Friday, August 31, 2007

Canon Powershot SD850 IS compatability with Apple iPod Camera Connector

Question from Carl: Is the Canon Powershot SD850 IS compatable with an Apple iPod Camera Connector? Also, Is there a wide angle AND manual exposure features on a compact?

Answer from DeadWolfBones: Everything I've read on the subject indicates that the SD850 should play nicely with the iPod connector.

As for wide angle + manual features on a compact, this can be hard to find. Both Canon and Panasonic make models that come close, but they inevitably wimp out on the manual control aspect. I'm not sure that there's anything decent with this featureset in the SD850's size range, but there should be at least a few in the bigger (but still compact) realm of cameras like the A710 IS, etc.

Hope this helps!


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