Monday, September 29, 2008

The Bailout Failed: What's Next?

Note: How To Stop A Run On The Banks supersedes the following campaign.
Please read and act on the above link.

We won the battle. Please remember this is a war.

Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Treasury Secretary Paulson, Obama, and McCain all still want to pass this stupid bill.

If Your Legislative Representative Voted No...

Please phone and fax your congressional representative thanking them for their courageous vote. Let them know you are still counting on them to stand up for justice and are watching their vote.

If Your Legislative Representative Voted Yes...

Please phone and fax them one more time stating you will organize action in their district should they attempt to revive this bill in any other form.

Take the above action for 3 consecutive days. Make sure they know we appreciate [or disapprove] of what they have done.

How Everyone Voted


This was a tremendous victory for Democracy.
Do Not Drop Your Guard Until Congress Is In Recess.

I am on 3 hours sleep but I am committed to having another phone and fax campaign. The idea is to pick up votes for our position. I want the next vote to be even more lopsided.

I want to target every representative who voted for this idiocy. At the same time, we need to look ahead and kill this in the Senate as well. Rumor has it there are votes to pass this in the Senate. I do not believe it. Remember all my previous skepticism about prior announcements? Who was right?

The message now must be the Paulson Plan Failed, Start Over.

The Paulson Plan is too risky, too costly, and does not create any jobs. We must start over.

I do not have a specific fax on that. I will have one within a couple hours or less.

Also, please flood any polls you see. Make sure those polls are overwhelmingly against the bailout.

CNBC Bailout Poll - Please Vote

I had a poll up on CNN but they changed the wording.
They will probably keep revising the poll so vote accordingly.

Please vote on CNN and keep voting through the night.

I hope to have some more sample faxes later, but most of you probably have it by now.
Fax List For All Congress

You can get a list of fax numbers for all the senators and congressman in MetroFax Compatible Fax List For All Congress.

Fax Now!
Call Now!

If you do not have internet faxing get it.

I went with MetroFax. 1000 pages at a very cheap price.
If you are reading this most likely you can afford $12.
Sign up today and fax to your heart's content.

Contact The House

Please fax AND phone your congressional representative and Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and Senator Dianne Feinstein.

Phone Numbers

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D)(202) 225-4965
Rep. Barney Frank (D)(202) 225-5931
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D) (202) 224-3841
Sen. Richard Shelby (R) (202) 224-5744
Sen. Harry Reid (D) 202-224-3542
Sen. Jim DeMint (R) 202-224-6121
Sen. John Ensign (R) (202) 224-6244
Sen. Jim Bunning (R) 202.224.4343
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R) (202) 224-3744
Sen. John McCain (R) 202-224-2235
Sen. Barack Obama (D) (202) 224-2854

Call them with this simple message "I have seen the revised bill, you will lose my vote if it passes".

Congressional Phone And Fax Numbers

Click Here For
Congressional Phone And Fax Numbers

Please fax EVERY US Senator!

The message now must be the Paulson Plan Failed, Start Over.

The Paulson Plan is too risky, too costly, and does not create any jobs. We must start over.

US Senate List
Note: the Fax number appears twice. Look elsewhere for phone numbers.

