Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rep. Brad Sherman On Bailing Out Foreign Investors

Inquiring minds are considering Bailout Bill: Pros & Cons.

Click Here To Play Video

Following is a partial transcript
Rep. Brad Sherman, D California:

Larry I am glad you have a few seconds to talk to someone who voted against this bill. I am not changing my mind. I want to thank my colleagues who stood up to the purveyors of panic and voted against a very bad bill and voted with 400 eminent economists including three Nobel laureates who wrote to us and said don't panic, don't act hastily, hold hearings, work carefully. The fact is Larry if you read this bill, even you would have voted against it.

It provides hundreds of billions of dollars of bailouts to foreign investors. It provides no real control of Paulson's power. There is a critique board but not really a board that can step in and change what he does. It's a $700 billion program run by a part-time temporary employee and there is no limit on million dollar a month salaries.

Larry Kudlow:

Let me just ask you one question. I think you are referring to foreign banks headquartered in the United States. I do not see how foreign investors get bailed out.

Rep. Brad Sherman:

Larry you have to read the bill. It's very clear. The Bank of Shanghai can transfer all of its toxic assets to the Bank of Shanghai of Los Angeles which can then sell them the next day to the Treasury. I had a provision to say if it wasn't owned by an American entity even a subsidiary, but at least an entity in the US, the Treasury can't buy it. It was rejected.

The bill is very clear. Assets now held in China and London can be sold to US entities on Monday and then sold to the Treasury on Tuesday. Paulson has made it clear he will recommend a veto of any bill that contained a clear provision that said if Americans did not own the asset on September 20th that it can't be sold to the Treasury.

Hundreds of billions of dollars are going to bail out foreign investors. They know it, they demanded it and the bill has been carefully written to make sure that can happen.
Resolution Draft

Inquiring minds are verifying the above in the Bailout Bill Resolution Draft. Here is the language under discussion.
5 The Secretary shall coordinate, as appropriate, with
6 foreign financial authorities and central banks to work to
7 ward the establishment of similar programs by such au
8 thorities and central banks. To the extent that such for
9 eign financial authorities or banks hold troubled assets as
10 a result of extending financing to financial institutions
11 that have failed or defaulted on such financing, such trou
12 bled assets qualify for purchase under section 101.

9 (1) AUTHORITY.�The Secretary is authorized
10 to establish a troubled asset relief program (or
11 ��TARP��) to purchase, and to make and fund com
12 mitments to purchase, troubled assets from any fi
13 nancial institution, on such terms and conditions as
14 are determined by the Secretary, and in accordance
15 with this Act and the policies and procedures devel
16 oped and published by the Secretary.

5 The Secretary shall coordinate, as appropriate, with
6 foreign financial authorities and central banks to work to
7ward the establishment of similar programs by such au
8thorities and central banks. To the extent that such for
9eign financial authorities or banks hold troubled assets as
10 a result of extending financing to financial institutions
11 that have failed or defaulted on such financing, such trou
12bled assets qualify for purchase under section 101.
Please get this to EVERY senator before the Senate takes a vote.

Suggested Fax Text

Fax Title: Rep. Brad Sherman On Bailing Out Foreign Investors
Dear senator

Today I listened to Representative Brad Sherman on how the Paulson proposal will purposely bail out foreign investors.

Here is the shocking text as translated from CNBC in an exchange with Larry Kudlow.
Rep. Brad Sherman, D California:

Larry I am glad you have a few seconds to talk to someone who voted against this bill. I am not changing my mind. I want to thank my colleagues who stood up to the purveyors of panic and voted against a very bad bill and voted with 400 eminent economists including three Nobel laureates who wrote to us and said don't panic, don't act hastily, hold hearings, work carefully. The fact is Larry if you read this bill, even you would have voted against it.

It provides hundreds of billions of dollars of bailouts to foreign investors. It provides no real control of Paulson's power. There is a critique board but not really a board that can step in and change what he does. It's a $700 billion program run by a part-time temporary employee and there is no limit on million dollar a month salaries.

Larry Kudlow:

Let me just ask you one question. I think you are referring to foreign banks headquartered in the United States. I do not see how foreign investors get bailed out.

Rep. Brad Sherman:

Larry you have to read the bill. It's very clear. The Bank of Shanghai can transfer all of its toxic assets to the Bank of Shanghai of Los Angeles which can then sell them the next day to the Treasury. I had a provision to say if it wasn't owned by an American entity even a subsidiary, but at least an entity in the US, the Treasury can't buy it. It was rejected.

The bill is very clear. Assets now held in China and London can be sold to US entities on Monday and then sold to the Treasury on Tuesday.

Paulson has made it clear he will recommend a veto of any bill that contained a clear provision that said if Americans did not own the asset on September 20th that it can't be sold to the Treasury.

Hundreds of billions of dollars are going to bail out foreign investors. They know it, they demanded it and the bill has been carefully written to make sure that can happen.

Senator, please scrap the Paulson proposal in entirety and try something that might work, that is constitutional, and does not put taxpayer money at risk.

US citizens should not spending $700 Billion to bail out foreign investors. The actions of Treasury Secretary Paulson go far beyond disgusting, to outright betrayal of US citizens.

I ask that you take a clear stand against this un-American bill by not only voting against it, but to Filibuster the bill until it is given up for dead. I cannot and will not vote for any legislator who votes for this bill, or even allows it to be brought up for vote.

Senator, the United States of America is depending on you to block this bill for the good of the country.

Your Name
Your Phone Number
Your Email Address
Take Action Now

The Senate phone and fax list can be found in How To Stop A Run On The Banks.

Fax List For All Congress

You can get a list of fax numbers for all congressional representatives in MetroFax Compatible Fax List For All Congress.

Your help is appreciated.
I am going to fax that to each senator twice, once with the image and once without.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Tango Video from Gotan Project they are the new Tango revolution.

Tango Dance Video with Gotan Project, they are the new Tango with edgy beats, cunning arrangement and style!

Not only I am fascinating with Tango Music, but also with its sassy dancing style and sub culture.
It has a cold air mysterious, primal yet sophisticate, and very very sensual all in one. How could one resist?
"Gotan Project" is one of my most favorite band. I would consider them Tango though not in the traditional sense. But they took Tango to another dimension, and its very very edgy. And no one can do it better than them. :)

Here is a video from Gotan Project - Santa Maria (Del Buen Ayre)

Tango (the dance with the stop "Baille Con Carte") is one of the most fascinating of all dances. Originating in Spain or Morocco, the Tango was introduced to the New World by the Spanish settlers, eventually coming back to Spain with Black and Creole influences.

In the early 19th Century, the Tango was a solo dance performed by the woman. The Andalusian Tango was later done by one or two couples walking together using castanets. The dance was soon considered immoral with its flirting music!

Ballroom Tango originated in the lower class of Buenos Aires, especially in the "Bario de las Ranas". Clothing was dictated by full skirts for the woman and gauchos with high boots and spurs for the man.
The story of Tango as told is that it started with the gauchos of Argentina. They wore chaps that had hardened from the foam and sweat of the horses body. Hence to gauchos walked with knees flexed. They would go to the crowded night clubs and ask the local girls to dance. Since the gaucho hadn't showered, the lady would dance in the crook of the man's right arm, holding her head back. Her right hand was held low on his left hip, close to his pocket, looking for a payment for dancing with him.

**Anyway, I just want to show you guys this clip because they are the local Tango crowd in Seattle. The woman was my instructor a while back, she was really good. But I took only one class (about 5 sessions, now you know how good I am at Tango) due to my busy work schedule so I have to quit. I accidentally found the clip on youtube and I was like hey! I know those guys.

The music in this clip wasn't that great, but watch the movement, they can really move!

Related Post:
-Piazzolla's LiberTango with Yoyo Ma
-What kind of music to listen to while you draw


Book Review: Pamphlet Architecture 29

Pamphlet Architecture 29: Ambiguous Spaces (2008) by Nannette Jackowski and Ricardo de Ostos
Princeton Architectural Press
Paperback, 80 pages


The 29th installment of the Pamphlet Architecture series includes two projects by Naja & deOstos of "experimental architecture using narratives. " Readers may have become familiar with the duo of Nannette Jackowski and Ricardo de Ostos last year with the publication of their Hanging Cemetery of Baghad, an impressive project that is best described as architectural even though it didn't strive for the goals of most architecture, namely being built. The projects Nuclear Breeding and The Pregnant Island presented here fall into the same category, though they don't pack the punch of the cemetery project.

As the Hanging Cemetery is designed for a specific locale -- even though the authors only experienced the place via TV and other media (a fact that influenced their design) -- these two designs also address particular places with unique histories and, therefore, stories to tell. Nuclear Breeding is sited at Orford Ness, a former nuclear test facility located in southeast England. Not surprisingly, NaJa & deOstos stray from the practical treatment of the site as a nature reserve -- a cover-up of the past, if you will -- in favor of an exploration of the place's nuclear history. The authors use narrative to develop four groups of characters that inhabit different areas of Orford Ness, and the mechanism of the nuclear bomb itself becomes a design tool for shaping the land, most notably into craters in some areas. Their more experimental side shines in the Master-Slave irrigation device, a spider-like creature that mechanically farms and then becomes an armature for habitation.

