MI) Class II (202) 224-6221
Lieberman, Joseph I.- (ID - CT) Class I (202) 224-4041
Lincoln, Blanche L.- (D - AR) Class III (202) 224-4843
Lugar, Richard G.- (R - IN) Class I (202) 224-4814
Martinez, Mel- (R - FL) Class III (202) 224-3041
McCain, John- (R - AZ) Class III (202) 224-2235
McCaskill, Claire- (D - MO) Class I (202) 224-6154
McConnell, Mitch- (R - KY) Class II (202) 224-2541
Menendez, Robert- (D - NJ) Class I (202) 224-4744
Mikulski, Barbara A.- (D - MD) Class III (202) 224-4654
Murkowski, Lisa- (R - AK) Class III (202) 224-6665
Murray, Patty- (D - WA) Class III (202) 224-2621
Nelson, Bill- (D - FL) Class I (202) 224-5274
Nelson, E. Benjamin- (D - NE) Class I (202) 224-6551
Obama, Barack- (D - IL) Class III (202) 224-2854
Pryor, Mark L.- (D - AR) Class II (202) 224-2353
Reed, Jack- (D - RI) Class II (202) 224-4642
Reid, Harry- (D - NV) Class III (202) 224-3542
Roberts, Pat- (R - KS) Class II (202) 224-4774
Rockefeller, John D., IV- (D - WV) Class II (202) 224-6472
Salazar, Ken- (D - CO) Class III (202) 224-5852
Sanders, Bernard- (I - VT) Class I (202) 224-5141
Schumer, Charles E.- (D - NY) Class III (202) 224-6542
Sessions, Jeff- (R - AL) Class II (202) 224-4124
Shelby, Richard C.- (R - AL) Class III (202) 224-5744
Smith, Gordon H.- (R - OR) Class II (202) 224-3753
Snowe, Olympia J.- (R - ME) Class I (202) 224-5344
Specter, Arlen- (R - PA) Class III (202) 224-4254
Stabenow, Debbie- (D - MI) Class I (202) 224-4822
Stevens, Ted- (R - AK) Class II (202) 224-3004
Sununu, John E.- (R - NH) Class II (202) 224-2841
Tester, Jon- (D - MT) Class I (202) 224-2644
Thune, John- (R - SD) Class III (202) 224-2321
Vitter, David- (R - LA) Class III (202) 224-4623
Voinovich, George V.- (R - OH) Class III (202) 224-3353
Warner, John- (R - VA) Class II (202) 224-2023
Webb, Jim- (D - VA) Class I (202) 224-4024
Whitehouse, Sheldon- (D - RI) Class I (202) 224-2921
Wicker, Roger F.- (R - MS) Class I (202) 224-6253
Wyden, Ron- (D - OR) Class III (202) 224-5244

Call every Senator with this simple message "I Applaud The Courageous Vote In The House to Block The Paulson Proposal. I expect you to do the same. It is time to look at other alternatives."

Senate Fax List

Targeted Senate Fax List.

Sen. Richard Shelby (R) 202-224-3416 or 202-224-5137 (try both not sure which is correct)
Sen. Harry Reid (D) 202-224-7327
Sen. Jim DeMint (R) 202-228-5143
Sen. John Ensign (R) 202-228-2193
Sen. Jim Bunning (R) 202-228-1373
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R) 202-224-6020
Sen John McCain (R) 202-228-2862

Sen. Barack Obama 202-228-4260
Sen. John D. Rockefeller 202-224-7665
Sen. Dianne Feinstein 202-228-3954
Sen. Ron Wyden 202-228-2717
Sen. Evan Bayh 202-228-1377
Sen. Barbara Mikulski 202-224-8858
Sen. Bill Nelson 202-228-2183
Sen. John Kerry 202-224-8525
Sen. Daniel Inouye 202-224-6747
Sen. Hillary Clinton 202-228-0282

Complete Senate Fax List

US Senate List

Note: the Fax number appears twice. Look above for phone numbers.

This list is MetroFax Compatible

To Use In MetroFax

1) Clip it
2) Open up notepad or Excel
3) Save it as a .CSV file
4) Upload it to metrofax

