Thursday, July 31, 2008

Meredith, Can Lehman Survive This?

This is one of those times when you know someone was not prepared for the question they were asked. Here's Maria Bartiromo with Meredith Whitney, executive director of equity research at Oppenheimer, discussing what's in store for the financial sector.

Meredith Whitney Future Of Financials

Click Here To Play

Maria Bartiromo:
Meredith, Can Lehman Survive This?

I umm
I think
I don't know
I don't know

It was a good interview, and also very much out of character for Meredith to be at a loss for words. Play the whole thing. It's a good listen.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Schwarzenegger Cuts Wages of 200,000 Workers

Just 11 days ago I wrote Schwarzenegger Needs To Face Reality: California Is Insolvent. Today, Schwarzenegger has decided to act.

In a budget impasse, Schwarzenegger orders cuts amid fiscal crisis.
With California's cash dwindling and legislators still debating a new budget, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger eliminated thousands of part-time and temporary state positions Thursday and ordered that 200,000 state workers receive the federal minimum wage.

"Today I am exercising my executive authority to avoid a full-blown crisis and keep our state moving forward," Schwarzenegger said. "This is not an action I take lightly."

Democratic and Republican lawmakers remain divided over how to close a $15.2 billion deficit, with Democrats favoring $8.2 billion in new taxes on corporations and the state's wealthiest residents. Republicans want a spending cap and oppose tax increases.

Schwarzenegger's finance team said of that total, just 10,300 would receive pink slips immediately.

Schwarzenegger also cited a 2003 California Supreme Court ruling allowing him to slash the pay of regular full-time employees when the state lacks a budget. By law, those workers must be paid at least the federal minimum wage of $6.55 an hour and will be reimbursed once a budget is approved.

The first paycheck to be affected by the minimum wage order would be the one state employees receive in early September, but state Controller John Chiang, a Democrat, sent a letter to Schwarzenegger on Thursday saying he will defy the order and issue employees their regular paychecks.

He said the governor's executive order was based on "faulty legal and factual premises." Chiang said the 2003 Supreme Court ruling did not specify the actual amount of the salary his office could pay state employees during a budget impasse.

The controller and the Republican administration also differ over the state's financial condition. Chiang maintains that California has enough money to meet all its expenses through September.
Legal Showdown?

Would Chiang really defy an executive order? It is unlikely to come to that. I expect some sort of resolution before September. Sadly Democrats want to raise taxes. The proper solution is to start firing people in mass. My thoughts from early in the year can be found in Mish's California Budget Proposal.

More recent thoughts can be found in Schwarzenegger To Slash State Workers' Pay Till Budget Passes.

But given that the legislature is extremely unlikely to do anything sensible, I think voters should take matters into their own hands and lower the salary of the Governor, all the state officers, including the state senate and congress. Another idea would be to float a proposition to increase the size of districts and eliminate 3/4 of the state legislators across the board. Something also needs to be done about "free" education and medical services that is causing California to be flooded will illegal aliens.

When push comes to shove there is always unlimited demand for "free" services. California needs to wake up as to what those services are costing. And leave it up to clowns like Chiang whose "solution" is to borrow more money. Sadly that is the mentality of most in Federal government positions as well.

Two days ago New York Governor Warns Of Economic Crisis.

The most stunning thing about Paterson's announcement is how rational it is. He is not begging Washington for handouts, asking for higher taxes, or praying for miracles.

The Right Mindset

  • Cutting spending
  • Learning to do with less
  • Austerity
  • Reduce the size of the government workforce
  • Reduce property taxes

It will be interesting to Paterson can follow through, but in California, Controller John Chiang has his head buried in the sand. California collectively has its head buried in the sand and that is why it has the biggest statewide budget mess in the first place.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

How to Paint using Photoshop, sketching woman tutorial, Pink Sorcerer.

Painting Demo in Photoshop, how to draw woman tutorial, Pink Sorcerer. Digital painting technique, lesson, digital painting basic principle for comics, concept design, manga, and anime or speedpainting, how to draw and paint portrait of a person, people, character video demo and step by step, quick visual concept illustration design. This digital painting demo shows you how to create speed concept art or establishing fast pace painting composition. The demo shows you how to quickly capture value (light and shadow) and color to present you conceptual illustration. Easy instruction how to draw and paint value to convey facial and body of human or female concept design and illustration: Step by Step concept design sketching and drawing internet lesson.

Here are step by step still images:





Final quick color sketch of the Pink Sorcerer.

Watch the video process tutorial, Digital painting in Photoshop Pink Sorcerer

Drawing Software & Tools I used and recommended:
-Genius MousePen 6x8
-Wacom Intuos3 6X8 Pen Tablet
-Bamboo (Small) Pen Tablet (new from Wacom!)
Economy for everyone.
-Gimp (Free Download)
-Adobe Photoshop CS2 (Professional software)
*You can just use pencil, paper, markers on this one...just practice rendering.

Face Constructed: How to draw faces
Archetypes Design Manga Characters Tutorial Download
Character Design Tutorial Download
Female Figure Fusion Vol.02 Tutorial Download

New tutorials:
-Manga tutorial, how to draw and color pirate girl.
-Drawing and Painting Blonde Girl with Double Pistols
-Painting tutorial, woman by the window
-Learn to paint woman portrait step by step.
-Digital painting tutorial, Sleeping Beauty speedpainting.
-Learn to draw render hair, digital painting technique
-How to draw female lips.
-Character Design tutorial Warrior Woman
-Figure tutorial, Drawing Man body or Male torso

Art resource:
-5 tips to improve drawing skill for artist.
-Basic Color Scheme for Artist, Monochromatic.
-Color temperature warm vs cool for artist.
-Basic Element of good design for artist.

Thanks for all overwhelming e-mails guys!!! Due to the high volume of e-mails and questions, I apologized that I cannot usually reply to you within a day or two. I will try my best to answer them all personally and get all the questions answer either by Videos or Post.

** you have any basic questions or specific and do not get my reply right away, please be patience. I usually answer them. In the mean time you can browse through all the Lables or Archives. Your questions may already be solves in one of these tutorials.

I will try to answer them all in time.

THANKs for stopping by, all your support and Subscribe to US for update

Weekly Claims at 5-Year High, GDP Revised Lower, Borrowing From Fed Soars

Tomorrow, the Nonfarm Payroll Numbers are out. I made my forecast last night ahead of today's numbers. My predictions can be found in July Payroll Playbook.

Weekly Claims

The Weekly Uninsurance Claims Report for the week ending July 26 is out. It is a disaster.
Seasonally Adjusted Data

In the week ending July 26, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 448,000, an increase of 44,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 404,000. The 4-week moving average was 393,000, an increase of 11,000 from the previous week's revised average of 382,000.

The advance seasonally adjusted insured unemployment rate was 2.5 percent for the week ending July 19, an increase of 0.2 percentage point from the prior week's unrevised rate of 2.3 percent.

Calculated Risk has some interesting charts in Weekly Claims Hit 5 Year High.

Recession Going To Widen, Deepen

Reality starting to set in: U.S. Recession May Have Begun in Last Quarter of 2007.
The U.S. economy may have slipped into a recession in the last three months of 2007 as consumer spending slowed more than previously estimated and the housing slump worsened, revised government figures indicated.

The world's largest economy contracted at a 0.2 percent annual pace in the fourth quarter of last year compared with a previously reported 0.6 percent gain, the Commerce Department said today in Washington. Growth for the period from 2005 through 2007 was also trimmed.

"We're in a recession," Allen Sinai, chief economist at Decision Economics Inc. in New York, said in a Bloomberg Television interview. "It's going to widen, it's going to deepen."

Nine of the 13 quarters under review were revised down, three increased and one was unchanged.

The largest downward revision was for the last three months of 2007, as the previously reported 2.3 percent gain in consumer spending was reduced by more than half, to 1 percent. Americans cut back on the use of electricity and gas as fuel bills soared.

"While everyone focuses on GDP, keep in mind that it is not the only barometer of economic activity," David Rosenberg, chief North American economist at Merrill Lynch & Co. in New York, said in a July 28 note to clients. Growth "is subject to huge historical revisions."