The Pregnant Island is located in the Tucuru� Reservoir in the Brazilian Amazon. Where the first project looks at the changes wrought by the testing of nuclear weapons, this one takes the dam as the modern tool for investigation. While not responsible for deaths like a nuclear bomb, dams are here seen for the destruction and displacement they cause, not for the energy creation or other supposedly good aspects of their massive infrastructure. Nature transformed by the completion of the dam in 1984 is the palette for the authors. They balance Western and indigenous Amazonian views of nature to envision the creation of an island, seen in the various stages of birth and used as a site for a building (a Malaca) both traditional and fantastical.

Compared to the Hanging Cemetery, the relationship between concept and construct in these two projects is not as strong. The Master-Slave and Malaca do not seem integral to the narratives set up by the architects; the links are tenuous, with these visually impressive designs stronger as singular objects than as pieces of larger studies of places transformed by the dark sides of Modernity.


Today's archidose #250

Here's a couple Polaroids taken by victortsu of the Sainte-Bernadette-du-Banlay Church in Nevers, France by Claude Parent and Paul Virilio, 1966.

To contribute your Flickr images for consideration, just:

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Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4 Lens

Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4 Lens

An essential tool with a focal length that closely replicates the visual perspective of the human eye when used with an FX-format D-SLR. Nikon�s optical expertise and modern technological advances, such as the Silent Wave Motor, help to deliver outstanding operation that is critical for Nikon FX and DX-format photographers who demand the pinnacle of photographic performance.

Ideal for travel, event, environmental and general photography in a wide variety of conditions, the new AF-S 50mm f/1.4 lens combines a superb optical formula with an ultra-fast f/1.4 maximum aperture, making it destined to become an instant classic in this digital age. This compact lens continues the tradition of NIKKOR precision optics to provide photographers with sharp, high-resolution images and the ability to focus as close as 1.5 feet for added versatility. The integration of an ultra-compact Silent Wave Motor ensures fast, whisper-quiet operation.

The AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4G teams perfectly with the low noise at high ISO sensitivity performance of Nikon D-SLRs such as the D3 and new D700 cameras. When used on a Nikon DX-format digital SLR camera, the new AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4G provides an ideal portrait picture angle, approximating that of a 75mm lens in use on a FX-format D-SLR or 35mm SLR camera.

A newly developed optical formula effectively corrects sagittal coma flare and coma aberration, delivering astonishing image quality and allowing more users to realize their creative vision with vivid clarity. Instances of lens flare and chromatic aberration are further suppressed through the use of Nikon�s exclusive Super Integrated Coatings, which also help ensure vividly accurate color balance. The rounded diaphragm opening combined with the nine-blade aperture contributes to a substantially more natural appearance of out-of-focus background elements.

The Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4G lens is scheduled to be available at Nikon dealers beginning December 2008.

Congressional Most Endangered List

The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting Many vulnerable lawmakers said 'no' to bailout.
Two-thirds of Congress' most vulnerable members � Republicans and Democrats alike � chose to protect their seats on Election Day rather than follow their party leaders and vote for an unpopular economic bailout plan.

Their votes helped doom the plan President Bush, congressional leaders and top economic officials said was critical.

"We're all worried about losing our jobs," Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said, endorsing the bill and voting for it after leading a rebellion against an earlier version last week. "Most of us say, 'I want this thing to pass, but I want you to vote for it, not me,'" he said, speaking for colleagues who have tougher re-election fights than his own.

The three vulnerable Republicans who voted "yes" were Reps. Christopher Shays of Connecticut, Mark Kirk of Illinois and Jon Porter of Nevada.

The three vulnerable Democrats voting "yes" were Tim Mahoney of Florida, Paul E. Kanjorski of Pennsylvania and Jerry McNerney of California.
Metrofax Most Vulnerable Target List

Note: The fax list is to every office of targeted reps. Please fax every office.

Congress,Paul Ryan,Congress,2022253393,2022253393
Congress,Paul Ryan,Congress,6087524711,6087524711
Congress,Paul Ryan,Congress,2626542156,2626542156
Congress,Paul Ryan,Congress,2626375689,2626375689
Congress,Christopher Shays,Congress,2022259629,2022259629
Congress,Christopher Shays,Congress,2035790771,2035790771
Congress,Christopher Shays,Congress,2022259629,2033571050
Congress,Mark S. Kirk,Congress,2022250837,2022250837
Congress,Mark S. Kirk,Congress,8479407143,8479407143
Congress,John C. Porter,Congress,2022252185,2022252185
Congress,John C. Porter,Congress,7024341378,7024341378
Congress,Timothy Mahoney,Congress,2022253132,2022253132
Congress,Timothy Mahoney,Congress,9416279101,9416279101
Congress,Timothy Mahoney,Congress,7728710651 ,7728710651
Congress,Paul E. Kanjorski,Congress,2022250764,2022250764
Congress,Paul E. Kanjorski,Congress,5708258685,5708258685
Congress,Paul E. Kanjorski,Congress,5704966439,5704966439
Congress,Gerald McNerney,Congress,2022260861,2022260861
Congress,Gerald McNerney,Congress,9257370734,9257370734
Congress,Gerald McNerney,Congress,2094768587,2094768587

Phone Numbers

Please phone every office.

Paul Ryan, Phone: (202) 225-3031 Fax: (202) 225-3393
Janesville, WI Phone: (608) 752-4050 Fax: (608) 752-4711
Kenosha, WI Phone: (262) 654-1901 Fax: (262) 654-2156
Racine, WI Phone: (262) 637-0510 Fax: (262) 637-5689

Christopher Shays, Phone: 202-225-5541 Fax:202-225-9629
Bridgeport Phone: 203-579-5870 Fax: 203-579-0771
Stamford Phone: 203-357-8277 Fax: 203-357-1050
Norwalk Phone: 203-866-6469 No Fax
Ridgefield Phone: 203-438-5953 No Fax
Shelton Phone 203-402-0426 No Fax

Mark S. Kirk, Phone: 202-225-4835 Fax: 202-225-0837
Northbrook, IL Phone: 847-940-0202 Fax: 847-940-7143

John C. Porter,Phone: 202-225-3252 Fax: 202-225-2185
Henderson Office Phone: 702-387-4941 Fax: 702-434-1378

Timothy Mahoney, Phone: (202) 225-5792 Fax: (202) 225-3132
Port Charlotte, Phone: (941) 627-9100 Fax: (941) 627-9101
Stuart, FL Phone: (772) 878-3181 Fax: (772) 871-0651

Paul E. Kanjorski, ph: 202-225-6511 fx: 202-225-0764
Wilkes-Barre, PA ph: 570-825-2200 fx: 570-825-8685
Scranton, PA ph: 570-496-1011 fx: 570-496-6439

Gerald McNerney, (202) 225-1947 Fax: (202) 225-4060
Pleasanton, CA (925) phone: 737-0727 Fax: (925) 737-0734
Stockton, CA 95207 phone: (209) 476-8552 Fax: (209) 476-8587

Fax Title: Scrap The Paulson Plan, Instead Try This
Today the Irish government announced a surprise decision to safeguard the Irish banking system for two years, guaranteeing all deposits, covered bonds, senior debt and dated subordinated debt of the four main banks.

The Result

Investors welcomed the news. By 0755 GMT, Allied Irish Banks PLC (AIB) rose 14%, Anglo Irish Bank PLC (ANGL.DB) rose 22%, Bank of Ireland PLC (IRE) rose6.7% , and Irish Life & Permanent PLC (IPM.DB) rose 22%.

Why Ireland's Plan Works

What Ireland is fighting is the same thing that the Fed is trying to fight here (outflows from banks and money market funds into short term government debt.)

The problem is NOT mom and pop pulling bank deposits, it is corporate treasurers and state treasurers whose jobs are on the line pulling deposits from weak banks and putting them into stronger ones.

The fastest way for the US and other governments to solve this is to raise deposit insurance ceilings. This is a far better option than ballooning the Fed's balance sheet more.

Furthermore, I would highlight that fully guaranteed deposits would put the US government even more at the top of the capital structure of banks. Existing senior debt is all of a sudden now fully subordinated to a potentially unlimited amount of insured deposit debt.

Why the Paulson Plan Fails

The Paulson plan fails because it does not stop mistrust between banks or mistrust by depositors. All it does is throw $700 billion in taxpayer money down a black hole.

The Paulson plan is also unconstitutional. There is no constitutional authority for the US Government or the Federal Reserve to use public (taxpayer) money for what is definitely a private purpose (bailing out Wall Street).