First Name,Last Name,Company,Voice Number,Fax Number

Congress,B. Evan Bayh (S),Congress,2022281377,2022281377
Congress,Barack Obama (S),Congress,2022285417,2022285417
Congress,Barbara Boxer (S),Congress,2022240454,2022240454
Congress,Barbara Mikulski (S),Congress,2022248858,2022248858
Congress,Ben Nelson (S),Congress,2022280012,2022280012
Congress,Bill Nelson (S),Congress,2022282183,2022282183
Congress,Blanche Lincoln (S),Congress,2022281371,2022281371
Congress,Byron Dorgan (S),Congress,2022241193,2022241193
Congress,Carl Levin (S),Congress,2022241388,2022241388
Congress,Charles Grassley (S),Congress,2022246020,2022246020
Congress,Charles Schumer (S),Congress,2022283027,2022283027
Congress,Christopher Dodd (S),Congress,2022241083,2022241083
Congress,Chuck Hagel (S),Congress,2022245213,2022245213
Congress,Daniel Inouye (S),Congress,2022246747,2022246747
Congress,Daniel Akaka (S),Congress,2022242126,2022242126
Congress,Debbie Stabenow (S), Congress,2022280325,2022280325
Congress,Dianne Feinstein (S),Congress,2022283954,2022283954
Congress,Edward Kennedy (S),Congress,2022242417,2022242417
Congress,Elizabeth Dole (S),Congress,2022241100,2022241100
Congress,Frank Lautenberg (S),Congress,2022284054,2022284054
Congress,GeorgeVoinovich (S),Congress,6144697733,6144697733
Congress,Gordon H. Smith (S),Congress,2022283997,2022283997
Congress,Harry Reid (S),Congress,2022247327,2022247327
Congress,Herbert Kohl (S),Congress,2022249787,2022249787
Congress,Hillary Clinton (S),Congress,2022280282,2022280282
Congress,James Inhofe (S),Congress,2022280380,2022280380
Congress,Jeff Bingaman (S),Congress,2022242852,2022242852
Congress,Jeff Sessions (S),Congress,2022243149,2022243149
Congress,Jim Bunning (S),Congress,2022281373,2022281373
Congress,Jim Demint(S),Congress,2022285143,2022285143
Congress,John Cornyn (S),Congress,2022282856,2022282856
Congress,John E. Sununu (S),Congress,2022284131,2022284131
Congress,John Ensign (S),Congress,2022282193,2022282193
Congress,John F. Reed (S),Congress,2022244680,2022244680
Congress,John Forbes Kerry (S),Congress,2022248525,2022248525
Congress,John McCain (S),Congress,2022282862,2022282862
Congress,John R. Thune(S),Congress,2022285429,2022285429
Congress,John Warner (S),Congress,2022246295,2022246295
Congress,Johnny Isakson (S),Congress,2022280724,2022280724
Congress,Jon Kyl (S),Congress,2022242207,2022242207
Congress,Joseph Biden (S),Congress,2022240139,2022240139
Congress,Joseph Lieberman (S),Congress,2022249750,2022249750
Congress,Judd Gregg (S),Congress,2022244952,2022244952
Congress,Kay Hutchison (S),Congress,2022240776,2022240776
Congress,Ken Salazar (S),Congress,2022285036,2022285036
Congress,Kent Conrad (S),Congress,2022247776,2022247776
Congress,Lamar Alexander(S),Congress,2022283398,2022283398
Congress,Larry E. Craig (S),Congress,2022281067,2022281067
Congress,Lisa Murkowski (S),Congress,2022245301,2022245301
Congress,Maria Cantwell (S),Congress,2022280514,2022280514

