Saturday, October 20, 2007

Olympus ME-1 Magnifier Eyecup review

If you have difficulty in resolving the focusing screen in your E-System viewfinder, the Olympus ME-1 magnifier eyecup could be the solution

Typical price: US$39, UK�35, EU�47

One aspect shared by the majority of DSLR cameras, and Four Thirds is no exception, is that the through-the-lens viewfinder experience isn't as big and bold as with 'full frame' 35mm film SLRs of old. On a Four Thirds camera this is because the lens projects an image circle just half the width a 35mm film. To preserve the brightness of the view through the reflex system, the apparent size of the viewfinder frame is limited.

Ian Burley

more : fourthirds-user


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