Finally, the Paulson plan takes time to implement fairly, and there are many holes in the oversight process.

How To Stop The Run On Banks

Temporarily guarantee all deposits at US Banks. Implement rules to ensure weak banks do not misuse this privilege by adopting risky lending practices. Conduct an orderly shut down all undercapitalized banks.

Modified Paulson Proposal Is A Disgrace

The modified Paulson bill is so full of holes and toothless provisions it is a disgrace to suggest it is close to being ready for a vote. Most importantly, the bill will not create a single job, nor will it solve the underlying economic problems. Over 190 major economists agree.

Fox Oversees Henhouse

The bill sets up an oversight board, which is directed to �ensure that the policies implemented� by Mr. Paulson are proper. Mr. Paulson is to be one of the five members of the board watching over his own actions. He is joined by the chairman of the Federal Reserve, the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Housing Secretary and the director of the Federal Home Finance Agency.

The oversight committee is a complete joke.

New Proposal Cedes Congressional Authority To The Administration

Paulson, or whoever the next Treasury Secretary is, can buy whatever he wants, at whatever price he wants. Why should Congress give such authority to anyone at any time?

If you vote for this Bailout Bill I will vote against you.

I will do more than that, I will work actively for your opponent, no matter who that person is, doing everything in my power to contribute to your defeat.

If you vote for this bill I will contribute my time, energy and money to your opponent, whoever that may be.

I will talk to my friends, my family and my co-workers and urge them to do the same. I have already contacted many friends and have asked them to do the same.

Please scrap the Paulson proposal in entirety and try something that might work, that is constitutional, and does not put taxpayer money at risk. I have submitted such an alternative to consider. The Paulson proposal must be scrapped in entirety.

Your Name
Your Email Address
If you live in their district, please add your address and phone number.

Our goal is to not lose a single rep, but to gain some that are on the edge.
Your help is appreciated.

Also see How To Stop A Run On The Banks

Make sure you contact every senator as well, details are in the above link.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

JVC unveils new Everio concept HD camcorder at CEATEC

JVC unveils new Everio concept HD camcorder at CEATEC

JVC has hopped on-board the HD cam bandwagon and brought some tasty wares to the table at CEATEC today, with the next gen Everio HD Memory Camera. This SDHC based concept is expected to be AVCHD ready with an HDMI port. There wasn't much more info to go around, but we expect full disclosure and a review unit real, real soon (you listening JVC?) -- or at the very least a hands-on at the show. In the meantime, feast your eyes on the above photo.

(Via Engadget.)

DXG and Geotate team on geotagging video camera

DXG and Geotate team on geotagging video camera

We're still waiting for geotagging to go mainstream on consumer-level still cams, but Geotate isn't waiting around in its quest for location-aware domination -- it's teamed up with DXG to develop the first geotagging video camera we've seen. The camera itself isn't anything special -- it's just another average DXG HD cam, based on the DVH586 -- but the geotagging is powered by Geotate's Yuma software, which does most of the heavy lifting on the server at import, so we'd expect it to be pretty robust. No word on pricing or availability, but we're assuming it'll fall in line with the rest of DXG's lineup on the cheaper side.

(Via Engadget.)

Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1 coming in November at $799 according to booth rep

Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1 coming in November at $799 according to booth rep

Last we heard from Panasonic, the DMC-G1 super-light was tentatively priced at $799 for US markets. Turns out this is fact, at least if the officials at Panasonic's booth here at CEATEC are to be believed. What's more, they say the G1 will hit stateside shores in November, so if you're in the market for a new camera, start saving now. In related news, we got our hands on the G1 again, this time in red (the camera, not our hands). The digital viewfinder is still a bit disorienting, but the proximity sensor that turns off the big display when you're up close is a nice little trick. Pics and what-not below.

(Via Engadget.)

JVC unveils new Everio concept HD camcorder at CEATEC

JVC unveils new Everio concept HD camcorder at CEATEC

JVC has hopped on-board the HD cam bandwagon and brought some tasty wares to the table at CEATEC today, with the next gen Everio HD Memory Camera. This SDHC based concept is expected to be AVCHD ready with an HDMI port. There wasn't much more info to go around, but we expect full disclosure and a review unit real, real soon (you listening JVC?) -- or at the very least a hands-on at the show. In the meantime, feast your eyes on the above photo.

(Via Engadget.)

DXG and Geotate team on geotagging video camera

DXG and Geotate team on geotagging video camera

We're still waiting for geotagging to go mainstream on consumer-level still cams, but Geotate isn't waiting around in its quest for location-aware domination -- it's teamed up with DXG to develop the first geotagging video camera we've seen. The camera itself isn't anything special -- it's just another average DXG HD cam, based on the DVH586 -- but the geotagging is powered by Geotate's Yuma software, which does most of the heavy lifting on the server at import, so we'd expect it to be pretty robust. No word on pricing or availability, but we're assuming it'll fall in line with the rest of DXG's lineup on the cheaper side.

(Via Engadget.)

Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1 coming in November at $799 according to booth rep

Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1 coming in November at $799 according to booth rep

Last we heard from Panasonic, the DMC-G1 super-light was tentatively priced at $799 for US markets. Turns out this is fact, at least if the officials at Panasonic's booth here at CEATEC are to be believed. What's more, they say the G1 will hit stateside shores in November, so if you're in the market for a new camera, start saving now. In related news, we got our hands on the G1 again, this time in red (the camera, not our hands). The digital viewfinder is still a bit disorienting, but the proximity sensor that turns off the big display when you're up close is a nice little trick. Pics and what-not below.

(Via Engadget.)

Inspired by...

Because of all this blogging I'm doing, I'm getting NO sleep, but tons of ideas. Soon I'm going to have to catch up on the sleep thing, but for now...I blog!! I have decided to post on various projects I've found online that I decide to do myself. I'll link you to the orginals and we'll see how my versions turn out. :)

But my first ideas came from the recent Home-A-Rama. I'm going to attempt these on my own, on the cheap, with my own spin.

We do this quite often with client's window treatments, and I've actually seen it done better, but I've never tried it myself. I think it's time -- just have to figure out where?:

This is a Pottery Barn Kids piece, but I know I can do it cheaper on my own. ;) Love this idea!:

Umm, is this not caaauuuute?? It's a lamp, used as a ribbon holder. Darling. I will not do this with a lamp, but it has the wheels turning:

Seriously, how easy and fun is this? This one I think I will do soon...couple ideas floating around as to how I'll do it exactly:

I've seen this before but it was a good reminder of something I've been wanting to do:

I'd love to see if you've done anything similar to these, or if you decide to tackle these one your own! Have fun!

How To Stop A Run On The Banks

The global banking system has frozen up. There is no trust between banks and there is no trust by depositors of banks. This has caused a run on the banks, and has led to the failure of Washington Mutual and Wachovia. Internationally, several large banks have failed.

Bloomberg is reporting Libor Rises Most on Record After U.S. Congress Rejects Bailout.
The cost of borrowing in dollars overnight rose the most on record after the U.S. Congress rejected a $700 billion bank-rescue plan, putting an unprecedented squeeze on the global financial system.

The London interbank offered rate, or Libor, that banks charge each other for such loans climbed 431 basis points to an all-time high of 6.88 percent today, the British Bankers' Association said. The euro interbank offered rate, or Euribor, for one-month loans jumped to a record 5.05 percent, the European Banking Federation said. The Libor-OIS spread, a gauge of the scarcity of cash, also increased to an all-time high.

"This is unheard of, the money markets should be the engine driving the financial system but they have broken down," said Kornelius Purps, a fixed-income strategist in Munich for UniCredit Markets and Investment Banking, a unit of Italy's largest lender. "Any institution that hasn't completed its 2008 funding needs by now is going to be in very serious trouble. More banks are going to need to be bailed out."

The seizure in the credit markets is tipping lenders toward insolvency, forcing U.S. and European governments to rescue five banks in the past two days, including Dexia SA, the world's biggest provider of loans to local governments, and Wachovia Corp. Money-market rates climbed even after the Federal Reserve yesterday more than doubled the size of its dollar-swap line with foreign central banks to $620 billion. In Europe, banks borrowed dollars from the ECB at almost six times the Fed's benchmark interest rate today.
Why the Paulson Plan Fails

The Paulson plan fails because it does not stop mistrust between banks or mistrust by depositors. All it does is throw $700 billion in taxpayer money down a black hole.

The Paulson plan is also unconstitutional. There is no constitutional authority for the US Government or the Federal Reserve to use public (taxpayer) money for what is definitely a private purpose (bailing out Wall Street).

Finally, the Paulson plan takes time to implement fairly, and there are many holes in the oversight process.

Irish Government Moves To Safeguard Banking System

FXStreet is reporting Irish Government Moves To Safeguard Banking System.
The Irish government Tuesday announced a surprise decision to safeguard the Irish banking system for two years, guaranteeing all deposits, covered bonds, senior debt and dated subordinated debt of the four main banks.