The four other factors that the NBER takes into account, Rosenberg said, peaked between October 2007 and February 2008. The NBER usually declares a recession has started between six to 18 months after it's begun, according to its Web site.
Pollyannas Need To Change Their Tune

All the Pollyannas need to change their tune. I am sticking with the tune I sung in Case for an "L" Shaped Recession.

By the way, that revision was buried on page 11 of the latest Advance GDP numbers out today. The first two quarters of 2008 are positive but I bet those get revised lower down the road. Furthermore, it does not take two consecutive quarters of negative GDP to call a recession as is widely believed.

The National Bureau of Economic Research, the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based arbiter of economic cycles, defines a recession as a "significant" decrease in activity over a sustained period of time. The declines would be visible in GDP, payrolls, production, sales and incomes.

Total Borrowings Of Depository Institutions Soar

click on chart for sharper image
The above Borrow Series Chart thanks to St. Louis Fed

Non-Borrowed Reserves

Following is a chart of Net Free or Borrowed Reserves of Depository Institutions.

click on chart for sharper image
The above NFORBRES Series Chart thanks to St. Louis Fed.

Never before in history have we seen charts like the above. Those are two more indications of an unsound financial system.

If you have not already seen it, I mentioned 25 indications of an unsound financial system in You Know The Banking System Is Unsound When....

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Zeiss ZF Lenses - High Performance For Nikon and Canon

In this era of plastic-barreled mass-produced lenses, the Zeiss ZF lenses stand out in sleekly-elegant fashion, with their beautiful and durable all-metal design. For the past year, I�ve used the entire Zeiss ZF lines extensively on both Canon EOS and Nikon, with outstanding results(see the diglloyd blog beginning June 2008). My Guide, Zeiss ZF Lenses, goes into depth on the lenses. This page captures my thoughts on this superb lens line. If you�d like specifications on weight, size, etc, please see the Zeiss web site; this review won�t go into that stuff. You might also want to see the Zeiss July 2008 Camera Lens News.

The unanswerable question that will invariably be asked is whether the Zeiss ZF lenses are �worth it��are they actually �better� than an equivalent Nikon or Canon lenses? There is no unequivocal answer to that question unless priorities are specified. Here are just a few of the considerations:

* Wide-open vs stopped-down sharpness and contrast throughout the frame;
* Ability to distinguish subtle tones, particularly in highlight or shadow areas;
* Color rendition, distinguishing fine nuances of color;
* Maximum aperture;
* Bokeh;
* Flare spots and veiling flare;
* Distortion;
* Automatic vs manual operation;
* Compatibility and ergonomics, especially focusing;
* Build quality;
* Cost.


more : photographyreview

Zeiss ZF Lenses - High Performance For Nikon and Canon

In this era of plastic-barreled mass-produced lenses, the Zeiss ZF lenses stand out in sleekly-elegant fashion, with their beautiful and durable all-metal design. For the past year, I�ve used the entire Zeiss ZF lines extensively on both Canon EOS and Nikon, with outstanding results(see the diglloyd blog beginning June 2008). My Guide, Zeiss ZF Lenses, goes into depth on the lenses. This page captures my thoughts on this superb lens line. If you�d like specifications on weight, size, etc, please see the Zeiss web site; this review won�t go into that stuff. You might also want to see the Zeiss July 2008 Camera Lens News.

The unanswerable question that will invariably be asked is whether the Zeiss ZF lenses are �worth it��are they actually �better� than an equivalent Nikon or Canon lenses? There is no unequivocal answer to that question unless priorities are specified. Here are just a few of the considerations:

* Wide-open vs stopped-down sharpness and contrast throughout the frame;
* Ability to distinguish subtle tones, particularly in highlight or shadow areas;
* Color rendition, distinguishing fine nuances of color;
* Maximum aperture;
* Bokeh;
* Flare spots and veiling flare;
* Distortion;
* Automatic vs manual operation;
* Compatibility and ergonomics, especially focusing;
* Build quality;
* Cost.


more : photographyreview

Olympus E-520 Review

As well as using the kit lenses for our tests, Olympus also gave us the opportunity to use the 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 Super Telephoto zoom lens (which is being offered by some retailers instead of the 40-150mm lens) to test the performance of the body-integrated image stabilisation system in the E-520 camera. Some sample shots are shown below. With each of the lenses we used, we estimate the built-in stabilisation system provided approximately three stops of shutter speed advantage over the E-420 (which lacks stabilisation).

Picture taken with the test camera were similar to those from the E-420, which isn't surprising as both cameras have the same sensor and image processing system. Test shots in outdoor lighting were bright and colourful although some highlight details were lost in very contrasty situations. Shadows tended to block up when the subject's dynamic range was wider than the sensor could handle.

Exposure metering was accurate provided light levels were reasonably high. However, long exposures at night were consistently slightly under-exposed, as were flash shots in low light levels. Autofocusing was also reasonably fast and accurate under most shooting conditions, although we had a couple of 'near misses' when using the 70-300mm lens at full extension to shoot fast-moving subjects. Hunting was negligible in low-light conditions.

The slight warm bias we observed in our test shots with the E-420 was also present in shots taken with the E-520 and Imatest revealed increased saturation in the red colour band. Interestingly, saturation was only marginally below the normal 100% level in our Imatest tests, which also revealed minor shifts in the purple/blue and cyan/green hues. Skin hues were very close to the mark and overall colour accuracy was above average, with a mean colour error of 7.17.

Imatest showed the resolution of the test camera to be higher than that of the E-420 we reviewed and figures from the centre of the image field were in line with our expectations for a 10-megapixel camera. However, both lenses suffered from edge softening. With the 14-42mm lens this was most noticeable at wide lens apertures and with shorter focal length settings. With the 40-150mm lens it was general across the focal length and aperture range.

Margaret Brown

more : photoreview

Olympus E-520 Review

As well as using the kit lenses for our tests, Olympus also gave us the opportunity to use the 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 Super Telephoto zoom lens (which is being offered by some retailers instead of the 40-150mm lens) to test the performance of the body-integrated image stabilisation system in the E-520 camera. Some sample shots are shown below. With each of the lenses we used, we estimate the built-in stabilisation system provided approximately three stops of shutter speed advantage over the E-420 (which lacks stabilisation).

Picture taken with the test camera were similar to those from the E-420, which isn't surprising as both cameras have the same sensor and image processing system. Test shots in outdoor lighting were bright and colourful although some highlight details were lost in very contrasty situations. Shadows tended to block up when the subject's dynamic range was wider than the sensor could handle.

Exposure metering was accurate provided light levels were reasonably high. However, long exposures at night were consistently slightly under-exposed, as were flash shots in low light levels. Autofocusing was also reasonably fast and accurate under most shooting conditions, although we had a couple of 'near misses' when using the 70-300mm lens at full extension to shoot fast-moving subjects. Hunting was negligible in low-light conditions.

The slight warm bias we observed in our test shots with the E-420 was also present in shots taken with the E-520 and Imatest revealed increased saturation in the red colour band. Interestingly, saturation was only marginally below the normal 100% level in our Imatest tests, which also revealed minor shifts in the purple/blue and cyan/green hues. Skin hues were very close to the mark and overall colour accuracy was above average, with a mean colour error of 7.17.

Imatest showed the resolution of the test camera to be higher than that of the E-420 we reviewed and figures from the centre of the image field were in line with our expectations for a 10-megapixel camera. However, both lenses suffered from edge softening. With the 14-42mm lens this was most noticeable at wide lens apertures and with shorter focal length settings. With the 40-150mm lens it was general across the focal length and aperture range.

Margaret Brown

more : photoreview

Olympus E-520 Review

A fully-fledged mid-range DSLR in a compact body, at an entry-level price � this is how one could distill the essence of the Olympus E-520 into one sentence. The new camera inherits the very well designed body, efficient handling and semi-professional feature set of its predecessor, and gains important capabilities such as wireless TTL flash control, Shadow Adjustment Technology and contrast-detect auto-focus in Live View. JPEG shooters will be delighted to learn that the default tone curve applied by the in-camera processing yields much more pleasing out-of-camera results, particularly with respect to the way specular highlights are rendered. RAW shooters will like the fact that the sensor has a wide dynamic range, even if they have to look beyond Olympus' own raw development solutions to extract the maximum out of it. Photographers who like to make big, detailed prints will be delighted to hear that the E-520, with the right Noise Filter setting applied, will retain most details right up to its highest sensitivity settings. Those interested in infrared photography will likely find it helpful that the camera's Live View Boost option makes it possible to frame and focus even with an R72 filter attached to the lens.

