Thursday, June 9, 2005

Life Goes On

Kerry Skarbakka is an artist known for falling. Images of the artist falling from trees, buildings, ladders, you name it, have occupied him since 2002. In his latest undertaking, he will fall from the Museum of Contemporary Art's roof to its plaza. But unlike previous photos that only featured the artist, this "photo session" will incorporate onlookers.

Missing image - skarbakka.jpg

So, if ya wanna be in a picture - or see how he does it, like me - it all happens on Tuesday the 14th from 11:30 am to 5pm, with Skarbakka giving a talk at 5:30.

Update 06.10: Just noticed that the cover story on this week's Chicago Reader is Skarbakka's upcoming jump. And also I just found out that (finally) their Section 1 stories are now available in PDF format. So here it is.


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