"It has done so following advice from the governor of the central bank and the financial regulator about the impact of the recent international market turmoil on the Irish banking system," the government said in a statement.

The government said it aims "to safeguard the Irish financial system and to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy caused by the recent turmoil in the international financial markets."

Finance Minister Brian Lenihan said Tuesday that the guarantee will mean a commercial charge for Irish banks, but this would be decided by the Central Bank of Ireland; he gave no more details on the charge.

He said that the decision to guarantee the banking system for two years was primarily aimed at addressing liquidity concerns, protecting taxpayers funds and crucially ensuring banking funds don't dry up.

Investors welcomed the news. By 0755 GMT, Allied Irish Banks PLC (AIB) was up 14% at EUR5.70, Anglo Irish Bank PLC (ANGL.DB) was up 22% at EUR2.81, Bank of Ireland PLC (IRE) was up 6.7% at EUR3.49, and Irish Life & Permanent PLC (IPM.DB) was up 22% at EUR4.35.

The guarantee runs from midnight on Sept. 29, 2008, and expires at midnight on Sept. 28, 2010, and follows the decision last week by the government to guarantee deposits in Irish banks up to EUR100,000.

The government said it aims "to remove any uncertainty" and "maintain financial stability for the benefit of depositors and businesses and is in the best interests of the Irish economy."

Davy Research analyst Scott Rankin said: "The Irish government has taken out its bazooka."
This is urgent we must get this to EVERY senator before the Senate takes a vote.

Fax Title: How To Stop A Run On The Banks
Dear senator

Today the Irish government announced a surprise decision to safeguard the Irish banking system for two years, guaranteeing all deposits, covered bonds, senior debt and dated subordinated debt of the four main banks.

The Result

Investors welcomed the news. By 0755 GMT, Allied Irish Banks PLC (AIB) rose 14%, Anglo Irish Bank PLC (ANGL.DB) rose 22%, Bank of Ireland PLC (IRE) rose6.7% , and Irish Life & Permanent PLC (IPM.DB) rose 22%.

Why Ireland's Plan Works

What Ireland is fighting is the same thing that the Fed is trying to fight here (outflows from banks and money market funds into short term government debt.)

The problem is NOT mom and pop pulling bank deposits, it is corporate treasurers and state treasurers whose jobs are on the line pulling deposits from weak banks and putting them into stronger ones.

The fastest way for the US and other governments to solve this is to raise deposit insurance ceilings. This is a far better option than ballooning the Fed's balance sheet more.

Furthermore, I would highlight that fully guaranteed deposits would put the US government even more at the top of the capital structure of banks. Existing senior debt is all of a sudden now fully subordinated to a potentially unlimited amount of insured deposit debt.

Why the Paulson Plan Fails

The Paulson plan fails because it does not stop mistrust between banks or mistrust by depositors. All it does is throw $700 billion in taxpayer money down a black hole.

The Paulson plan is also unconstitutional. There is no constitutional authority for the US Government or the Federal Reserve to use public (taxpayer) money for what is definitely a private purpose (bailing out Wall Street).

Finally, the Paulson plan takes time to implement fairly, and there are many holes in the oversight process.

Stop The Run On Banks

Temporarily guarantee all deposits at US Banks. Implement rules to ensure weak banks do not misuse this privilege by adopting risky lending practices. Orderly shut down all undercapitalized banks.

Senator, please scrap the Paulson proposal in entirety and try something that might work, that is constitutional, and does not put taxpayer money at risk.

Your Name
Your Phone Number
Your Email Address
Note: I am in principle opposed to FDIC insurance.
It IS A Moral Hazard.
However, I Fear the Paulson Proposal Far More
We CAN readdress FDIC later down the road.
There will be time later to take care of this.
We Must Provide Congress A Better Alternative NOW.
This is it.

Keep phoning and faxing until you Fill Every Congressional Voice Mail Box In The Country.

If you do not have internet faxing get it.

I went with MetroFax. 1000 pages at a very cheap price.
If you are reading this most likely you can afford $12.
Sign up today and fax to your heart's content.

Contact The House

Congressional Phone And Fax Numbers

Click Here For
Congressional Phone And Fax Numbers

Please fax AND phone your congressional representative, Nancy Pelosi, and Barney Frank.

House Phone Numbers

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D)(202) 225-4965
Rep. Barney Frank (D)(202) 225-5931

Please Call Every Senator with this simple message "I Applaud The Courageous Vote In The House to Block The Paulson Proposal. I expect you to do the same. It is time to look at other alternatives."

Senate Phone Numbers
Akaka, Daniel K.- (D - HI) Class I (202) 224-6361
Alexander, Lamar- (R - TN) Class II (202) 224-4944
Allard, Wayne- (R - CO) Class II (202) 224-5941
Barrasso, John- (R - WY)Class I (202) 224-6441
Baucus, Max- (D - MT) Class II (202) 224-2651
Bayh, Evan- (D - IN) Class III (202) 224-5623
Bennett, Robert F.- (R - UT) Class III (202) 224-5444
Biden, Joseph R., Jr.- (D - DE) Class II (202) 224-5042
Bingaman, Jeff- (D - NM) Class I (202) 224-5521
Bond, Christopher S.- (R - MO) Class III (202) 224-5721
Boxer, Barbara- (D - CA) Class III (202) 224-3553
Brown, Sherrod- (D - OH) Class I (202) 224-2315
Brownback, Sam- (R - KS) Class III (202) 224-6521
Bunning, Jim- (R - KY) Class III (202) 224-4343
Burr, Richard- (R - NC) Class III (202) 224-3154
Byrd, Robert C.- (D - WV) Class I (202) 224-3954
Cantwell, Maria- (D - WA) Class I (202) 224-3441
Cardin, Benjamin L.- (D - MD) Class I (202) 224-4524
Carper, Thomas R.- (D - DE) Class I (202) 224-2441
Casey, Robert P., Jr.- (D - PA) Class I (202) 224-6324
Chambliss, Saxby- (R - GA) Class II (202) 224-3521
Clinton, Hillary Rodham- (D - NY) Class I (202) 224-4451
Coburn, Tom- (R - OK) Class III (202) 224-5754
Cochran, Thad- (R - MS) Class II (202) 224-5054
Coleman, Norm- (R - MN) Class II (202) 224-5641
Collins, Susan M.- (R - ME) Class II (202) 224-2523
Conrad, Kent- (D - ND) Class I (202) 224-2043
Corker, Bob- (R - TN) Class I (202) 224-3344
Cornyn, John- (R - TX) Class II (202) 224-2934
Craig, Larry E.- (R - ID) Class II (202) 224-2752
Crapo, Mike- (R - ID) Class III (202) 224-6142
DeMint, Jim- (R - SC) Class III (202) 224-6121
Dodd, Christopher J.- (D - CT) Class III (202) 224-2823
Dole, Elizabeth- (R - NC) Class II (202) 224-6342
Domenici, Pete V.- (R - NM) Class II (202) 224-6621
Dorgan, Byron L.- (D - ND) Class III (202) 224-2551
Durbin, Richard- (D - IL) Class II (202) 224-2152
Ensign, John- (R - NV) Class I (202) 224-6244
Enzi, Michael B.- (R - WY) Class II (202) 224-3424
Feingold, Russell D.- (D - WI) Class III (202) 224-5323
Feinstein, Dianne- (D - CA) Class I (202) 224-3841
Graham, Lindsey- (R - SC) Class II(202) 224-5972
Grassley, Chuck- (R - IA) Class III (202) 224-3744
Gregg, Judd- (R - NH) Class III (202) 224-3324
Hagel, Chuck- (R - NE) Class II (202) 224-4224
Harkin, Tom- (D - IA) Class II (202) 224-3254
Hatch, Orrin G.- (R - UT)Class I (202) 224-5251
Hutchison, Kay Bailey- (R - TX) Class I (202) 224-5922
Inhofe, James M.- (R - OK) Class II(202) 224-4721
Inouye, Daniel K.- (D - HI) Class III (202) 224-3934
Isakson, Johnny- (R - GA)Class III (202) 224-3643
Johnson, Tim- (D - SD) Class II(202) 224-5842
Kennedy, Edward M.- (D - MA) Class I(202) 224-4543
Kerry, John F.- (D - MA) Class II(202) 224-2742
Klobuchar, Amy- (D - MN) Class I (202) 224-3244
Kohl, Herb- (D - WI) Class I (202) 224-5653
Kyl, Jon- (R - AZ) Class I (202) 224-4521
Landrieu, Mary L.- (D - LA) Class II (202) 224-5824
Lautenberg, Frank R.- (D - NJ) Class II (202) 224-3224
Leahy, Patrick J.- (D - VT) Class III (202) 224-4242
Levin, Carl- (D - MI) Class II (202) 224-6221
Lieberman, Joseph I.- (ID - CT) Class I (202) 224-4041
Lincoln, Blanche L.- (D - AR) Class III (202) 224-4843
Lugar, Richard G.- (R - IN) Class I (202) 224-4814
Martinez, Mel- (R - FL) Class III (202) 224-3041
McCain, John- (R - AZ) Class III (202) 224-2235
McCaskill, Claire- (D - MO) Class I (202) 224-6154
McConnell, Mitch- (R - KY) Class II (202) 224-2541
Menendez, Robert- (D - NJ) Class I (202) 224-4744
Mikulski, Barbara A.- (D - MD) Class III (202) 224-4654
Murkowski, Lisa- (R - AK) Class III (202) 224-6665
Murray, Patty- (D - WA) Class III (202) 224-2621
Nelson, Bill- (D - FL) Class I (202) 224-5274
Nelson, E. Benjamin- (D - NE) Class I (202) 224-6551
Obama, Barack- (D - IL) Class III (202) 224-2854
Pryor, Mark L.- (D - AR) Class II (202) 224-2353
Reed, Jack- (D - RI) Class II (202) 224-4642
Reid, Harry- (D - NV) Class III (202) 224-3542
Roberts, Pat- (R - KS) Class II (202) 224-4774
Rockefeller, John D., IV- (D - WV) Class II (202) 224-6472
Salazar, Ken- (D - CO) Class III (202) 224-5852
Sanders, Bernard- (I - VT) Class I (202) 224-5141
Schumer, Charles E.- (D - NY) Class III (202) 224-6542
Sessions, Jeff- (R - AL) Class II (202) 224-4124
Shelby, Richard C.- (R - AL) Class III (202) 224-5744
Smith, Gordon H.- (R - OR) Class II (202) 224-3753
Snowe, Olympia J.- (R - ME) Class I (202) 224-5344
Specter, Arlen- (R - PA) Class III (202) 224-4254
Stabenow, Debbie- (D - MI) Class I (202) 224-4822
Stevens, Ted- (R - AK) Class II (202) 224-3004
Sununu, John E.- (R - NH) Class II (202) 224-2841
Tester, Jon- (D - MT) Class I (202) 224-2644
Thune, John- (R - SD) Class III (202) 224-2321
Vitter, David- (R - LA) Class III (202) 224-4623
Voinovich, George V.- (R - OH) Class III (202) 224-3353
Warner, John- (R - VA) Class II (202) 224-2023
Webb, Jim- (D - VA) Class I (202) 224-4024
Whitehouse, Sheldon- (D - RI) Class I (202) 224-2921
Wicker, Roger F.- (R - MS) Class I (202) 224-6253
Wyden, Ron- (D - OR) Class III (202) 224-5244