So, is the Olympus E-520 the perfect camera then? Well, not quite. The viewfinder � an important part of any SLR � is just as small as the one built into the E-510. I am pretty sure Olympus could have upped its magnification by sacrificing some brightness, but they have chosen not to. Similarly, they could have put a more versatile auto-focus system into the camera � the current system is fine as regards its speed and reliability, but it could use a couple more AF sensors, preferably of the cross type.

I personally enjoyed using the E-520 very much, and doubt it would disappoint anybody who decides to buy one after careful weighing of its strengths and weaknesses. The Olympus E-520 is a camera that I can recommend to beginners and enthusiasts alike, and I would not be too surprised to see it in the hands of a few pro photographers, either.

Zoltan Arva-Toth

more : photographyblog

Olympus E-520 Review

A fully-fledged mid-range DSLR in a compact body, at an entry-level price � this is how one could distill the essence of the Olympus E-520 into one sentence. The new camera inherits the very well designed body, efficient handling and semi-professional feature set of its predecessor, and gains important capabilities such as wireless TTL flash control, Shadow Adjustment Technology and contrast-detect auto-focus in Live View. JPEG shooters will be delighted to learn that the default tone curve applied by the in-camera processing yields much more pleasing out-of-camera results, particularly with respect to the way specular highlights are rendered. RAW shooters will like the fact that the sensor has a wide dynamic range, even if they have to look beyond Olympus' own raw development solutions to extract the maximum out of it. Photographers who like to make big, detailed prints will be delighted to hear that the E-520, with the right Noise Filter setting applied, will retain most details right up to its highest sensitivity settings. Those interested in infrared photography will likely find it helpful that the camera's Live View Boost option makes it possible to frame and focus even with an R72 filter attached to the lens.

So, is the Olympus E-520 the perfect camera then? Well, not quite. The viewfinder � an important part of any SLR � is just as small as the one built into the E-510. I am pretty sure Olympus could have upped its magnification by sacrificing some brightness, but they have chosen not to. Similarly, they could have put a more versatile auto-focus system into the camera � the current system is fine as regards its speed and reliability, but it could use a couple more AF sensors, preferably of the cross type.

I personally enjoyed using the E-520 very much, and doubt it would disappoint anybody who decides to buy one after careful weighing of its strengths and weaknesses. The Olympus E-520 is a camera that I can recommend to beginners and enthusiasts alike, and I would not be too surprised to see it in the hands of a few pro photographers, either.

Zoltan Arva-Toth

more : photographyblog

Olympus EVOLT E-520 Digital Camera Review

The E-520 is a camera that manages to package a significant number of excellent features and solid controls into a great body, but really let itself down in our performance testing. There�s one of the best Live View modes on the market (with auto focus), a good image stabilization system that�s built into the body, comprehensive presets and a high degree of customizability and control. However, the test results for noise levels, white balance and dynamic range were so poor that they dragged down an otherwise good camera.

If you don�t need Live View, you could save yourself $100 and get the Sony Alpha 200, which scored better in almost every category except color. Alternatively, the Canon Rebel XSi is only $100 more than the E-520 and outperformed it in every test. The XSi has a slightly less substantial feel in your hands, and lacks the Live View auto focus found in the E-520, but is a superior camera when it comes ot image quality. We admire the E-520 based solely on its features, handling, color accuracy and customizability, but the negatives are just too substantial.

Tim Barribeau

more : digitalcamerainfo

Olympus EVOLT E-520 Digital Camera Review

The E-520 is a camera that manages to package a significant number of excellent features and solid controls into a great body, but really let itself down in our performance testing. There�s one of the best Live View modes on the market (with auto focus), a good image stabilization system that�s built into the body, comprehensive presets and a high degree of customizability and control. However, the test results for noise levels, white balance and dynamic range were so poor that they dragged down an otherwise good camera.

If you don�t need Live View, you could save yourself $100 and get the Sony Alpha 200, which scored better in almost every category except color. Alternatively, the Canon Rebel XSi is only $100 more than the E-520 and outperformed it in every test. The XSi has a slightly less substantial feel in your hands, and lacks the Live View auto focus found in the E-520, but is a superior camera when it comes ot image quality. We admire the E-520 based solely on its features, handling, color accuracy and customizability, but the negatives are just too substantial.

Tim Barribeau

more : digitalcamerainfo

July Payroll Playbook

The July Employment Report from the BLS will be out on Friday. ADP has released its employment reports for July already. Let's take a look starting with The ADP National Employment Report.
Nonfarm private employment increased 9,000 from June to July 2008 on a seasonally adjusted basis, according to the ADP National Employment Report�. The estimated change in employment from May to June was revised up from a decrease of 79,000 to a decrease of 77,000.

This month�s employment gain was driven by growth in the service-providing sector which advanced 74,000. July employment in the goods-producing sector declined 65,000, while manufacturing employment declined 49,000, marking their twentieth and twenty-third consecutive monthly declines, respectively.

Two sectors of the economy hit hardest by recent problems in mortgage markets have been residential construction and financial activities related to home sales and mortgage lending. Today�s report suggests some lessening of the recent strain on employment in these industries.

In July, construction employment dropped 16,000. Though this was the twentieth consecutive monthly decline, and brings the total decline in construction jobs since the peak in August of 2006 to 350,000, it was one of the smallest declines in recent months. In addition, employment in financial activities rose 4,000 during the month.
Small Business Report

The ADP Small Business Report offers continuing evidence of the weak employment situation. Here are the Nonfarm Private Employment Highlights.
� Total employment: +9,000
� Small businesses: +50,000
� Medium businesses: -9,000
� Large businesses: -32,000
� Goods-producing sector: -65,000
� Service-providing sector: +74,000
� Manufacturing industry: -49,000

Small businesses represent payrolls with 1-49 employees
Medium businesses represent payrolls with 50-499 employees
Large businesses represent payrolls with more than 499 employees
July Is A Revision Month For BLS

Looking ahead to the report on Friday, it important to consider that January and July are revision months for the BLS. Guessing at what the Birth/Death Model revision will be is certainly fraught with danger, but I am going to go out on a limb anyway.

My guess the Birth Death revision will be -425,000 and the actual reported jobs number for July will be -178,000, with unemployment rising to 5.7%. If the jobs number is negative, it would be the 7th consecutive monthly contraction. These are the kind of guesses that can make one look silly but there they are.

I am also anticipating the first outright contraction in the service sector even with the strength that ADP is reporting in small businesses. Whatever that strength is, I expect it to be flooded by losses this month and next given this June 25th report: U.S. Retail Store Closures Are Flirting with Six-Year High.
Bannkrupt home furnishings retailer Linens 'n Things' disclosure this week that it plans to dispose of 120 locations is the latest burst in the retail sector's growing flood of store closings this year that has the industry's real estate disposition firms scrambling.

Home Depot recently said it would shut 15 existing stores this year and reduce the number of new store openings by almost half to 55. Then the Hilco Organization and Gordon Brothers Group, new owners of Sharper Image, announced that they will close all 86 of the chain�s remaining stores. And, Gap Inc. plans to close an unspecified number of stores while downsizing many of its remaining locations.

�You are going to see a lot more closings; we are not even close to the end,� says Graiser. �There are a few thousand more stores� coming on the market.
On top of that report Starbucks recently announced it will cut 600 stores. Looking ahead, note that Bennigan's Is Bankrupt, Faces Chapter 7 Liquidation.

In light of the above, I would expect the treasury market to react favorably to the jobs data (assuming of course my predictions don't look silly on Friday morning).

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Credit Crunch Reaches Critical Mass

Some might not recognize it, but Yes Virginia, There Is A Credit Crunch. Let's look at a few examples of the credit crunch in action.

