Monday, December 20, 2004

Monday, Monday

My weekly page update:

Peregrine Winery in Otago, New Zealand by Architecture Workshop.

The updated book feature is StyleCity New York, by Alice Twemlow.

Some unrelated links for your enjoyment:


From a-matter's last newsletter:

Dear a-matter reader: After exactly five years, a-matter is coming to an end as a successful project of Sedus Stoll AG. In concrete terms, this means that no new information will be published on this platform and that editorial work has stopped. a-matter, however, will continue to be available as a library.

A great online journal that had a great run.

Atlas Amsterdam

Great searchable, zoomable, interactive map of Amsterdam. Highest zoom even shows buildings with house numbers! In Dutch, though intuitive and easy to use.

Before Sunset

Just saw Richard Linklater's latest over the weekend and have to say I was impressed. To me, much better than the previous Before Sunrise. Notable architecturally for one long scene on the Promenade Plantee in Paris, an inspiration for the High Line's reuse in NYC.


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