Call every Senator with this simple message "I Applaud The Courageous Vote In The House to Block The Paulson Proposal. I expect you to do the same. It is time to look at other alternatives."

Senate Fax List

Targeted Senate Fax List.

Sen. Richard Shelby (R) 202-224-3416 or 202-224-5137 (try both not sure which is correct)
Sen. Harry Reid (D) 202-224-7327
Sen. Jim DeMint (R) 202-228-5143
Sen. John Ensign (R) 202-228-2193
Sen. Jim Bunning (R) 202-228-1373
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R) 202-224-6020
Sen John McCain (R) 202-228-2862

Sen. Barack Obama 202-228-4260
Sen. John D. Rockefeller 202-224-7665
Sen. Dianne Feinstein 202-228-3954
Sen. Ron Wyden 202-228-2717
Sen. Evan Bayh 202-228-1377
Sen. Barbara Mikulski 202-224-8858
Sen. Bill Nelson 202-228-2183
Sen. John Kerry 202-224-8525
Sen. Daniel Inouye 202-224-6747
Sen. Hillary Clinton 202-228-0282

Complete Senate Fax List

US Senate List

Note: the Fax number appears twice. Look above for phone numbers.

This list is MetroFax Compatible

To Use In MetroFax

1) Clip it
2) Open up notepad or Excel
3) Save it as a .CSV file
4) Upload it to metrofax

First Name,Last Name,Company,Voice Number,Fax Number

Congress,B. Evan Bayh (S),Congress,2022281377,2022281377
Congress,Barack Obama (S),Congress,2022285417,2022285417
Congress,Barbara Boxer (S),Congress,2022240454,2022240454
Congress,Barbara Mikulski (S),Congress,2022248858,2022248858
Congress,Ben Nelson (S),Congress,2022280012,2022280012
Congress,Bill Nelson (S),Congress,2022282183,2022282183
Congress,Blanche Lincoln (S),Congress,2022281371,2022281371
Congress,Byron Dorgan (S),Congress,2022241193,2022241193
Congress,Carl Levin (S),Congress,2022241388,2022241388
Congress,Charles Grassley (S),Congress,2022246020,2022246020
Congress,Charles Schumer (S),Congress,2022283027,2022283027
Congress,Christopher Dodd (S),Congress,2022241083,2022241083
Congress,Chuck Hagel (S),Congress,2022245213,2022245213
Congress,Daniel Inouye (S),Congress,2022246747,2022246747
Congress,Daniel Akaka (S),Congress,2022242126,2022242126
Congress,Debbie Stabenow (S), Congress,2022280325,2022280325
Congress,Dianne Feinstein (S),Congress,2022283954,2022283954
Congress,Edward Kennedy (S),Congress,2022242417,2022242417
Congress,Elizabeth Dole (S),Congress,2022241100,2022241100
Congress,Frank Lautenberg (S),Congress,2022284054,2022284054
Congress,GeorgeVoinovich (S),Congress,6144697733,6144697733
Congress,Gordon H. Smith (S),Congress,2022283997,2022283997
Congress,Harry Reid (S),Congress,2022247327,2022247327
Congress,Herbert Kohl (S),Congress,2022249787,2022249787
Congress,Hillary Clinton (S),Congress,2022280282,2022280282
Congress,James Inhofe (S),Congress,2022280380,2022280380
Congress,Jeff Bingaman (S),Congress,2022242852,2022242852
Congress,Jeff Sessions (S),Congress,2022243149,2022243149
Congress,Jim Bunning (S),Congress,2022281373,2022281373
Congress,Jim Demint(S),Congress,2022285143,2022285143
Congress,John Cornyn (S),Congress,2022282856,2022282856
Congress,John E. Sununu (S),Congress,2022284131,2022284131
Congress,John Ensign (S),Congress,2022282193,2022282193
Congress,John F. Reed (S),Congress,2022244680,2022244680
Congress,John Forbes Kerry (S),Congress,2022248525,2022248525
Congress,John McCain (S),Congress,2022282862,2022282862
Congress,John R. Thune(S),Congress,2022285429,2022285429
Congress,John Warner (S),Congress,2022246295,2022246295
Congress,Johnny Isakson (S),Congress,2022280724,2022280724
Congress,Jon Kyl (S),Congress,2022242207,2022242207
Congress,Joseph Biden (S),Congress,2022240139,2022240139
Congress,Joseph Lieberman (S),Congress,2022249750,2022249750
Congress,Judd Gregg (S),Congress,2022244952,2022244952
Congress,Kay Hutchison (S),Congress,2022240776,2022240776
Congress,Ken Salazar (S),Congress,2022285036,2022285036
Congress,Kent Conrad (S),Congress,2022247776,2022247776
Congress,Lamar Alexander(S),Congress,2022283398,2022283398
Congress,Larry E. Craig (S),Congress,2022281067,2022281067
Congress,Lisa Murkowski (S),Congress,2022245301,2022245301
Congress,Maria Cantwell (S),Congress,2022280514,2022280514

