Nokia will set up a manufacturing facility for mobile devices in the county of Cluj in Romania. The company will invest an estimated EUR 60 million in the Cluj plant, which will be the company's 11th mobile device production facility globally. Nokia has decided to come up with the new factory in Romania to meet the increasing demand for mobile devices in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Nokia has selected Cluj as the location for the plant due to its availability of skilled labor, as well as its good inbound and outbound logistics connections. �As the global market leader for mobile devices, Nokia is committed to ensuring good product availability and smooth deliveries to important markets in Europe, the Middle East and Africa,� said Raimo Puntala, Senior Vice President for Nokia's Operations and Logistics in a statement to the press. Nokia's new facility in Cluj is located about 400 kilometers north-west of Bucharest. The process of setting up construction work at Cluj will begin in spring 2007 and production is expected to begin in the first half of 2008. Nokia will be looking to establish an industrial village in the area as well, enabling a number of key suppliers and partners to locate their operations there. Nokia has been developing its global manufacturing network to enhance competitiveness and provide excellent logistics services for its customers. The company has also expanded at its Reynosa plant in Mexico and its Dongguan plant in China, and ramped up production at the Chennai plant in India.
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