Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Images and Words

Some links for ya this fine Tuesday:
:: Beirut: a crossroads in the levant
Archleague's latest Worldview feature that includes the architect of last week's dose and a hell of a lot more. (via Archinect)

:: "America's Worst Catastrophe"
Gray Line Tours does the unthinkable. (via Archinect)

:: Union's Made
Libeskind's design for a condo tower in Union City, New Jersey. (via The Gutter)

:: Frank Gehry in the Simpsons
Looks like the episode finally made it to Australia. A transcription by David Teoh with visuals much sharper than mine.

:: Conceptual Forms
Hiroshi Sugimoto's photographs of plaster models of mathematical algorithms.

:: Javlog
Archinect editor Javier Arbona "shares a few web clippings, flickr findings, del.icio.us tags, occasional rants and raves, gossip and curio around post-urbanism topics." (added to sidebar under blogs::architecture)


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