Thursday, February 1, 2007

Canon SD800 or Panasonic FX-50?

Question from Joan: I am confused if I should buy the Panasonic FX-50 or the Canon SD800. Can anyone help?

I want a wide angle lens. I am an artist, a sculptor, and shoot my own work for my own purposes and also I do interior design so I shoot rooms. I need it all pretty simple too.

Answer from Brenda: My choice would be the Canon SD800 based on the fact that you're going to get better quality images. Panasonic, who has wonderful lenses and great easy to use cameras, has some issues with electronics, and their higher megapixel cameras are just plain noisier (grainier) than the competition. Particularly if you plan on shooting indoors or in relatively low light, you will notice a difference in quality and the Canon wins.

The downside to the Canon is that it basically doesn't offer any manual control, while the FX50 does offer some. But you mentioned that you wanted things simple, so as long as you're happy with point and shoot, I think the SD800 will give you much better results for your purposes.


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