Sunday, August 21, 2005

Receptacle for the Recyclable

Lynn Becker has the lowdown on AIA Chicago's Young Architect's Forum's competition for a recycling receptacle in Chicago. I strolled over to Daley Plaza after work to check out the 25 finalists. My favorite:

Missing image - YAF.jpg

Sure, it's goofy and looks like something out of a Pixar film, but it also integrates itself with the existing trash cans (some around the Loop and other parts of the city are different - nicer - but this scheme could be modified to fit onto those, too) and proposes reusing newspapers, over just recycling, their bundled masses poking from the green orb for easy grabbing. These are a couple good ideas that set it apart from the other schemes, ones that tended to be from the ground up and lacking in a sense of humor.


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