Congress,Mark Pryor (S),Congress,2022280908,2022280908
Congress,Mary Landrieu (S),Congress,2022249735,2022249735
Congress,Mel Martinez (S),Congress,2022885171,2022885171
Congress,Michael D. Crapo (S),Congress,2022281375,2022281375
Congress,Michael Enzi (S),Congress,2022280359,2022280359
Congress,Mitch McConnell(S),Congress,2022242499,2022242499
Congress,Norm Coleman (S),Congress,2022241152,2022241152
Congress,Olympia Snowe (S),Congress,2022241946,2022241946
Congress,Orrin Hatch (S),Congress,2022246331,2022246331
Congress,Pat Roberts (S),Congress,2022243514,2022243514
Congress,Patrick Leahy (S),Congress,2022243479,2022243479
Congress,Patty Murray (S),Congress,2022240238,2022240238
Congress,Pete Domenici (S),Congress,2022280900,2022280900
Congress,Richard Durbin (S),Congress,2022280400,2022280400
Congress,Richard Lugar (S),Congress,2022280360,2022280360
Congress,Richard Shelby (S),Congress,2022243416,2022243416
Congress,Robert Bennett (S),Congress,2022241168,2022241168
Congress,Robert Byrd (S),Congress,2022280002,2022280002
Congress,Ron Wyden (S),Congress,2022282717,2022282717
Congress,Russ Feingold (S),Congress,2022242725,2022242725
Congress,Sam Brownback (S),Congress,2022281265,2022281265
Congress,Saxby Chambliss (S),Congress,2022240103,2022240103
Congress,Susan M. Collins (S),Congress,2022242693,2022242693
Congress,Ted Stevens (S),Congress,2022242354,2022242354
Congress,Thomas R. Carper (S),Congress,2022282190,2022282190
Congress,Tim P. Johnson(S),Congress,2022285765,2022285765
Congress,Tom Harkin (S),Congress,2022249369,2022249369
Congress,Wayne Allard (S),Congress,2022246471,2022246471
Congress,Debbie Stabenow (S), Congress,2022280325,2022280325
Congress,Dianne Feinstein (S),Congress,2022283954,2022283954
Congress,Edward Kennedy (S),Congress,2022242417,2022242417
Congress,Elizabeth Dole (S),Congress,2022241100,2022241100
Congress,Frank Lautenberg (S),Congress,2022284054,2022284054
Congress,GeorgeVoinovich (S),Congress,6144697733,6144697733
Congress,Gordon H. Smith (S),Congress,2022283997,2022283997
Congress,Harry Reid (S),Congress,2022247327,2022247327
Congress,Herbert Kohl (S),Congress,2022249787,2022249787
Congress,Hillary Clinton (S),Congress,2022280282,2022280282
Congress,James Inhofe (S),Congress,2022280380,2022280380
Congress,Jeff Bingaman (S),Congress,2022242852,2022242852
Congress,Jeff Sessions (S),Congress,2022243149,2022243149
Congress,Jim Bunning (S),Congress,2022281373,2022281373
Congress,Jim Demint(S),Congress,2022285143,2022285143
Congress,John Cornyn (S),Congress,2022282856,2022282856
Congress,John E. Sununu (S),Congress,2022284131,2022284131
Congress,John Ensign (S),Congress,2022282193,2022282193
Congress,John F. Reed (S),Congress,2022244680,2022244680
Congress,John Forbes Kerry (S),Congress,2022248525,2022248525
Congress,John McCain (S),Congress,2022282862,2022282862
Congress,John R. Thune(S),Congress,2022285429,2022285429
Congress,John Warner (S),Congress,2022246295,2022246295
Congress,Johnny Isakson (S),Congress,2022280724,2022280724
Congress,Jon Kyl (S),Congress,2022242207,2022242207
Congress,Joseph Biden (S),Congress,2022240139,2022240139
Congress,Joseph Lieberman (S),Congress,2022249750,2022249750
Congress,Judd Gregg (S),Congress,2022244952,2022244952
Congress,Kay Hutchison (S),Congress,2022240776,2022240776
Congress,Ken Salazar (S),Congress,2022285036,2022285036
Congress,Kent Conrad (S),Congress,2022247776,2022247776
Congress,Lamar Alexander(S),Congress,2022283398,2022283398
Congress,Larry E. Craig (S),Congress,2022281067,2022281067
Congress,Lisa Murkowski (S),Congress,2022245301,2022245301
Congress,Maria Cantwell (S),Congress,2022280514,2022280514
Congress,Mark Pryor (S),Congress,2022280908,2022280908
Congress,Mary Landrieu (S),Congress,2022249735,2022249735
Congress,Mel Martinez (S),Congress,2022885171,2022885171
Congress,Michael D. Crapo (S),Congress,2022281375,2022281375
Congress,Michael Enzi (S),Congress,2022280359,2022280359
Congress,Mitch McConnell(S),Congress,2022242499,2022242499
Congress,Norm Coleman (S),Congress,2022241152,2022241152
Congress,Olympia Snowe (S),Congress,2022241946,2022241946
Congress,Orrin Hatch (S),Congress,2022246331,2022246331
Congress,Pat Roberts (S),Congress,2022243514,2022243514
Congress,Patrick Leahy (S),Congress,2022243479,2022243479
Congress,Patty Murray (S),Congress,2022240238,2022240238
Congress,Pete Domenici (S),Congress,2022280900,2022280900
Congress,Richard Durbin (S),Congress,2022280400,2022280400
Congress,Richard Lugar (S),Congress,2022280360,2022280360
Congress,Richard Shelby (S),Congress,2022243416,2022243416
Congress,Robert Bennett (S),Congress,2022241168,2022241168
Congress,Robert Byrd (S),Congress,2022280002,2022280002
Congress,Ron Wyden (S),Congress,2022282717,2022282717
Congress,Russ Feingold (S),Congress,2022242725,2022242725
Congress,Sam Brownback (S),Congress,2022281265,2022281265
Congress,Saxby Chambliss (S),Congress,2022240103,2022240103
Congress,Susan M. Collins (S),Congress,2022242693,2022242693
Congress,Ted Stevens (S),Congress,2022242354,2022242354
Congress,Thomas R. Carper (S),Congress,2022282190,2022282190
Congress,Tim P. Johnson(S),Congress,2022285765,2022285765
Congress,Tom Harkin (S),Congress,2022249369,2022249369
Congress,Wayne Allard (S),Congress,2022246471,2022246471

Fax List For All Congress

You can get a list of fax numbers for all congressional representatives in MetroFax Compatible Fax List For All Congress.

Fax Now!
Call Now!

In addition to the new campaign, please follow up by thanking or chastising your House Representative as explained in The Bailout Failed: What's Next?

Your help is appreciated.
We did it once, we can do it again!

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Environmental sketch process, step by step

Environmental sketch process, step by step. It's some kind of a hole or a tunnel.

This one is just a quick practice study sketch to find some cool composition, shape and lighting, and get my hand warm up. It didn't really turn out like how I want to...too many miss strokes and unnecessary attempt to put things in, but I show you guys any way.

Here is a final sketch: This would also be somewhat a three point perspective but clumsy one. :)

Here are step by step quick sketch of industrial tunnel of some sort.
3) Attempt to put some kind of hoover craft in there, but fail...so I change it to the final version up on top.

Relate topics:
-One point perspective environment sketch for artists
-Two point perspective environment sketch for artists
-Three point perspective enviroment sketch for artists.

Drawing Software & Tools I used and recommended:
-Genius MousePen 6x8
-Wacom Intuos3 6X8 Pen Tablet
-Bamboo (Small) Pen Tablet (new from Wacom!)
Economy for everyone.
-Gimp (Free Download)
-Adobe Photoshop CS2 (Professional software)
*You can just use pencil, paper, markers on this one...just practice rendering.

New tutorials:
-Draw comics woman sitting on a chair.
-Draw Manga jump action movement
-Draw Manga punch action movement
-Draw blue hair anime girl with bunny
-Drawing Creature concept Drider Queen design part 1
-Face Tutorial, Manga fat guy villain character.
-Composition lesson for artists, rules of thirds.

Environmental Concept Sketch Tutorial
Face Constructed: How to draw faces
Character Design Tutorial Download
-Draw and Paint Women Body Tutorial II: Female Manga Fusion II
-Character Design Tutorial: Dark Valkyrie

** If you have any basic questions or specific please looked up Q/A section. Most of the time your questions has already been answered in Q/A.

If you need any help or support you can
-post questions or comment on the post (seems to be the fastest way to get response)

Kodak EasyShare M1033

Kodak EasyShare M1033

The good: Solid photo quality for its class; well-rounded if rudimentary feature set; slim, sturdy body; simple operation.

The bad:
Lackluster video; only a three-shot burst.

The bottom line:
Kodak's EasyShare M1033 is a better-than-average budget ultracompact.

Digital camera type: Ultracompact; Resolution: 10 megapixels; Optical zoom: 3 x; See full specs

At first glance the 10-megapixel Kodak EasyShare M1033 is a fairly basic budget pocket camera. It's basic at second, third, and well, every subsequent glance, too. But that's the M1033's greatest asset: it's a simple-to-operate, stylish ultracompact camera that takes good--occasionally excellent--pictures without much thought from the user. It won't blow you away with features and performance, but it doesn't disappoint either.

Measuring 2.3 inches tall by 3.7 inches wide by 0.8 inch deep, the M1033 slides easily into a back pocket, and at 5.2 ounces, it won't weigh you down, either. The camera's mostly metal body comes in six colors--black, silver, pink, copper, red, and gray--feels sturdy, and has a clear-cut design, so you can hand the camera to anyone and let them shoot away.

Buttons for the shutter, power, flash, and mode selections are on top, flush with the body, adding to the camera's streamlined looks. On back is a 3-inch LCD that's bright enough to remain visible in sunlight. A relatively large rocker zoom switch for the 3x 35-105mm-equivalent f3.1-5.7 lens is well positioned to the top left of the screen. Below it sits a five-way joystick for navigating menus and for the playing of images and video. That's flanked by Delete, Playback, Menu, and Kodak's standard Share button, which lets you tag an image to be printed or e-mailed the next time the camera is connected to a computer.

