Monday, February 20, 2006

Monday, Monday

My weekly page update:
missing image - castelletti3sm.jpg
Bathhouse near Como, Italy by Marco Castelletti.

The updated book feature is Transmaterial: A catalog of materials that redefine our physical environment, edited by Blaine Brownell.

Some unrelated links for your enjoyment:
Chicago Furniture Now
Photographs from the DWR exhibition last week.

Ecole Paradis
"Photographs [by] Fernando Guerra served as the basis of a project by students at the Ecole Elementaire Paradis in Meulan. The exercise...lasted several weeks and involved a group of 25 nine-year-old students who took their first steps in photography with Fernando Guerra's images as a starting point."

Architecture Exchange
A new forum for architects, students, and the rest of the architectural community.


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