Bloomberg is reporting MGM, Dubai Fall Behind on $3.5 Billion Loan for Las Vegas Plan.
MGM Mirage and Dubai World are late in raising as much as $3.5 billion for their $11.2 billion CityCenter project in Las Vegas because banks saddled with debt to casinos and hotels are wary of making new loans.

Deutsche Bank AG and Credit Suisse Group, the Zurich-based bank that advised Dubai World last year when it invested $5.1 billion in MGM, are among the holdouts, bankers with knowledge of the matter said. Funding was supposed to be completed by the end of June, MGM Chief Financial Officer Daniel D'Arrigo told analysts in May. President James Murren said Frankfurt-based Deutsche Bank has been part of every MGM loan since 1998.

"Wall Street firms are scrutinizing their extension of credit, particularly to the gaming industry, where the sentiment is pretty weak," said Michael Paladino, an analyst at Fitch Ratings in New York.

Building the 76-acre "city-within-a-city," designed by architects, including Norman Foster and Daniel Liebeskind, is costing Las Vegas-based MGM and Dubai about $100 million each per month, D'Arrigo said in May. MGM and Dubai World will raise at least $3 billion and may increase that to $3.5 billion to fund construction, MGM's Murren said on July 14.

Murren, 46, declined to comment on which banks have signed on for the deal or on its terms.
Title Companies Complain "Banks Deprived Us Of Cash"

Title companies are shutting down in Arizona, California, and Texas. Tonight's story is United Title of Texas shuts down statewide.
United Title of Texas has closed all its offices around the state, including six in the Houston area, because of financial troubles related to its Colorado-based parent company.

"This decision was precipitated by an unexpected, and in our opinion, unwarranted and unjustified act by our syndicate of banks, which deprived us of the cash we needed to sustain and to continue those operations," the Colorado company said in a memo to employees today.

United Title is a subsidiary of Mercury Cos., which owns title agencies in California, Colorado, Texas, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona. Mercury stopped funding operations in Arizona and California, as well.

"We have a lot of closings that are supposed to occur," Hilbun said. "If people miss closing dates, they can lose their loans. The ones today could be in jeopardy."
Earlier today I noted Financial Title Shuts Down. Here is the key snip:
"Financial Title Co., the largest real-estate title agent in Silicon Valley, has shut its doors as part of a closure of multiple offices and title companies by its parent, Mercury Cos. of Colorado. The decision follows a move by Mercury's lenders to pull their line of credit after Mercury failed to meet loan requirements."
We�re Saying No To Almost Everybody

And it was less than two weeks ago, I was reading an article called "What Credit Crunch?" My response can be found in We�re Saying No To Almost Everybody.

Unwarranted and unjustified deprivation of cash sure sounds like a credit crunch to me. Of course, banks would argue their actions were both justified and warranted.

Japanese Exports Hit By US Credit Crunch

Bloomberg is reporting Japan's Bonds May Advance on Economic Outlook.
Japan's factory output dropped 2 percent from May, surpassing a decline of 1.7 percent in a Bloomberg News survey of economists and the jobless rate climbed to 4.1 percent.

The economy probably contracted an annualized 0.4 percent last quarter ended June 30, economists estimate a report to show next month. Japan's biggest export markets have been hit by the credit crunch stemming from the U.S. housing recession, while higher prices at home have made consumers reluctant to spend.

Toyota Motor Corp. and Honda Motor Co., the nation's two largest automakers, this month cut sales forecasts for 2008 as global demand cools.
Mervyn's Seeks Bankruptcy

Yesterday, Mervyn's Filed Bankruptcy in a consumer spending slowdown.
Mervyn's LLC, the 59-year-old department-store chain, joined more than a dozen U.S. retailers that have filed for bankruptcy this year as consumers cut spending in the face of the credit crunch and higher oil prices.

It's the sixth bankruptcy in the past 12 months by a company owned by Sun Capital Partners Inc., a Florida-based investment firm.

Retailers that have sought court protection over the past year include Steve & Barry's LLC, Sharper Image Corp., Shoe Pavilion Inc., Levitz Furniture Inc. and Linens 'n Things Inc. Declining home values, tightening credit and rising energy costs have left U.S. consumers "tapped out," said Martin Bienenstock, a bankruptcy lawyer with Dewey & LeBoeuf in New York.

Sun Capital was part of a private-equity group that bought Mervyn's from Minneapolis-based Target for $1.65 billion in 2004. The Sun Capital holdings that have sought bankruptcy protection are Lillian Vernon Corp., Powermate Corp., Crafts Retail Holding Corp., Wickes Furniture Co. and Jevic Transportation Inc.
One Hell Of String For Sun Capital

Six bankruptcies at Sun Capital is quite the record. I talked about one of them earlier this year in Personal Side of Wickes Furniture Bankruptcy.

Falling Demand For Credit Ratings

In a credit crunch, where there is no intention of buying debt or making corporate loans, one might expect profits at credit rating agencies to fall. Indeed McGraw-Hill Profit Falls 23% as Ratings Demand Slumps.
McGraw-Hill Cos., the owner of Standard & Poor's, said second-quarter profit fell 23 percent as a slump in demand for new debt ratings overshadowed revenue gains in the education and investment services units.
In similar news Moody's Profit Falls Less Than Estimates on Job Cuts.
Moody's Corp.'s second-quarter profit fell less than analysts' estimated after the world's second- largest credit-rating company reduced the workforce and cut compensation to overcome a drop in demand for bond rankings.

Moody's Chief Executive Officer Raymond McDaniel sliced expenses 10 percent by eliminating more than 7.5 percent of the workforce and reducing compensation. Moody's and larger rival Standard & Poor's are finding ways to cut costs as the yearlong credit crunch stifles demand for credit ratings.

"The debt capital market, which is really our core business segment, is going through a very, very difficult time," said Mark Almeida, president of Moody's Analytics, on a management conference call today. "We have a number of customers who are exiting segments of the business and we have had some very large customers go completely out of business."
Credit Crunch Reaches Critical Mass

Businesses do not want to lend, consumers do not want to spend, financing approved projects (even large projects in supposedly "recession-proof" Las Vegas) is difficult. Unemployment is soaring, demand for credit ratings is dropping, there is no driver for jobs, the service sector is shot and that is going to put still more pressure on consumer discretionary spending and business borrowing.

The credit crunch is not only pervasive, it has now reached critical mass where it will start feeding on itself. The Fed is powerless to stop it.

Expect to see corporate bond yields soar and treasury yields to drop as the credit crunch picks up steam. Those looking for inflation can find it in their rear view mirror.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Today's archidose #227

, originally uploaded by kwikzilver.

"Smarties" student dormitory at Utrecht University in Utrecht, Netherlands by Architectenbureau Marles Rohmer (2008).

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Record Declines In Case-Shiller Home Index

The May S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices are now out.
New York, July 29, 2008 � Data through May 2008, released today by Standard & Poor�s for its S&P/Case-Shiller1 Home Price Indices, the leading measure of U.S. home prices, show annual declines in the prices of existing single family homes across the United States generally continued to worsen in May 2008.

For the second straight month, all 20 MSAs posted annual declines, nine of which are posting record lows and 10 of which are in double-digits. Both the 10-City Composite and the 20-City Composite are reporting record low annual declines.

click on chart for sharper image

Case-Shiller Declines Since Peak

The following charts were produced by my friend "TC" who has been monitoring Case-Shiller Data. Although individual cities topped at varying times, the top-10 and top-20 city composites peaked in a June-July 2006 timeframe.

Case-Shiller Declines Since Peak Current Data

click on chart for sharper image

Case-Shiller Declines Since Peak Futures Data

click on chart for sharper image

"TC" writes: I've included data available from the CME Futures market so your viewers can see when people are betting the downturn will end and how much lower it will go. The CME Futures market only trades the top 10 cities. The Futures Data shows projected price declines and the projected trough.