Powering on to first shot takes 1.7 seconds on average and typically takes the same amount of time from shot to shot. Using the flash adds nearly a second to that. Shutter lag is very good for its class at only 0.4 second in bright conditions and 0.9 in dim. Burst mode offers only a three-shot spurt in approximately 1.4 seconds. It's important to note that if you let it--by pressing the shutter button completely rather than halfway and waiting for a focus confirmation--the M1033 will take a picture without locking focus. This does let you capture images extremely quickly, but they'll frequently be blurry.

Press the Mode button and you get four options: Smart Capture, Program, Scene, and Video. Smart Capture mode integrates scene and face detection, optimized auto ISO, and a broader dynamic range among other things, so you truly don't have to worry about a setting to take a decent picture. This mode also applies Kodak's PerfectTouch technology to help improve detail and contrast. In general this system works, producing fine photos regardless of subject or lighting conditions. Which is good, since the camera always starts in Smart Capture, regardless of your settings at power off.

The M1033 also has 22 Scene modes you can switch to in seconds. These include standards like portrait and landscape as well as things like in-camera panorama (left to right and right to left), candle light, panning, and blur reduction. The Program mode gives you slightly more control for exposure compensation and metering, color (natural, low, black and white, sepia), white balance, and ISO. It's nice to have, though I'm not sure it's wholly necessary.

Again, the M1033 is capable of shooting some very nice photos for its class, though more often they're a mixed bag. Like most budget models, the Kodak performs best in bright sunlight. Overall, colors are pleasing, though white balance is quite inconsistent. For example, when shooting a mix of plants, the colors would shift depending on which plant was the subject. There's also some serious vignetting--darkening around the edges--and modest distortion at the camera's widest angle.

Lastly, one of the hyped features on the M1033 is its 720p (1,280x720) video recording at up to 30fps. However, the HD-recording performance was a little disappointing. The picture is good, but my results display some stuttering when panning, and while you can zoom while recording, focusing is slow and you could hear it working in the recorded audio. Exposure control seems to be a bit of an issue, too. The image stabilization can't be turned on when recording at 1,280x720, either (you'll have to drop to 640x480, since electronic image stabilization requires the extra pixels to do its work). The moral: if you are considering buying this to shoot handheld HD clips longer than 30 seconds, don't.

The Kodak EasyShare M1033 might not be overflowing with features or staking major performance claims, but it is a respectable budget ultracompact with good looks and simple operation. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T77

Kodak EasyShare M1033

Like mobile phones, music players, PDAs and other modern high-tech gadgets, compact digital cameras tend to get slimmer and lighter with every passing year. Today I�m taking a look at the slimmest camera I�ve seen so far, the new Cyber-shot DSC-T77. At just 15mm thick and with a shooting weight of 151g it sets a new benchmark for ultra-compact cameras.

Launched in August this year, the T77 is a 10.1 megapixel, 4x zoom ultra-compact that features optical image stabilisation and a 3.0-inch touch-screen monitor. Like all of the models in Sony�s style-conscious T-series it has a sliding front panel that serves as both a lens cover and the main power switch. It shares a lot of its features and functions with the earlier Cyber-shot T70 an 8.1-megapixel, 3x zoom model, launched late last year and currently selling for around �150.

Any high-spec luxury ultra-compact will inevitably be compared with something from Canon�s IXUS range. Perhaps the closest match would be the 10MP, 5x zoom IXUS 970 IS (�210), but that camera is much larger and heavier. A better fit is the new Nikon CoolPix S60. The S60 has a 10MP sensor, a touch-screen interface and optical image stabilisation, but has a 5x zoom lens. It also sells for around �250, which actually makes the Sony look reasonably priced at �210

There�s no denying that the T77 is a very cool looking gadget. Everyone to whom I showed it was impressed by its slim body, elegant styling and solid build quality. It is available in a wide range of colours including silver, black (shown here), pink, brown or bright green. Despite its low weight the camera�s body is made of steel and is exceptionally well built. The sliding front cover is solidly mounted and feels very secure, and when closed it provides good protection for the lens and flash.

T700 and T77 available in New Zealand

T700 and T77 available in New Zealand

Sony's ultra-slim T-series Cyber-shot digital camera range gets another couple of additions.

DSC-T700 captures and displays it all on a 4GB internal album
With a 4GB internal memory, creative display options, in-camera retouching and a 3.5-inch widescreen extra-fine LCD screen, the T700 may be better described as a 'portable photo album with a powerful inbuilt camera.'

All pictures can be stored by date and in themed folders to make them really easy to track down. It's also simple to upload images to favourite image sharing websites via the PC Sync and Easy Exporter functions.

The T700 features up to 10.1 mega pixel image capture, a 4x optical zoom, Optical SteadyShot, Carl Zeiss lens, and Sony's Face Detection and Smile Shutter technologies.

DSC-T77 is one of the slimmest cameras on the scene
Weighing just 151g with accessories, the T77 Cyber-shot is 15mm at its widest point making it an unobtrusive addition to a pocket or handbag on a night out with the pals.

Available in five colours (metallic black, silver, green, pink and brown), the DSC-T77 Cyber-shot features 10.1 effective mega pixels, a Carl Zeiss 4x optical zoom lens and Sony's BIONZ image processor for fast capture of detailed images.

This camera also has many automatic settings to get only the best images when you want a portrait on the spur of the moment or even a close-up of a fast-moving subject, such as Intelligent Scene Recognition, Smile Shutter, Face Detection, Anti-blink and Optical SteadyShot technologies.


VALHALLA, N.Y., September 29, 2008 � FUJIFILM U.S.A., Inc., a leader in flash media products, today introduced four new Secure Digital (SD) cards, extending its trusted brand of flash memory. Meeting the higher consumer demand for high resolution picture-taking and video capabilities, the Fujifilm SD cards will provide faster speeds and flexibility for customers. The SD cards will be available in the following high quality formats, in compliance with SD Card Association standards:

* Secure Digital � 1 GB SD, 2 GB SD
* Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) � 4 GB SDHC, 8 GB SDHC, 16 GB SDHC
* Micro Secure Digital � 1 GB, 2 GB
* Micro Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) � 4 GB, 8 GB

The Fujifilm SD cards will also come in brightly colored, customer-friendly packaging, specially designed with easy to understand graphics ensuring that customers choose the cards best suited for their needs and devices. Features include prominently displayed capacity numbers (both on the packaging and the card), and color-coded formats: SD (Blue), SDHC (Red), Micro SD (Magenta), and Micro SDHC (Orange).

"We've found that there is a growing customer demand in the marketplace for higher capacity cards, as more users take video as well as higher-resolution photos with their digital cameras," said James Avato, vice president, Electronic Imaging Division, Fujifilm U.S.A., Inc. "And our new compact packaging design makes it even easier for customers to obtain the best possible flash media for their devices."

The cards will be available in October 2008. For more information, please visit: www.fujifilmusa.com.

FUJIFILM U.S.A. Inc. is a marketing subsidiary of FUJIFILM Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, providing digital and analog photographic Imaging Systems, Recording/Storage Media and Motion Picture Film products and services to consumers, professionals and businesses. For more information on Fujifilm U.S.A. products, customers can call 800-800-FUJI or visit www.fujifilmusa.com. To receive news and information direct from Fujifilm U.S.A. via RSS, subscribe free at www.fujifilmusa.com/rss.

FUJIFILM Corporation (NASDAQ:FUJI) brings continuous innovation and leading-edge products to a broad spectrum of industries, including electronic imaging, photofinishing equipment, medical systems, life sciences, graphic arts, flat panel display materials, and office products, based on a vast portfolio of digital, optical, fine chemical and thin film coating technologies. The company was among the top 15 companies around the world granted U.S. patents in 2007, employs more than 70,000 people worldwide and in the year ended March 31, 2008, had global revenues of $24.7 billion. Fujifilm is committed to environmental stewardship and good corporate citizenship. For more information, please visit www.fujifilmholdings.com.


VALHALLA, N.Y., September 29, 2008 � FUJIFILM U.S.A., Inc., a leader in flash media products, today introduced four new Secure Digital (SD) cards, extending its trusted brand of flash memory. Meeting the higher consumer demand for high resolution picture-taking and video capabilities, the Fujifilm SD cards will provide faster speeds and flexibility for customers. The SD cards will be available in the following high quality formats, in compliance with SD Card Association standards:

* Secure Digital � 1 GB SD, 2 GB SD
* Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) � 4 GB SDHC, 8 GB SDHC, 16 GB SDHC
* Micro Secure Digital � 1 GB, 2 GB
* Micro Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) � 4 GB, 8 GB

The Fujifilm SD cards will also come in brightly colored, customer-friendly packaging, specially designed with easy to understand graphics ensuring that customers choose the cards best suited for their needs and devices. Features include prominently displayed capacity numbers (both on the packaging and the card), and color-coded formats: SD (Blue), SDHC (Red), Micro SD (Magenta), and Micro SDHC (Orange).

