Rafael Vinoly's Business School at University of Chicago
Hayes Natatorium by DeStefano + Partners
Posts will resume Monday.
Have a Happy New Year!
Nest for Pale Male and Lola
A design by Dan Ionescu Architects of a nest support for the most famous hawks in the world. Includes an animated graphic of the design. (via Gothamist)
Powers of Ten
The classic film by Charles and Ray Eames. Includes an interactive poster that has informative links for further exploration.
Raising community involvement in the urban landscape.
As impressive as Gang's output has been, the most telling sign of her success is the stack of resumes that sit on a desk inside her firm's office. Many are from out-of-town architects, including some from overseas. Word about Gang and her firm is clearly spreading, as is word of Chicago's architectural revival after the largely dormant decade of the 1990s.
Yet our city is persistently soft. We see it like a raw encampment at the edge of the rocks, a camp for a navy vying to return to a place that has disappeared. So the camp is a permanent transience, the buildings or shelters like tents - of steel, chipboard, stucco, glass, cement, paper, and various claddings? - rising and falling in the glittering rhythm which is null rhythm, which is the flux of modern careers. At the centre of the tent encampment, the density of the temporary in a tantrum of action; on peripheries over silent grass of playing fields the fizzy mauveness of seed-fringe hovering. Our favourite on-ramp curving sveltely round to the cement bridge, left side overhung with a small-leafed tree that sprays the roof of our car with its particular vibrato shade. Curved velveteen of asphalt as we merge with the bridge-traffic, the inlet, the filmic afternoon. The city is a florescence of surface.
Excerpts From 2004 Summer-Movie Reviews That Also Describe Tom Morello's Guitar Work on the Debut Rage Against the Machine Album
Guide to Determine If You Are in a Jerry Bruckheimer Movie
Words to Know When Listening to German Industrial Music
Cruel Nicknames for Overweight Vampires
Sentences Containing Surfing Terms That May Be Uttered After Drinking Coffee on an Empty Stomach
What Not to Be in the Middle of When the Earthquake Comes
Rejected Names for Smokeless Tobacco Products
Things Which Smell Good, but Which Nevertheless Should Not Be Made Into Candle Scents
Things I'd Rather Do Than Go See Catwoman
Quotes From the Announcers of Wrestlemania XX Which Were, but Should Not Have Been, Meant in All Seriousness
Good Names for Vicious Dogs
If Charles Bukowski Had Written Children's Books
Major Hollywood Productions that Kill Off the Only, or Only Important, Black Character in the Film
Reasons You're No Longer Fit To Be an Architect
From a-matter's last newsletter:
Dear a-matter reader: After exactly five years, a-matter is coming to an end as a successful project of Sedus Stoll AG. In concrete terms, this means that no new information will be published on this platform and that editorial work has stopped. a-matter, however, will continue to be available as a library.
A great online journal that had a great run.
Atlas Amsterdam
Great searchable, zoomable, interactive map of Amsterdam. Highest zoom even shows buildings with house numbers! In Dutch, though intuitive and easy to use.
Before Sunset
Just saw Richard Linklater's latest over the weekend and have to say I was impressed. To me, much better than the previous Before Sunrise. Notable architecturally for one long scene on the Promenade Plantee in Paris, an inspiration for the High Line's reuse in NYC.
Chicago Then & Now
Similar to New York Changing, this Gapers Block photo essay by Luke Seemann compares photographs by Charles Cushman in the 1960's to the present day locations, side by side. It's amazing to see some places have changed very little (some views north of downtown and the north side) but others have disappeared (Maxwell Street). (via kegz)
Topping Out Ceremony
arcspace covers the topping out ceremony for Zaha Hadid's Ordrupgaard Extension (quite a mouthful) in Ordrup, Denmark. Site photos, sketches, and model views included. (via ArchNewsNow)
Elegant and Understated
Ada Lousi Huxtable gives her two cents on the MOMA expansion by Yoshio Taniguchi, from The Wall Street Journal.
Concrete You Can See Through
The latest material innovation that's creating quite a stir, concrete laced with fiber-optic cables isn't exactly see through but gives that impression. Light is transmitted via the fiber-optics, so light hitting one side of the concrete appears on the other, in effect like a reproduced image. It's something that has many "that would be cool" applications, though practical uses like post-911 security (bunker-like rooms with light coming through the walls!) may help speed up the material's use. But right now, it's too expensive for widespread application.
The Wandering Museum
A museum designed by Shigeru Ban to display photographs by Gregory Colbert will travel from one city to another via boat. But if you're reminded of Aldo Rossi's floating theater in Venice, you might be a bit disappointed, because it sounds like this large structure - made up of shipping containers and cardboard tubes - would be broken down and reassembled in each city it visits. So unfortunately archi-tourists won't have the chance to snap photos of a museum moving across the water.
Building Books: PA Press
Eleven questions for Ken Lippert, publisher at the Princeton Architectural Press,
Building Books: MIT Press
Eleven questions for Roger Conover, executive publisher at the MIT Press
Exporting Exurbia
Like the interviews above, another contribution by editor Mason White, this one a third installment of his "Notes on the State of American Architecture". Here, he looks at the recent opening of Wal-Mart near the ruins of Teotihuac�n in Mexico.
The Egg Has Landed
Schoolblogger bryan at Harvard GSD posts images of a puppet show held in an egg-like structure underneath the Carpenter Center, for the 40th anniversary of Le Corbusier's only stateside building.
NitroSecurity today announced its Integrated Switched-Infrastructure Security (ISIS) architecture, a new enterprise-wide security model that is the ...
CipherTrust, the leader in messaging security, today announced the Enterprise Messaging Security Architecture (EMSA) Alliance, an open, industry-wide ...
Jaguar plans common architecture for XJ and next S-Type models...information on the �80m savings planned by the closure of Browns Lane car assembly, an FT report of 2 December suggests a common architecture for Jaguar's ...
HP and Sun Microsystems should take note. Oracle has announced its "architecture of the future," and HP and Sun have been left off the plans. ...
IBM, Sony and Toshiba last week said they had booted up a prototype workstation based on the high-performance Cell processor architecture they are jointly ...
The multi-tiered architecture separates the CAD application's user interface from its core modeling engine, or design server, and data storage, facilitating ...
and so forth ...
Design Vanguard 2004
Architectural Record features eleven practices in its 2004 survey of the architectural cutting edge, including Plasma Studio from this week's dose above.
loud paper
"loud paper is now accepting submissions for its upcoming 'boring' issue...Designers are sexy and interesting. New forms are fabulous. Glossy magazines are the pinnacle of graphic excitement. The whole thing is an overwhelming gleam of glamour, bright lights and press junkets, except, of course, when it is not...Some aspects of architecture and design are just boring...For this issue we are collecting pieces that tackle supposedly-boring subjects with wit and insight..Deadline December 24." (via Archinect)
Fimoculous - Best of 2004
A compilation of "Best of" lists, in categories like film, books, art, etc. Ongoing. (via kegz)