First Name,Last Name,Company,Voice Number,Fax Number

Congress,B. Evan Bayh (S),Congress,2022281377,2022281377
Congress,Barack Obama (S),Congress,2022285417,2022285417
Congress,Barbara Boxer (S),Congress,2022240454,2022240454
Congress,Barbara Mikulski (S),Congress,2022248858,2022248858
Congress,Ben Nelson (S),Congress,2022280012,2022280012
Congress,Bill Nelson (S),Congress,2022282183,2022282183
Congress,Blanche Lincoln (S),Congress,2022281371,2022281371
Congress,Byron Dorgan (S),Congress,2022241193,2022241193
Congress,Carl Levin (S),Congress,2022241388,2022241388
Congress,Charles Grassley (S),Congress,2022246020,2022246020
Congress,Charles Schumer (S),Congress,2022283027,2022283027
Congress,Christopher Dodd (S),Congress,2022241083,2022241083
Congress,Chuck Hagel (S),Congress,2022245213,2022245213
Congress,Daniel Inouye (S),Congress,2022246747,2022246747
Congress,Daniel Akaka (S),Congress,2022242126,2022242126
Congress,Debbie Stabenow (S), Congress,2022280325,2022280325
Congress,Dianne Feinstein (S),Congress,2022283954,2022283954
Congress,Edward Kennedy (S),Congress,2022242417,2022242417
Congress,Elizabeth Dole (S),Congress,2022241100,2022241100
Congress,Frank Lautenberg (S),Congress,2022284054,2022284054
Congress,GeorgeVoinovich (S),Congress,6144697733,6144697733
Congress,Gordon H. Smith (S),Congress,2022283997,2022283997
Congress,Harry Reid (S),Congress,2022247327,2022247327
Congress,Herbert Kohl (S),Congress,2022249787,2022249787
Congress,Hillary Clinton (S),Congress,2022280282,2022280282
Congress,James Inhofe (S),Congress,2022280380,2022280380
Congress,Jeff Bingaman (S),Congress,2022242852,2022242852
Congress,Jeff Sessions (S),Congress,2022243149,2022243149
Congress,Jim Bunning (S),Congress,2022281373,2022281373
Congress,Jim Demint(S),Congress,2022285143,2022285143
Congress,John Cornyn (S),Congress,2022282856,2022282856
Congress,John E. Sununu (S),Congress,2022284131,2022284131
Congress,John Ensign (S),Congress,2022282193,2022282193
Congress,John F. Reed (S),Congress,2022244680,2022244680
Congress,John Forbes Kerry (S),Congress,2022248525,2022248525
Congress,John McCain (S),Congress,2022282862,2022282862
Congress,John R. Thune(S),Congress,2022285429,2022285429
Congress,John Warner (S),Congress,2022246295,2022246295
Congress,Johnny Isakson (S),Congress,2022280724,2022280724
Congress,Jon Kyl (S),Congress,2022242207,2022242207
Congress,Joseph Biden (S),Congress,2022240139,2022240139
Congress,Joseph Lieberman (S),Congress,2022249750,2022249750
Congress,Judd Gregg (S),Congress,2022244952,2022244952
Congress,Kay Hutchison (S),Congress,2022240776,2022240776
Congress,Ken Salazar (S),Congress,2022285036,2022285036
Congress,Kent Conrad (S),Congress,2022247776,2022247776
Congress,Lamar Alexander(S),Congress,2022283398,2022283398
Congress,Larry E. Craig (S),Congress,2022281067,2022281067
Congress,Lisa Murkowski (S),Congress,2022245301,2022245301
Congress,Maria Cantwell (S),Congress,2022280514,2022280514

