Recap Of Fed Sponsored Facilities
- The TAF (Term Auction Facility) failed to restore liquidity.
- The TSLF (Term Securities Lending Facility) failed to restore liquidity. See The Fed's Swap Meet for more on the TSLF.
- The PDCF (Primary Dealer Credit Facility) will be the next "facility" to fail. See Fed Fails To Halt Debt Meltdown for more on the PDCF.
Perhaps one can argue they expect the Fed to start printing, or the Fed will have to start printing once the crappy collateral the Fed is taking for the above swaps and bailouts heads south, but until that happens, let's not say the Fed is printing when in fact they are doing the opposite, at least on a permanent basis.
The last 9 Permanent Open Market Operations, all this month, have been "draining" actions (the opposite of printing). A "printing" action is an Outright Purchase. A "draining" action is an Outright Sale.
Permanent Operations
Operation Date: 03/26/2008Of course the Fed conducts temporary open market operations as well. On that score, a repo is a temporary injection of cash and a reverse repo is a draining action. "Temporary" is typically overnight to 28 days while "Permanent" is months or longer.
Operation Type: Outright Bill Sale
Release Time: 10:45 AM
Close Time: 11:10 AM
Settlement Date: 03/27/2008
Maturity/Call Date Range: 05/01/2008 - 05/15/2008
Total Par Amt Accepted (mlns) : $9,000
Total Par Amt Submitted (mlns) : $30,285
Operation Date: 03/25/2008
Operation Type: Outright Bill Sale
Release Time: 10:30 AM
Close Time: 10:55 AM
Settlement Date:03/26/2008
Maturity/Call Date Range: 05/22/2008 - 06/12/2008
Total Par Amt Accepted (mlns) : $11,999
Total Par Amt Submitted (mlns) : $41,194
Operation Date: 03/24/2008
Operation Type: Outright Coupon Sale
Release Time: 10:45 AM
Close Time: 11:10 AM
Settlement Date:03/25/2008
Maturity/Call Date Range: 06/30/2011 - 09/30/2011
Total Par Amt Accepted (mlns) : $5,001
Total Par Amt Submitted (mlns) :$12,289
Operation Date: 03/20/2008
Operation Type: Outright Coupon Sale
Release Time: 10:44 AM
Close Time: 11:05 AM
Settlement Date:03/24/2008
Maturity/Call Date Range:02/15/2011 - 05/31/2011
Total Par Amt Accepted (mlns) : $4,957
Total Par Amt Submitted (mlns) :$9,884
Operation Date: 03/19/2008
Operation Type: Outright Bill Sale
Release Time: 10:18 AM
Close Time: 10:45 AM
Settlement Date: 03/20/2008
Maturity/Call Date Range: 06/12/2008 - 07/31/2008
Total Par Amt Accepted (mlns) : $14,999
Total Par Amt Submitted (mlns) : $53,672
Operation Date: 03/17/2008
Operation Type: Outright Coupon Sale
Release Time: 10:55 AM
Close Time: 11:30 AM
Settlement Date: 03/18/2008
Maturity/Call Date Range: 09/30/2009 - 01/31/2010
Total Par Amt Accepted (mlns) : $5,000
Total Par Amt Submitted (mlns) : $13,015
Operation Date: 03/17/2008
Operation Type: Outright Bill Sale
Release Time: 10:04 AM
Close Time: 10:30 AM
Settlement Date: 03/18/2008
Maturity/Call Date Range: 08/07/2008 - 09/11/2008
Total Par Amt Accepted (mlns) : $17,999
Total Par Amt Submitted (mlns) : $56,605
Operation Date: 03/12/2008
Operation Type: Outright Bill Sale
Release Time: 10:45 AM
Close Time: 11:15 AM
Settlement Date: 03/13/2008
Maturity/Call Date Range:05/08/2008 - 06/05/2008
Total Par Amt Accepted (mlns) : $15,001
Total Par Amt Submitted (mlns) : $57,065
Operation Date: 03/07/2008
Operation Type: Outright Bill Sale
Release Time: 10:31 AM
Close Time: 11:15 AM
Settlement Date: 03/10/2008
Maturity/Call Date Range: 05/08/2008 - 06/05/2008
Total Par Amt Accepted (mlns) : $10,000
Total Par Amt Submitted (mlns) : $52,595
Every time there is a huge repo the conspiracy crowd goes gaga because they forget to include expiring repos. Here is a table of Temporary Open Market Operations.
I am not going to add it all up even though some meticulously keep track of such changes. Instead I am going to point to a chart of base money supply.
Base Money As Of 2008-03-12

click on chart for sharper image
The above chart courtesy of the St. Louis Fed
Someone wake me up when the Fed starts printing to a significant degree. In the meantime let's not say the Fed is printing when it is perfectly clear the Fed is printing at close to a 0% rate.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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