Congress,Mark Pryor (S),Congress,2022280908,2022280908
Congress,Mary Landrieu (S),Congress,2022249735,2022249735
Congress,Mel Martinez (S),Congress,2022885171,2022885171
Congress,Michael D. Crapo (S),Congress,2022281375,2022281375
Congress,Michael Enzi (S),Congress,2022280359,2022280359
Congress,Mitch McConnell(S),Congress,2022242499,2022242499
Congress,Norm Coleman (S),Congress,2022241152,2022241152
Congress,Olympia Snowe (S),Congress,2022241946,2022241946
Congress,Orrin Hatch (S),Congress,2022246331,2022246331
Congress,Pat Roberts (S),Congress,2022243514,2022243514
Congress,Patrick Leahy (S),Congress,2022243479,2022243479
Congress,Patty Murray (S),Congress,2022240238,2022240238
Congress,Pete Domenici (S),Congress,2022280900,2022280900
Congress,Richard Durbin (S),Congress,2022280400,2022280400
Congress,Richard Lugar (S),Congress,2022280360,2022280360
Congress,Richard Shelby (S),Congress,2022243416,2022243416
Congress,Robert Bennett (S),Congress,2022241168,2022241168
Congress,Robert Byrd (S),Congress,2022280002,2022280002
Congress,Ron Wyden (S),Congress,2022282717,2022282717
Congress,Russ Feingold (S),Congress,2022242725,2022242725
Congress,Sam Brownback (S),Congress,2022281265,2022281265
Congress,Saxby Chambliss (S),Congress,2022240103,2022240103
Congress,Susan M. Collins (S),Congress,2022242693,2022242693
Congress,Ted Stevens (S),Congress,2022242354,2022242354
Congress,Thomas R. Carper (S),Congress,2022282190,2022282190
Congress,Tim P. Johnson(S),Congress,2022285765,2022285765
Congress,Tom Harkin (S),Congress,2022249369,2022249369
Congress,Wayne Allard (S),Congress,2022246471,2022246471
Congress,Debbie Stabenow (S), Congress,2022280325,2022280325
Congress,Dianne Feinstein (S),Congress,2022283954,2022283954
Congress,Edward Kennedy (S),Congress,2022242417,2022242417
Congress,Elizabeth Dole (S),Congress,2022241100,2022241100
Congress,Frank Lautenberg (S),Congress,2022284054,2022284054
Congress,GeorgeVoinovich (S),Congress,6144697733,6144697733
Congress,Gordon H. Smith (S),Congress,2022283997,2022283997
Congress,Harry Reid (S),Congress,2022247327,2022247327
Congress,Herbert Kohl (S),Congress,2022249787,2022249787
Congress,Hillary Clinton (S),Congress,2022280282,2022280282
Congress,James Inhofe (S),Congress,2022280380,2022280380
Congress,Jeff Bingaman (S),Congress,2022242852,2022242852
Congress,Jeff Sessions (S),Congress,2022243149,2022243149
Congress,Jim Bunning (S),Congress,2022281373,2022281373
Congress,Jim Demint(S),Congress,2022285143,2022285143
Congress,John Cornyn (S),Congress,2022282856,2022282856
Congress,John E. Sununu (S),Congress,2022284131,2022284131
Congress,John Ensign (S),Congress,2022282193,2022282193
Congress,John F. Reed (S),Congress,2022244680,2022244680
Congress,John Forbes Kerry (S),Congress,2022248525,2022248525
Congress,John McCain (S),Congress,2022282862,2022282862
Congress,John R. Thune(S),Congress,2022285429,2022285429
Congress,John Warner (S),Congress,2022246295,2022246295
Congress,Johnny Isakson (S),Congress,2022280724,2022280724
Congress,Jon Kyl (S),Congress,2022242207,2022242207
Congress,Joseph Biden (S),Congress,2022240139,2022240139
Congress,Joseph Lieberman (S),Congress,2022249750,2022249750
Congress,Judd Gregg (S),Congress,2022244952,2022244952
Congress,Kay Hutchison (S),Congress,2022240776,2022240776
Congress,Ken Salazar (S),Congress,2022285036,2022285036
Congress,Kent Conrad (S),Congress,2022247776,2022247776
Congress,Lamar Alexander(S),Congress,2022283398,2022283398
Congress,Larry E. Craig (S),Congress,2022281067,2022281067
Congress,Lisa Murkowski (S),Congress,2022245301,2022245301
Congress,Maria Cantwell (S),Congress,2022280514,2022280514
Congress,Mark Pryor (S),Congress,2022280908,2022280908
Congress,Mary Landrieu (S),Congress,2022249735,2022249735
Congress,Mel Martinez (S),Congress,2022885171,2022885171
Congress,Michael D. Crapo (S),Congress,2022281375,2022281375
Congress,Michael Enzi (S),Congress,2022280359,2022280359
Congress,Mitch McConnell(S),Congress,2022242499,2022242499
Congress,Norm Coleman (S),Congress,2022241152,2022241152
Congress,Olympia Snowe (S),Congress,2022241946,2022241946
Congress,Orrin Hatch (S),Congress,2022246331,2022246331
Congress,Pat Roberts (S),Congress,2022243514,2022243514
Congress,Patrick Leahy (S),Congress,2022243479,2022243479
Congress,Patty Murray (S),Congress,2022240238,2022240238
Congress,Pete Domenici (S),Congress,2022280900,2022280900
Congress,Richard Durbin (S),Congress,2022280400,2022280400
Congress,Richard Lugar (S),Congress,2022280360,2022280360
Congress,Richard Shelby (S),Congress,2022243416,2022243416
Congress,Robert Bennett (S),Congress,2022241168,2022241168
Congress,Robert Byrd (S),Congress,2022280002,2022280002
Congress,Ron Wyden (S),Congress,2022282717,2022282717
Congress,Russ Feingold (S),Congress,2022242725,2022242725
Congress,Sam Brownback (S),Congress,2022281265,2022281265
Congress,Saxby Chambliss (S),Congress,2022240103,2022240103
Congress,Susan M. Collins (S),Congress,2022242693,2022242693
Congress,Ted Stevens (S),Congress,2022242354,2022242354
Congress,Thomas R. Carper (S),Congress,2022282190,2022282190
Congress,Tim P. Johnson(S),Congress,2022285765,2022285765
Congress,Tom Harkin (S),Congress,2022249369,2022249369
Congress,Wayne Allard (S),Congress,2022246471,2022246471

Fax List For All Congress

You can get a list of fax numbers for all congressional representatives in MetroFax Compatible Fax List For All Congress.

Fax Now!
Call Now!

In addition to the new campaign, please follow up by thanking or chastising your House Representative as explained in The Bailout Failed: What's Next?

Your help is appreciated.
We did it once, we can do it again!

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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