Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ad Targeting on Google Search Engine

I wrote about Google and Behavioral Targeting extensively on this blog. Recently I found some examples of Targeting on Google Search engine and would like to share those with you.
Last Sunday I was looking at Keywords Report on Google Analytics for I saw a key phrase �bay area desi car buy� which drove few users to the site (Desi� is a term used by east Indians (India) to refer to each other). I got curious and went to Google to see where this site ranked on Google for this key phrase. As I was researching the keywords on Google, I noticed 3 types of paid ad targeting on Google Search Engine
1. Geo Targeting � Which we know that user allows it advertisers to do
2. In Session search targeting (I made up this term)
3. Combination of Geo and In-Session search targeting

I am going to show some screen shots that will show you these targeting in action

  1. Geo Targeting � I searched for �bay area car buy� (notice, I removed the word �desi� from the original query as it was not relevant to what I am going to show�.)

    1. Got paid ad related to my query �bay area car buy�

    2. I live in Seattle area and got an ad related to my geo-location as well.

  2. In-session Targeting - After seeing the above results I got curious about what other kind of targeting Google is doing so I changed my query to search for �Chicago Car Buy� and found

    1. A paid ads related my search query �Chicago Car Buy�.

    2. I also got paid ads related to my previous query �bay area car buy�.

    I confirmed that this was indeed happening by doing yet another search �Atlanta car buy�

  3. Combination of Geo and In-Session targeting - After my previous search on �Atlanta car buy� I went back to search again for �bay area car buy� and found
    1. An ad related to my query �bay area Car buy�

    2. An Ad related to my previous query �Atlanta Car buy�

    3. An ad related to my geo location �Seattle�

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