"TC" also monitors the California Association of Realtors (C.A.R.) data, and DQNews data. Inquiring minds will wish to take a look at C.A.R. Median Home Prices Down 37.7% In June for a detailed look at California.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Financial Title Shuts Down

The Business Journal is reporting Financial Title Co. shuts down in California.
Financial Title Co., the largest real-estate title agent in Silicon Valley, has shut its doors as part of a closure of multiple offices and title companies by its parent, Mercury Cos. of Colorado.

The decision follows a move by Mercury's lenders to pull their line of credit after Mercury failed to meet loan requirements, according to an e-mail from Jim Hilbun, president of United Title of Texas, which is also owned by Mercury.

"Mercury is closing all of its companies outside of Colorado, which includes Arizona, California, Oregon and Nevada," Hilbun told employees.

Workers were removing items before dawn on Wednesday from Financial Title's Pruneyard office in Campbell. A sign posted on the door said the office was closing and referred inquiries to First American, Financial's title policy underwriter, and to Mercury.

Sources who have spoken to Financial Title employees said the title company began closing its doors in Santa Clara County Tuesday night. Those sources said all employees have lost their jobs, and Financial's underwriter, First American Title Co., has been collecting open escrow files at the closed offices. They also say Financial Chief Executive Officer Ivy Anderson has resigned.

The abrupt move mirrors that of Financial's former sister company, Alliance Title Co., which also closed with almost no notice late last year. Former employees and landlords of Alliance have filed multiple lawsuits alleging they were not paid. Alliance declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Northern California federal court June 5.

Examiners representing the California Department of Insurance, which regulates and polices title-policy underwriters and agents, were on hand at all 57 Financial Title offices in the state Wednesday to ensure that escrow funds were properly handled and not stolen or lost, said Darrel Ng, press secretary for the agency.
Escrow Funds

Those examiners cannot ensure anything. All they can do is check whether or not escrow funds were properly handled and not stolen or lost. By the way, money cannot be lost. It can be applied to the wrong account. If I had any escrow funds at Financial Title Co., I would be very concerned right now.


The Sacramento Bee is reporting Citrus Heights title firm closes.
Ng said the state has examiners at each of Financial Title's 57 branches. Escrow files have been transferred to First American Title, and "it is our understanding that all escrow funds are intact," he said.

He said homebuyers might "experience a slight delay" in closing purchases and might have to sign additional paperwork because of the transition to First American. Purchasers can call First American at (925) 249-2819.

Employees were directed to call Mercury's Denver headquarters at (303) 572-9090.

Officials at Mercury Companies and Financial Title couldn't be reached for comment today. But, in a memo to employees, an executive with a Mercury subsidiary based in Texas said Mercury is closing all of its operations outside of Colorado because it's "running out of capital to support their operations."
Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Basic Color Schemes for artist, Monochromatic Color scheme.

Monochromatic Color scheme and its meaning. What is monochromatic.

The monochromatic color scheme uses variations in lightness and saturation of a single color. This scheme looks clean and elegant. Monochromatic colors go well together, producing a soothing effect. The monochromatic scheme is very easy on the eyes, especially with blue or green hues. You can use it to establish an overall mood. The primary color can be integrated with neutral colors such as black, white, or gray. However, it can be difficult, when using this scheme, to highlight the most important elements.

*Monochromatic is not Black and White (Gray-Scale values) which often mistaken. Black and white rendering is officially called Achromatic. Both are great for practicing rendering value, and contrast of the painting.

Pros: The monochromatic scheme is easy to manage, and always looks balanced and visually appealing. Great practice for values.
Cons: This scheme lacks color contrast. It is not as vibrant as the complementary scheme.


1. Use Values (tints, shades, and tones) of the key color to enhance the scheme.
2. Try the analogous scheme; it offers more nuances while retaining the simplicity and elegance of the monochromatic scheme.

This is monochromatic.

This is acromatic.
Hope that helps, my two cents.

Related Article:
-Basic Color Scheme for Artist, Monochromatic.
-Color temperature warm vs cool for artist.

More Art resource:
-How to pick pencils for drawing
-5 tips to improve drawing skill for artist.
-Basic Element of good design for artist.

New tutorials:
-Drawing and Painting Blonde Girl with Double Pistols
-Painting tutorial, woman by the window
-Learn to paint woman portrait step by step.
-Digital painting tutorial, Sleeping Beauty speedpainting.
-Learn to draw render hair, digital painting technique
-How to draw female lips.
-Character Design tutorial Warrior Woman
-Figure tutorial, Drawing Man body or Male torso

More full length PREMIUM video tutorials
Free  Videos      Download & More

Thanks for all overwhelming support and e-mails guys!!!

World Trade Talks Collapse

World trade talks collapse every year, and this year was no exception. What different this year is the accompanying disappointment and acrimonious exchanges between the US, India, and China. Let's follow a few headlines and see how the talks went.

Banana wars

On Thursday, July 17 the EU seeks key deal on fruit trade.
EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson said he would not block compromise proposals on the EU's controversial banana import tariffs. He warned that if others did, then they would "assume a grave responsibility for the failure of the Doha Round".

The WTO has repeatedly ruled in favour of Latin American banana exporters in a long-running dispute with the EU. They argue that the EU's preferential trade accords with poor African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries are discriminatory.
That anyone would risk a global trade agreement over bananas is pretty absurd in and of itself. However, having banana tariffs in the first place is also absurd. Consumers pay higher prices for bananas and literally no one wins except of course the subsidized banana grower.

EU offers 60% cut in farm tariffs

On Monday, July 21, optimism was running high when the EU offered 60% cut in farm tariffs to cut a deal.

Perhaps portending the eventual collapse "Canada's Trade Minister Michael Fortier said he hoped that any new deal would protect its dairy and poultry farmers from foreign competition."

Hope Springs Eternal On Last Throw Of The Dice

On Saturday, July 26, there was Hope of deal in world trade talks.
"There are still potential potholes in the road...But we are closer to a deal than we have been at any point in the last seven years," Peter Mandelson, EU trade commissioner, said. "What is emerging is a deal that is not perfect, not beautiful, but is good for the global economy and good for development."

The proposed settlement, brokered by Mr Lamy, calls for cutting limits of European farm subsidies by 80% and US payments by 70% to about $14.5bn.

"This is the last throw of the dice" said Peter Mandelson, EU trade commissioner.
Snake Eyes

On Tuesday, July 29, to the disappointment of all, the roll of the dice was snake eyes. The World trade talks end in collapse.
Marathon talks in Geneva aimed at liberalising global trade have collapsed, the head of the World Trade Organisation has said. The main stumbling block was farm import rules, which allow countries to protect poor farmers by imposing a tariff on certain goods in the event of a drop in prices or a surge in imports.

"There's no use beating around the bush, this meeting has collapsed," Mr Lamy said.

Analysts have said that the collapse of the Doha talks could symbolise an end to multilateral trade agreements. Instead, nations may pursue dual agreements with partner nations, preferring to focus on their own requirements rather than a more common negotiating goal.

Trade officials had struck an optimistic tone on Friday, but this evaporated over the weekend amid acrimonious exchanges with the US accusing India and China of blocking progress.

The US said they were being overly protective towards their own farmers and are failing to do enough to open their markets, with US trade representative Susan Schwab calling the stance "blatant protectionism".

"In the face of the global food price crisis, it is ironic that the debate came down to how much and how fast could nations raise their barriers to imports of food," she said.
The acrimony this year seems worse than ever. Repeatedly every country wants complete open access to exports while wanting some tariffs or restrictions on imports. There is plenty of blame that can be placed, especially on US and EU where farm tariffs, agricultural subsidies, and ethanol tariffs drive up costs and result in massive inefficiencies. However, when there was near agreement to end 70%-80% of the tariffs only to see talks collapse, everyone is a loser and everyone is to blame.