"We've found that there is a growing customer demand in the marketplace for higher capacity cards, as more users take video as well as higher-resolution photos with their digital cameras," said James Avato, vice president, Electronic Imaging Division, Fujifilm U.S.A., Inc. "And our new compact packaging design makes it even easier for customers to obtain the best possible flash media for their devices."

The cards will be available in October 2008. For more information, please visit: www.fujifilmusa.com.

FUJIFILM U.S.A. Inc. is a marketing subsidiary of FUJIFILM Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, providing digital and analog photographic Imaging Systems, Recording/Storage Media and Motion Picture Film products and services to consumers, professionals and businesses. For more information on Fujifilm U.S.A. products, customers can call 800-800-FUJI or visit www.fujifilmusa.com. To receive news and information direct from Fujifilm U.S.A. via RSS, subscribe free at www.fujifilmusa.com/rss.

FUJIFILM Corporation (NASDAQ:FUJI) brings continuous innovation and leading-edge products to a broad spectrum of industries, including electronic imaging, photofinishing equipment, medical systems, life sciences, graphic arts, flat panel display materials, and office products, based on a vast portfolio of digital, optical, fine chemical and thin film coating technologies. The company was among the top 15 companies around the world granted U.S. patents in 2007, employs more than 70,000 people worldwide and in the year ended March 31, 2008, had global revenues of $24.7 billion. Fujifilm is committed to environmental stewardship and good corporate citizenship. For more information, please visit www.fujifilmholdings.com.

Sony World Photography Awards 2009

� Collaboration with The Prince�s Rainforests Project
� Environment is central theme of this year�s awards
� Student programme to span six continents

A major new initiative, in association with The Prince�s Rainforests Project (PRP), was announced on Monday 22 September, at the launch of the second annual Sony World Photography Awards 2009 - a truly global competition which honours both professional and amateur photographers.

Speakers at the launch at the Seippel Gallery in Cologne included Scott Gray, Managing Director of the Sony World Photography Awards, James Kennedy, General Manager of Marketing Communications at Sony Europe, Vanessa Winship, winner of the 2008 I�iris d�or and Briony Mathieson from The Prince�s Rainforest Project. Also speaking were Ruth Eichhorn, Director of Photography, GEO Magazine and photographer and President of Magnum Photos, Stuart Franklin.

In addition to the 12 categories for professional photographers and the nine categories for amateurs, the Sony World Photography Awards are delighted to announce the partnership with The Prince�s Rainforests for the PRP Awards which complements this year�s theme of the environment.

Professional photographers will be submitting their portfolios in the hope of being selected for a fully-funded project to document the rainforest regions of the world. Amateur photographers will also be invited to submit their images for a global awareness campaign, using photography to educate and inform.

Also new to this year�s awards:

* An extended university programme which has grown from 10 universities in Europe in the inaugural year of the awards to 60 universities across six continents. The brief for this year�s student competition is to produce one image which highlights a single environmental issue specific to their country.

* The Festival @ The Sony World Photography Awards: a week-long festival of photography that takes place throughout the city of Cannes. Through talks, seminars, screenings, networking events, book signings and many other programmes and events, The World Photography Awards have created a programme for the photographic community to participate and network through. The Festival @ SWPA is also creating a new annual cultural event for the general public and all who enjoy contemporary art.

* A new category list for professional photographers spreading across the three photographic genres - photojournalism and documentary, commercial and fine art

* The introduction of the Sony Campaign Award for amateur photographers, which joins together a global obsession for football with the enthusiasm and passion of photography. Amateur photographers are invited to enter the Campaign Award with a single image that captures the beauty and spirit of football in unexpected places, with the winner having the chance of being one of the photographers used in Sony�s forthcoming digital imaging 2009 campaign work.

* A global touring exhibition - Discovering a World of Images - showcasing images by the 2008 winners and finalists which through the course of a year will visit Belgium; Cologne; Tokyo; Delhi; New York; Singapore; Rio de Janeiro; Moscow and Melbourne.

The Sony World Photography Awards welcome submissions from every corner of the world. Last year � the first year of the awards � over 70,000 entries were received from 178 countries. For both professional and amateur photographers, the categories cover a broad range of subjects from photojournalism to sport, architecture to fashion, offering an all-encompassing competition for the photographic world.

Now, in just their second year, the awards have grown to become much more than an awards programme. It is a mix of festival events, exhibitions, award schemes and student programmes throughout the year. In April 2009 the WPA will host Festival @ The Sony World Photography Awards, a week-long celebration of photography at the Palais des Festival in Cannes attended by some of the most influential names in the photography industry from around the world. The highlight of the week is the awards ceremony gala dinner when the winners in all the categories will be honoured and the Sony World Photography Awards Photographer of the Year will be announced.

Through its many initiatives, the Sony World Photography Awards aim to unite the international photographic community.

Vanessa Winship, winner of the 2008 I�iris d�or comments: �In its in augural year, Sony World Photography Awards have provided an opportunity for me to have had my work judged by some of the photographers whose own work I most respect and admire. In an industry as competitive as my own I was delighted to have been singled out with this series of portraits. I am not a new photographer, but this award has certainly assisted in allowing new audiences to see my work, an important and necessary aspect to anyone working in a visual medium.�

World Photographic Academy

The awards are judged by the World Photographic Academy which today comprises close to 100 of the world�s leading photographers including Elliott Erwitt, Mary-Ellen Mark, Susan Meiselas, Bruce Davidson and Tom Stoddart; gallery owners; picture agencies; international Guilds; picture editors; critics and publishers. Their role is to promote excellence in photography and set the standard for award selections.

Key dates


22 September Professional and amateur categories open for submissions

9 October Global tour opens in Tokyo

31 October Student Focus participating universities announced

25 November WPA Judges announced

2 December Global tour opens in New York

31 December Closing date for professional and amateur categories


24 February Amateur and professional awards shortlist announcement

3 March Student Focus winners� announcement

17 March Amateur and professional winners� announcement

14-19 April Festival @ The Sony World Photography Awards - exhibitions and events in Cannes

16 April Sony World Photography Awards gala evening and ceremony
Notes to Editors:

� The Sony World Photography Awards (WPA), launched in 2007, lend a global platform for the photographic industry and community. Through a variety of international programmes including a week-long photography festival, an online magazine, a gallery, an international student programme and a touring exhibition, the WPA continually discovers new talent and creates avenues through which to reward photographers with the support and expertise of industry professionals

� Scott Gray, Managing Director of the WPA, is available for interview

� The WPA website - http://www.worldphotographyawards.org now features an online magazine and gallery. It also includes comprehensive information about the awards, the categories,
a current list of World Photographic Academy members, and key dates

� Images from the 2008 awards are available via the website�s press centre

� The l�iris d�or in 2008 was awarded to Vanessa Winship

� About the Prince�s Rainforests Project
While some rainforest nations are already working to reduce deforestation, developing countries cannot solve the problems alone as it is the demand from the developed world for products such as palm oil, beef and soya that is driving deforestation. Many organizations are working to find ways to address the problem and to pay the rainforest nations for the vital services which they provide. PRP intends to act as a bridge to facilitate dialogue between these interests and to identify and develop practical solutions.

PRP�s objectives are to find a way to:
� Establish true economic values for the services provided by the rainforests;
� Identify possible sources of finance to pay for those services; and
� Develop efficient and equitable transfer mechanisms, alongside the necessary technical and institutional capabilities that may be required, to ensure that the funds aimed at conserving rainforests also contribute to improving local people�s livelihoods in the long-term.

PRP is being assisted by a Steering Group comprising business leaders from Barclays, BSkyB, Climate Exchange Plc, Deutsche Bank, Finsbury, Goldman Sachs, KPMG, McDonald�s, Man Group plc, Morgan Stanley, Rio Tinto, Shell, Sun Media Group as well as key figures from the World Bank, Coalition for Rainforest Nations and the Global Canopy programme.

For more information please contact Briony Mathieson, Prince�s Rainforests Project, tel: 020 7024 5678 or Dr Arlo Brady Freud Communications, tel: 020 3003 6433

For more information contact:

Sony Europe Press Centre
e: presscentre@sony.eu

About Sony

Sony manufactures audio, video, communications and information technology products for the global consumer and professional markets. With its music, pictures, game and online businesses, Sony is uniquely positioned to be one of the world�s leading digital entertainment brands. Sony recorded consolidated global annual sales of EUR 55.44 billion (yen 8,871 billion) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008, based on an average market exchange rate for the same period of yen 160.0 to the EUR. It employs approximately 180,500 people worldwide.

In Europe, the Sony Group recorded consolidated annual sales of EUR 12.73 billion (yen 2,328 billion) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2008. Sony Europe, headquartered at the Sony Center am Potsdamer Platz in Berlin, is responsible for the company's European electronics business and registered consolidated sales of EUR 9.55 billion for the same period.
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