Besides reminding me of a typically funny Simpsons moment (Colonel Leslie "Hap" Hapablap - voiced by R. Lee Ermey - as he intros the Springfield Air Show: "To fly! The dream of man and flightless bird alike,") the film reminded me of something I read in the RIBA Journal (free registration req'd) concerning a project in Barcelona by Swiss architects Herzog & De Meuron.
Winged Migration - The Forum - Winged Migration
The Forum, sited at the intersection of Via Diagonal and the city's ring road near the coast, is a huge, triangular building lodged in the ground at one end and raised at the other to create a new public space underneath. The blue, sponge-like object is covered with water, which the architects hope "will attract migrating birds en route to North Africa," according to RIBA Journal.
This quote is very refreshing to me, showing a considerate desire on the part of the architects to not only place their building in as close a harmony as possible with its surroundings, but moreso to improve upon the site for other creatures, including our fine-feathered friends.
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