The solution is simple. The first country that removes all tariffs regardless of what anyone else does will be a big winner. I have one more point. Trade wars and protectionism are hallmarks of deflationary times. Indeed the Smoot Hawley Tariff Act significantly contributed to the severity of the Great Depression.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Samsung NV24 HD :: Compact Digital Cameras

The elegant 10.2 mega-pixel NV24HD represents the very best in compact camera technology. At the heart of the NV24HD is Samsung�s DRIM engine, the latest in image processor technology. The DRIM engine allows the camera to capture High Definition photos and movies through a crystal clear 24mm ultra wide angle lens, providing you maximum flexibility without sacrificing style

-10.2 Mega pixels
-High Definition Movie Recording
-720p Resolution @30fps, H.264 Movie File
-24mm Ultra Wide Angle, 3.6x Optical Zoom Schneider Lens

24mm Ultra Wide Angle
Technology so advanced,there are no competitors

Whether you�re indoors or out, snapping a landscape or friends around a table, the 24mm Ultra Wide Angle lens gives you a wider shooting range from a shorter distance and more flexibility for a greater variety of high quality options. The result Now you have the ability to capture images of beautiful landscapes and entire buildings from a very short distance not something you can do with a standard 35mm. The 24mm Ultra Wide Angle is a perfect marriage of advanced versatility with the convenience of a stylish compact camera.

See the difference with a better a true color

AMOLED technology has come of age with this amazing, bright and beautiful display. A wider 180� viewing angle, enhanced color reproduction, ultra-high contrast ratio, and quick near-zero millisecond response time are just some of the many advantages of this new, thinner, and better screen. Unlike standard LCDs, the bright 2.5� AMOLED screen reduces the glare from sunlight so you can see your images under any lighting condition. Add to that reduced image blurring and a broader color spectrum, and you�ll wonder why you ever considered an LCD screen in the first place.

Face Detection
The NV24HD has a built-in Face Detection feature that detects up to nine different faces, enabling you to take perfect portraits of friends and family. In addition to automatically adjusting focus and brightness to optimum levels, this feature also senses and removes red-eye.

Smile Shot
Never miss a smile again

Capturing a smiling subject could make the difference between a good shot and a great one. With Samsung's unique Smile Shot feature, you never have to worry about that again. Like many digital cameras on the market today, they're typically equipped with a face detection feature that properly locates the faces in your picture to help you take the best possible shot. The Smile Shot feature takes that one step further. While in Smile Shot mode, the camera helps you capture more smiles by shooting automatically when your subject laughs and smiles. So, you never miss a perfect smile.

Blink Detection
Making blinking a thing of the past

With the new Blink Detection technology from Samsung, there�s a good chance you�ll never take another bad picture again. Blink Detection prohibits you from taking a picture while the subject has his or her eyes closed. If the camera detects that the subject is blinking before the picture is taken, it automatically takes three shots in rapid succession to capture a picture while the eye is open. Once the shot is taken, Blink Detection will warn you in the event the subject is blinking again.

Self Portrait
Taking the perfect self portrait just got easier

With new face-detection software, the camera lets you know when you�re in the picture with a beep. So say goodbye to the difficulties that taking your own picture used to be, and say hello to great photos on the first try. Sophisticated face recognition algorithms eliminate the tedium of taking shots you do not like or can not use by making sure that your subject is well framed in the center of the picture and then letting you know it�s time to take your best shot.

Smart Touch
Innovative "Smart Touch" User Interface

Navigating complicated menu systems is a thing of the past! The brilliant Smart Touch user interface makes accessing menu functions and reviewing your images an absolute pleasure. This unique touch-sensitive system gives you easy, intuitive control over the camera, and the large 2.5" LCD gives you a great view every time.

Thanks ::


A Technological Breakthrough�World�s Longest Range 15X Zoom Lens Has Exclusive Built-In Vibration Compensation Mechanism Optimized for Consumer Digital SLR Cameras

Tamron Co., Ltd., under the leadership of Mr. Morio Ono, President, has announced the development of a unique ultra high power zoom lens�the Tamron AF18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC LD Aspherical (IF) MACRO (Model B003), the first(1) digital SLR lens in the world that delivers a remarkable zoom ratio of 15X (28-419mm equivalent) and is equipped with a highly effective Vibration Compensation (VC) mechanism. Designed exclusively for digital SLR cameras with APS-C sized image sensors(2) , the new lens delivers outstanding image quality over its entire zoom range and its exclusive VC anti-shake system facilitates sharp handheld photography even at the longest telephoto settings.

With its vast zoom-range, the Tamron AF18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC lens enables the user to cover virtually any photographic subject from wide angle to ultra telephoto simply by turning the zoom control. It covers angles of view equivalent to 28mm to 419mm when converted to the 35mm format(3) . In addition, this breakthrough lens is equipped with Tamron�s exclusive, proprietary tri-axial Vibration Compensation (VC) mechanism that eliminates or substantially reduces the effects of handheld camera shake. As a result, the user can enjoy the convenience of handheld photography in virtually any situation, from shooting candid images, to covering sporting events, to news photography, without worrying about camera shake having an adverse effect on image quality. The new lens will be made available in Canon and Nikon mounts. The price and launch date of the new lens will be announced at a later date.

(1) �The world�s longest zoom range� and �world�s first� are statements that apply to interchangeable lens exclusively designed for digital SLR cameras equipped with APS-C sized image sensors, as of June 2008, according to Tamron�s survey.
(2) Di (Digitally integrated) II lenses employ optical systems designed for exclusive use on digital SLR cameras equipped with smaller sized (APS-C sized) image sensors. Di II lenses are not designed for use with 35mm film cameras or digital SLR cameras with image sensors larger than 24mm x 16mm. (This special note �APS-C sized image sensors� is hereinafter omitted.)
(3) Tamron�s conversion value is 1.55X


Since launching the Tamron AF28-200mm F/3.8-5.6 (Model 71D) in 1992 that was highly acclaimed as the first high power zoom lens suitable for practical use, Tamron has continued to develop innovative zoom lenses as the �pioneer in high power zoom lenses�. With the AF18-200mm F/3.5-6.3 XI Di II (Model A14), Tamron realized an 11.1X zoom power for the first time in a zoom lens exclusively designed for digital SLR cameras and expanded the telephoto range further to 13.9X with the AF18-250mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II (Model A18), making steady progress in extending the range of high performance, high power zoom lenses.

Tamron�s engineers faced the even more formidable challenge of finding solutions for the problem of �handheld camera shake� while expanding the telephoto range even further and have eventually developed the AF18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC. This lens has attained the maximum zoom power of 15X for the first time in the world, namely as a zoom lens exclusively designed for digital SLR cameras. It enables the user to cover an extremely wide angle-of-view range equivalent to a 28mm-419mm lens in the 35mm format. In addition, the lens is equipped with Tamron�s original and exclusive VC mechanism that effectively compensates for �handheld shake�, which would otherwise become visible as un-sharpness or blur in images shot handheld. Moreover this system is effective over the extremely wide focal length range of this extended ultra telephoto lens and Tamron�s VC mechanism provides maximum compensation performance at all focal lengths. The VC system enables the user to enjoy the full benefits of ultra-tele photography comfortably and provides amazingly stabilized viewfinder images as well. In short, this unique VC image stabilization system delivers the maximum potential built into the world�s longest-ratio zoom lens�15X.

Tamron was able achieve all these remarkable accomplishments thanks to its advanced optical/mechanical design technologies and production know-how accumulated over 16 years as the pioneer in high power zoom lens design, and its commitment to ongoing research and development. Even more important, in combining an amazingly high zoom ratio along with the VC function Tamron has maintained a high priority on its traditional goals of lightness and compactness. As a result the new Tamron AF18-270mm Di II VC delivers all the functionality and performance you expect from the latest Tamron ultra high power zoom, a lens that exemplifies our time-honored concept of �One great lens covering everything from wide angle to telephoto�.
Product Name AF18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC LD Aspherical (IF) MACRO (Model B003)
Launching Date TBA
Price TBA


World�s first and greatest zoom ratio of 15X, covering 28-419mm 35mm-equivalent angle of view
Going back to the basic concept of �one lens covering everything from wide angle to telephoto,� engineers at Tamron took up the difficult task of expanding the zoom range of Tamron�s high power zoom lenses even further. Their unstinting efforts to extend the telephoto end beyond previous limits while retaining the wide-angle end at 18mm has borne fruit as an ultra high power zoom lens that is exclusively designed for DSLR cameras and boasts the greatest zoom range of 15X for the first time in the world.

