Monday, May 29, 2006

Monday, Monday

My weekly page update:
missing image - insitu3sm.jpg
Reford Gardens Pavilion by Atelier in situ.

The updated book feature is Openings Spaces: Design as Landscape Architecture, by Hans Loidl and Stefan Bernard.

Some unrelated links for your enjoyment:
Lee Bey: The Urban Observer
The new online home of the former Chicago Sun-Times architecture critic, former Deputy Mayor, current director of governmental relations to SOM, writer, lecturer, and man about town Lee Bey. (added to sidebar under chicago)

Two-part interview with Mike Davis
Geoff Manaugh at BLDGBLOG interviews Davis, the author of the most recent Planet of Slums but also the well-known City of Quartz and Ecology of Fear. Part one is above and part two is here.

Issue 2
The latest newsletter for Architecture, its biggest news being the upcoming vote by the US Conference of Mayors on a resolution calling for cities to adopt the 2030 Challenge (PDF link) for all city funded buildings.

International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Gardens
This year's prize is given to Val Bavona, "a short, rugged valley high in the mountains of Canton Ticino, Switzerland, an 'awesomely beautiful' place, gouged by the glacier, shaped by water and stone, in which a community (about a thousand people) has come to terms with the power and harshness of nature and over time has developed the ideas, the attitudes, the actions and the artefacts of human life when pushed to its limits." (via Pruned)


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