Congress,Mark Pryor (S),Congress,2022280908,2022280908
Congress,Mary Landrieu (S),Congress,2022249735,2022249735
Congress,Mel Martinez (S),Congress,2022885171,2022885171
Congress,Michael D. Crapo (S),Congress,2022281375,2022281375
Congress,Michael Enzi (S),Congress,2022280359,2022280359
Congress,Mitch McConnell(S),Congress,2022242499,2022242499
Congress,Norm Coleman (S),Congress,2022241152,2022241152
Congress,Olympia Snowe (S),Congress,2022241946,2022241946
Congress,Orrin Hatch (S),Congress,2022246331,2022246331
Congress,Pat Roberts (S),Congress,2022243514,2022243514
Congress,Patrick Leahy (S),Congress,2022243479,2022243479
Congress,Patty Murray (S),Congress,2022240238,2022240238
Congress,Pete Domenici (S),Congress,2022280900,2022280900
Congress,Richard Durbin (S),Congress,2022280400,2022280400
Congress,Richard Lugar (S),Congress,2022280360,2022280360
Congress,Richard Shelby (S),Congress,2022243416,2022243416
Congress,Robert Bennett (S),Congress,2022241168,2022241168
Congress,Robert Byrd (S),Congress,2022280002,2022280002
Congress,Ron Wyden (S),Congress,2022282717,2022282717
Congress,Russ Feingold (S),Congress,2022242725,2022242725
Congress,Sam Brownback (S),Congress,2022281265,2022281265
Congress,Saxby Chambliss (S),Congress,2022240103,2022240103
Congress,Susan M. Collins (S),Congress,2022242693,2022242693
Congress,Ted Stevens (S),Congress,2022242354,2022242354
Congress,Thomas R. Carper (S),Congress,2022282190,2022282190
Congress,Tim P. Johnson(S),Congress,2022285765,2022285765
Congress,Tom Harkin (S),Congress,2022249369,2022249369
Congress,Wayne Allard (S),Congress,2022246471,2022246471
Congress,Debbie Stabenow (S), Congress,2022280325,2022280325
Congress,Dianne Feinstein (S),Congress,2022283954,2022283954
Congress,Edward Kennedy (S),Congress,2022242417,2022242417
Congress,Elizabeth Dole (S),Congress,2022241100,2022241100
Congress,Frank Lautenberg (S),Congress,2022284054,2022284054
Congress,GeorgeVoinovich (S),Congress,6144697733,6144697733
Congress,Gordon H. Smith (S),Congress,2022283997,2022283997
Congress,Harry Reid (S),Congress,2022247327,2022247327
Congress,Herbert Kohl (S),Congress,2022249787,2022249787
Congress,Hillary Clinton (S),Congress,2022280282,2022280282
Congress,James Inhofe (S),Congress,2022280380,2022280380
Congress,Jeff Bingaman (S),Congress,2022242852,2022242852
Congress,Jeff Sessions (S),Congress,2022243149,2022243149
Congress,Jim Bunning (S),Congress,2022281373,2022281373
Congress,Jim Demint(S),Congress,2022285143,2022285143
Congress,John Cornyn (S),Congress,2022282856,2022282856
Congress,John E. Sununu (S),Congress,2022284131,2022284131
Congress,John Ensign (S),Congress,2022282193,2022282193
Congress,John F. Reed (S),Congress,2022244680,2022244680
Congress,John Forbes Kerry (S),Congress,2022248525,2022248525
Congress,John McCain (S),Congress,2022282862,2022282862
Congress,John R. Thune(S),Congress,2022285429,2022285429
Congress,John Warner (S),Congress,2022246295,2022246295
Congress,Johnny Isakson (S),Congress,2022280724,2022280724
Congress,Jon Kyl (S),Congress,2022242207,2022242207
Congress,Joseph Biden (S),Congress,2022240139,2022240139
Congress,Joseph Lieberman (S),Congress,2022249750,2022249750
Congress,Judd Gregg (S),Congress,2022244952,2022244952
Congress,Kay Hutchison (S),Congress,2022240776,2022240776
Congress,Ken Salazar (S),Congress,2022285036,2022285036
Congress,Kent Conrad (S),Congress,2022247776,2022247776
Congress,Lamar Alexander(S),Congress,2022283398,2022283398
Congress,Larry E. Craig (S),Congress,2022281067,2022281067
Congress,Lisa Murkowski (S),Congress,2022245301,2022245301
Congress,Maria Cantwell (S),Congress,2022280514,2022280514
Congress,Mark Pryor (S),Congress,2022280908,2022280908
Congress,Mary Landrieu (S),Congress,2022249735,2022249735
Congress,Mel Martinez (S),Congress,2022885171,2022885171
Congress,Michael D. Crapo (S),Congress,2022281375,2022281375
Congress,Michael Enzi (S),Congress,2022280359,2022280359
Congress,Mitch McConnell(S),Congress,2022242499,2022242499
Congress,Norm Coleman (S),Congress,2022241152,2022241152
Congress,Olympia Snowe (S),Congress,2022241946,2022241946
Congress,Orrin Hatch (S),Congress,2022246331,2022246331
Congress,Pat Roberts (S),Congress,2022243514,2022243514
Congress,Patrick Leahy (S),Congress,2022243479,2022243479
Congress,Patty Murray (S),Congress,2022240238,2022240238
Congress,Pete Domenici (S),Congress,2022280900,2022280900
Congress,Richard Durbin (S),Congress,2022280400,2022280400
Congress,Richard Lugar (S),Congress,2022280360,2022280360
Congress,Richard Shelby (S),Congress,2022243416,2022243416
Congress,Robert Bennett (S),Congress,2022241168,2022241168
Congress,Robert Byrd (S),Congress,2022280002,2022280002
Congress,Ron Wyden (S),Congress,2022282717,2022282717
Congress,Russ Feingold (S),Congress,2022242725,2022242725
Congress,Sam Brownback (S),Congress,2022281265,2022281265
Congress,Saxby Chambliss (S),Congress,2022240103,2022240103
Congress,Susan M. Collins (S),Congress,2022242693,2022242693
Congress,Ted Stevens (S),Congress,2022242354,2022242354
Congress,Thomas R. Carper (S),Congress,2022282190,2022282190
Congress,Tim P. Johnson(S),Congress,2022285765,2022285765
Congress,Tom Harkin (S),Congress,2022249369,2022249369
Congress,Wayne Allard (S),Congress,2022246471,2022246471

Your help is appreciated.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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