Tamron�s original VC mechanism for effective shake-free hand-held photography
Tamron�s proprietary VC (Vibration Compensation) mechanism was built in the AF28-300mm F/3.5-6.3 Di VC (Model A20) for the first time. It demonstrated its powerful compensation effect employing a tri-axial system that is designed to let three coils drive a compensator lens electromagnetically via three steel balls. Since the compensator lens is supported on rolling steel balls with very low friction, follow-up performance is also enhanced, resulting in stabilized viewfinder images. Since the mechanism is designed to allow parallel shifting of the compensator lens solely by means of electrical control, the mechanical construction is simpler and more compact, so the lens can be kept as small and light as possible.

Designing a high power, compact zoom lens with VC mechanism: Optical design optimization meets optimum power distribution
In developing the long-range zoom lens, Tamron�s optical designers pursued the optimum distribution of power within the overall optical system based on the optical design know-how Tamron accumulated over 16 years since the introduction of the first compact AF28-200mm in 1992. The resulting optical system uses two LD (Low Dispersion) glass elements and three aspherical elements in order to effectively compensate for various aberrations including astigmatism, yet this design allows the first optical group to be small enough in diameter to realize the overall goal of a compact lens that incorporates a handheld-shake compensation mechanism.

Note: In order to realize the high zoom ratio of 15X, the optical system does not use any XR (extra dispersion glass) element. Instead, compactness is achieved through optimization of the power distribution within the whole optical system.

Minimum focusing distance of 19.3� over the entire zoom range for the max. mag. ratio of 1:3.5
The AF18-270mm Di II VC allows close focusing down to 0.49m (19.3 inches) from the subject over the entire zoom range even though it incorporates the VC mechanism. The maximum magnification ratio of 1:3.5(4) at its 270mm telephoto end is the top class capability among high power zoom lenses exclusively designed for digital SLR cameras.

(4) A format covered by an APS-C sized image sensor is smaller than that of 35mm format film. Therefore, this lens is capable of filling the frame by capturing an area that is almost the same as an area covered by a lens designed for the 35mm format and providing the maximum magnification ratio of 1:2.3.

Optical system optimized for digital SLR cameras by taking incident rays of light reaching the image sensor into consideration
In order to effectively compensate for changes in aberrations due to zooming, the zoom lens employs an innovative optical system that is designed to converge the angles of rays of light entering from the center to the periphery of the lens. The light rays thus reach the image sensor within a defined circle that assures high imaging performance and reduces light falloff.

High resolution performance
As a lens exclusively designed for digital SLR cameras, this zoom lens delivers high resolution and contrast performance for outstanding image quality with sufficient flatness of the field under an extremely wide range of photographic conditions.

Thorough countermeasures, including advanced internal surface coatings, prevent ghosting and flare
Tamron employs multi-layer coatings in order to reduce reflections on lens surfaces as well as internal surface coatings (coatings on the cemented surfaces of lens elements) in order to minimize reflections from the sensor itself within the mirror box, a problem inherent to all digital SLR cameras.

The world�s first and greatest zoom power of 15X plus built-in VC mechanism achieved along with a remarkably slim maximum diameter of less than 80mm
Designing a lens with the world�s first and greatest zoom ratio of 15X inevitably entailed a larger travel distance of the components within the optical systems, but Tamron has successfully accommodated the optical system as well as the special VC mechanism in a remarkably compact and slim package by employing mechanical design technology accumulated over many years. The result: A slim design measuring less than 80mm in diameter despite the fact that it is an ultra high power zoom lens that incorporates a VC mechanism. Production engineering this unique zoom lens meant incorporating complex optical/mechanical components, and Tamron�s engineers had to employ innovative manufacturing techniques including methods of further enhancing accuracy, reducing weight, and increasing the strength of many components.

Note: In order to achieve the world�s first and greatest zoom ratio of 15X, metal mounts are used in both Canon- and Nikon-mount lenses.

Zoom lock mechanism for convenience in carrying the outfit
The lens has a built-in zoom lock mechanism to prevent its barrel from sliding forward when the lens is being carried on the camera.

Flower-shaped lens hood as a standard accessory
The lens is supplied with a flower-shaped lens hood as a standard accessory. It is designed to efficiently cut harmful light entering at angles other than intended angles at all four corners of the frame. This ensures clear, flare-free images.

New outer design matches the newest generation high power zoom lens in the digital era
� The lens employs a new outer design that is more refined and smoother in its overall contours by minimizing concavity, convexity, and variations in profile in order to match the latest digital SLR cameras.
� A gold-colored metal ring is placed at a key portion of the lens as used in other Di II lenses. The �TAMRON� logo placed in the center portion of the lens enhances visibility of the brand while refining the overall design.
� Delicate matte finish is added to the black painting over the lens barrel in order to enhance the high quality appearance of the lens.
� The textured rubber pattern of the zoom and focus control rings has been improved again to a more pronounced, easy to grasp design than the conventional rubber pattern, for better feel and touch in manipulating the lens.


Tamron AF18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC LD Aspherical (IF) MACRO (Model B003)
Focal Length 18-270mm
Maximum Aperture F/3.5-6.3
Minimum Aperture F/22
Angle Of View 75�33� (equivalent angles of view when converted to 35mm)
Lens Construction 18 elements / 13 groups
MFD (Minimum Focus Distance) 0.49m (19.3�) (entire zoom range)
Diaphragm Blades 7
Filter Size �72mm
Overall Length 101.0mm/3.8"*
Maximum Diameter 79.6mm
Weight TBA
Max. Mag. Ratio 1:3.5 (at f=270mm, MFD 0.49m)
Standard Accessory Flower-Shaped lens hood
Compatible Mount Canon AF, Nikon AF-D

*specifications based on Nikon mount


A Technological Breakthrough�World�s Longest Range 15X Zoom Lens Has Exclusive Built-In Vibration Compensation Mechanism Optimized for Consumer Digital SLR Cameras

Tamron Co., Ltd., under the leadership of Mr. Morio Ono, President, has announced the development of a unique ultra high power zoom lens�the Tamron AF18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC LD Aspherical (IF) MACRO (Model B003), the first(1) digital SLR lens in the world that delivers a remarkable zoom ratio of 15X (28-419mm equivalent) and is equipped with a highly effective Vibration Compensation (VC) mechanism. Designed exclusively for digital SLR cameras with APS-C sized image sensors(2) , the new lens delivers outstanding image quality over its entire zoom range and its exclusive VC anti-shake system facilitates sharp handheld photography even at the longest telephoto settings.

With its vast zoom-range, the Tamron AF18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC lens enables the user to cover virtually any photographic subject from wide angle to ultra telephoto simply by turning the zoom control. It covers angles of view equivalent to 28mm to 419mm when converted to the 35mm format(3) . In addition, this breakthrough lens is equipped with Tamron�s exclusive, proprietary tri-axial Vibration Compensation (VC) mechanism that eliminates or substantially reduces the effects of handheld camera shake. As a result, the user can enjoy the convenience of handheld photography in virtually any situation, from shooting candid images, to covering sporting events, to news photography, without worrying about camera shake having an adverse effect on image quality. The new lens will be made available in Canon and Nikon mounts. The price and launch date of the new lens will be announced at a later date.

(1) �The world�s longest zoom range� and �world�s first� are statements that apply to interchangeable lens exclusively designed for digital SLR cameras equipped with APS-C sized image sensors, as of June 2008, according to Tamron�s survey.
(2) Di (Digitally integrated) II lenses employ optical systems designed for exclusive use on digital SLR cameras equipped with smaller sized (APS-C sized) image sensors. Di II lenses are not designed for use with 35mm film cameras or digital SLR cameras with image sensors larger than 24mm x 16mm. (This special note �APS-C sized image sensors� is hereinafter omitted.)
(3) Tamron�s conversion value is 1.55X


Since launching the Tamron AF28-200mm F/3.8-5.6 (Model 71D) in 1992 that was highly acclaimed as the first high power zoom lens suitable for practical use, Tamron has continued to develop innovative zoom lenses as the �pioneer in high power zoom lenses�. With the AF18-200mm F/3.5-6.3 XI Di II (Model A14), Tamron realized an 11.1X zoom power for the first time in a zoom lens exclusively designed for digital SLR cameras and expanded the telephoto range further to 13.9X with the AF18-250mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II (Model A18), making steady progress in extending the range of high performance, high power zoom lenses.

Tamron�s engineers faced the even more formidable challenge of finding solutions for the problem of �handheld camera shake� while expanding the telephoto range even further and have eventually developed the AF18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC. This lens has attained the maximum zoom power of 15X for the first time in the world, namely as a zoom lens exclusively designed for digital SLR cameras. It enables the user to cover an extremely wide angle-of-view range equivalent to a 28mm-419mm lens in the 35mm format. In addition, the lens is equipped with Tamron�s original and exclusive VC mechanism that effectively compensates for �handheld shake�, which would otherwise become visible as un-sharpness or blur in images shot handheld. Moreover this system is effective over the extremely wide focal length range of this extended ultra telephoto lens and Tamron�s VC mechanism provides maximum compensation performance at all focal lengths. The VC system enables the user to enjoy the full benefits of ultra-tele photography comfortably and provides amazingly stabilized viewfinder images as well. In short, this unique VC image stabilization system delivers the maximum potential built into the world�s longest-ratio zoom lens�15X.

Tamron was able achieve all these remarkable accomplishments thanks to its advanced optical/mechanical design technologies and production know-how accumulated over 16 years as the pioneer in high power zoom lens design, and its commitment to ongoing research and development. Even more important, in combining an amazingly high zoom ratio along with the VC function Tamron has maintained a high priority on its traditional goals of lightness and compactness. As a result the new Tamron AF18-270mm Di II VC delivers all the functionality and performance you expect from the latest Tamron ultra high power zoom, a lens that exemplifies our time-honored concept of �One great lens covering everything from wide angle to telephoto�.
Product Name AF18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC LD Aspherical (IF) MACRO (Model B003)
Launching Date TBA
Price TBA


World�s first and greatest zoom ratio of 15X, covering 28-419mm 35mm-equivalent angle of view
Going back to the basic concept of �one lens covering everything from wide angle to telephoto,� engineers at Tamron took up the difficult task of expanding the zoom range of Tamron�s high power zoom lenses even further. Their unstinting efforts to extend the telephoto end beyond previous limits while retaining the wide-angle end at 18mm has borne fruit as an ultra high power zoom lens that is exclusively designed for DSLR cameras and boasts the greatest zoom range of 15X for the first time in the world.

Tamron�s original VC mechanism for effective shake-free hand-held photography
Tamron�s proprietary VC (Vibration Compensation) mechanism was built in the AF28-300mm F/3.5-6.3 Di VC (Model A20) for the first time. It demonstrated its powerful compensation effect employing a tri-axial system that is designed to let three coils drive a compensator lens electromagnetically via three steel balls. Since the compensator lens is supported on rolling steel balls with very low friction, follow-up performance is also enhanced, resulting in stabilized viewfinder images. Since the mechanism is designed to allow parallel shifting of the compensator lens solely by means of electrical control, the mechanical construction is simpler and more compact, so the lens can be kept as small and light as possible.

Designing a high power, compact zoom lens with VC mechanism: Optical design optimization meets optimum power distribution
In developing the long-range zoom lens, Tamron�s optical designers pursued the optimum distribution of power within the overall optical system based on the optical design know-how Tamron accumulated over 16 years since the introduction of the first compact AF28-200mm in 1992. The resulting optical system uses two LD (Low Dispersion) glass elements and three aspherical elements in order to effectively compensate for various aberrations including astigmatism, yet this design allows the first optical group to be small enough in diameter to realize the overall goal of a compact lens that incorporates a handheld-shake compensation mechanism.

Note: In order to realize the high zoom ratio of 15X, the optical system does not use any XR (extra dispersion glass) element. Instead, compactness is achieved through optimization of the power distribution within the whole optical system.

Minimum focusing distance of 19.3� over the entire zoom range for the max. mag. ratio of 1:3.5
The AF18-270mm Di II VC allows close focusing down to 0.49m (19.3 inches) from the subject over the entire zoom range even though it incorporates the VC mechanism. The maximum magnification ratio of 1:3.5(4) at its 270mm telephoto end is the top class capability among high power zoom lenses exclusively designed for digital SLR cameras.

(4) A format covered by an APS-C sized image sensor is smaller than that of 35mm format film. Therefore, this lens is capable of filling the frame by capturing an area that is almost the same as an area covered by a lens designed for the 35mm format and providing the maximum magnification ratio of 1:2.3.

Optical system optimized for digital SLR cameras by taking incident rays of light reaching the image sensor into consideration
In order to effectively compensate for changes in aberrations due to zooming, the zoom lens employs an innovative optical system that is designed to converge the angles of rays of light entering from the center to the periphery of the lens. The light rays thus reach the image sensor within a defined circle that assures high imaging performance and reduces light falloff.

High resolution performance
As a lens exclusively designed for digital SLR cameras, this zoom lens delivers high resolution and contrast performance for outstanding image quality with sufficient flatness of the field under an extremely wide range of photographic conditions.

Thorough countermeasures, including advanced internal surface coatings, prevent ghosting and flare
Tamron employs multi-layer coatings in order to reduce reflections on lens surfaces as well as internal surface coatings (coatings on the cemented surfaces of lens elements) in order to minimize reflections from the sensor itself within the mirror box, a problem inherent to all digital SLR cameras.

The world�s first and greatest zoom power of 15X plus built-in VC mechanism achieved along with a remarkably slim maximum diameter of less than 80mm
Designing a lens with the world�s first and greatest zoom ratio of 15X inevitably entailed a larger travel distance of the components within the optical systems, but Tamron has successfully accommodated the optical system as well as the special VC mechanism in a remarkably compact and slim package by employing mechanical design technology accumulated over many years. The result: A slim design measuring less than 80mm in diameter despite the fact that it is an ultra high power zoom lens that incorporates a VC mechanism. Production engineering this unique zoom lens meant incorporating complex optical/mechanical components, and Tamron�s engineers had to employ innovative manufacturing techniques including methods of further enhancing accuracy, reducing weight, and increasing the strength of many components.

Note: In order to achieve the world�s first and greatest zoom ratio of 15X, metal mounts are used in both Canon- and Nikon-mount lenses.

Zoom lock mechanism for convenience in carrying the outfit
The lens has a built-in zoom lock mechanism to prevent its barrel from sliding forward when the lens is being carried on the camera.

Flower-shaped lens hood as a standard accessory
The lens is supplied with a flower-shaped lens hood as a standard accessory. It is designed to efficiently cut harmful light entering at angles other than intended angles at all four corners of the frame. This ensures clear, flare-free images.

New outer design matches the newest generation high power zoom lens in the digital era
� The lens employs a new outer design that is more refined and smoother in its overall contours by minimizing concavity, convexity, and variations in profile in order to match the latest digital SLR cameras.
� A gold-colored metal ring is placed at a key portion of the lens as used in other Di II lenses. The �TAMRON� logo placed in the center portion of the lens enhances visibility of the brand while refining the overall design.
� Delicate matte finish is added to the black painting over the lens barrel in order to enhance the high quality appearance of the lens.
� The textured rubber pattern of the zoom and focus control rings has been improved again to a more pronounced, easy to grasp design than the conventional rubber pattern, for better feel and touch in manipulating the lens.


Tamron AF18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC LD Aspherical (IF) MACRO (Model B003)
Focal Length 18-270mm
Maximum Aperture F/3.5-6.3
Minimum Aperture F/22
Angle Of View 75�33� (equivalent angles of view when converted to 35mm)
Lens Construction 18 elements / 13 groups
MFD (Minimum Focus Distance) 0.49m (19.3�) (entire zoom range)
Diaphragm Blades 7
Filter Size �72mm
Overall Length 101.0mm/3.8"*
Maximum Diameter 79.6mm
Weight TBA
Max. Mag. Ratio 1:3.5 (at f=270mm, MFD 0.49m)
Standard Accessory Flower-Shaped lens hood
Compatible Mount Canon AF, Nikon AF-D

*specifications based on Nikon mount

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